The Hancock-Henderson Hancock Quill, Inc Archives -
August 2014
August 6
16th Annual: "Rumble on Route 9" Brings Relics To La Harpe Classic Car Show Reunion
Kaitlyn Kane to represent County 4-H at Farm Bureau Master Showmanship Contest
The Wisdom Of Barnyard Bruke: "Good crop, The Two Bears, The Presumptuous Possum"
Take "The Quill" Along
Take "The Quill" Along
First Christian Church of Blandinsville - Serving God for 165 Years-
La Harpe City Council
Lightening Detection System Installed at West Central
Oquawkiek Car Show & Schuyler Street Stroll to be held Sept. 27
August 13
Meet Your Neighbor
Meet Your Neighbor
The Wisdom Of Barnyard Bruke: "Full Moon, Reflections on Tourists, Slow Dance"
Take "The Quill" Along
Take "The Quill" Along
Two More Added To Our Family Tree
County Board and Health Department continue insurance discussion
Board Discusses Profanity And Vandalism At Stronghurst Park
August 20
Meet Your Neighbor
Take "The Quill" Along
The Wisdom Of Barnyard Bruke: "Events-Big Crop-Nice Thoughts"
Take "The Quill" Along
Memorial Hospital to Acquire La Harpe Clinic
Hopeful Crowd Hear GOP's Choice for Governor
Village of Raritan August 14 Board Meeting
August 27
Meet Your Neighbor
Take "The Quill" Along
The Wisdom Of Barnyard Bruke: "Crop Condition, Sudden Death, Rain, Sale Bargains, Poker, Reunions & Cheerfulness"
Meet Your Neighbor
Take "The Quill" Along
Hancock County Board Considers Roof Replacement
City Council Discusses Work Projects, Cemetery Clean-up, City Development
Dr. Ben Carson's "One Nation" book signing tour delivers More than a signature
School Board Dicusses Sale of Stronghurst Lots