The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
At the August 20 meeting of the West Central CUSD #235, the board discussed the process that must be undertaken to sell the four lots owned by the district that are adjacent to the baseball field on the south campus in Stronghurst.
As a result of the discussion the board directed Mr. Grimm to proceed on the development of the necessary resolution for the board to approve to begin the process to sell the lots. The lots will be sold as a complete package and not as individual lots. They will establish a minimum bid price for the lots, advertise for bids and then conduct an auction with those who submit bids.
The meeting was called to order at 6 p.m. by Board President Brent, with all board members except Mrs. John present at roll call. Mrs. John entered the meeting at 6:15 p.m.
President Brent led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Under Good News, the following were highlighted:
" recognized and presented plaques to the six West Central High students for being Board of Education Academic Excellence Award recipients for the 2013-2014 school year. The following students earned this designation by achieving a perfect 4.0 Grade Point Average for the 2013-2014 school year: Brianna Akers, Somer Hill, Mallory Lafary, Dakota Parks, Audrey Vice and Taylor Rice. The members of the Class of 2014 who earned this recognition were presented their award during the Class of 2014 graduation ceremony last May.
" Randy Frakes was complimented on the job he is doing as District Athletic Director.
" The custodial and maintenance staff was thanked for their work over the summer making the buildings look good for the start of the school year.
" Nick Roark was thanked for taking time to take the Southern Class of 84 on a tour of the south campus building on a recent Sunday afternoon.
" Over 90% of the high school students were registered during registration.
" The 6th and 9th grade Jumpstart Programs were quite successful with very good attendance.
" The board was thanked for preparing and serving the luncheon on Teachers Institute Day.
" Lisa Johnson and Jackie Spence donated books for use in the Middle School classrooms.
" Lisa Lox wrote a grant and the grant was funded to support a program Mrs. Lox put together called Begging for Bunches of Books for Budding Bibliophiles . Mrs. Lox received 15 books for her classroom.
" approved the meeting agenda with the following
" Item X-B-Consider Approval of Lease for John Deere Utility Tractor
" Item XII-C-2013-2014 ISAT, PSAE, and ACT Scores for District #235
" Item XIV-B-Closed Session: Review of Closed Minutes
" Item XV-E-Action necessary relative to release of Closed Session Minutes
The board recognized Mr. Freeman Shoemaker who wished to address the board under agenda item XV-D.12 Consider Approval of Request to Allow a WCHS Student to Run Cross Country. Mr. Shoemaker addressed the board on this topic later in the meeting.
The board approved the Consent Agenda after pulling item X-I, Consider Approval of Revised Exempt Staff List from the Consent Agenda. Items then approved under the Consent Agenda included the following:
" The minutes of the July 16, 2014, Regular Meeting
" A financial gift from the Twomey Foundation.
" A revision to Board Policy 4:100 Operational Services Waiver of Student Fees that pertains to Driver Education classroom and the Behind-the-Wheel portion of the Driver Ed program.
" A quote for the replacement of certain windows at the district rental house.
" Charging participants to watch sixth grade sporting events.
" The architect s annual inspection report for district owned temporary buildings.
" A request to add a signatory to the Unit Office Imprest Fund
" The 2013 General Obligation Bonds Post-Issuance Tax Compliance Report
In other business the board:
" approved the payment of all bills as presented, the June and July building activity account reports and the July treasurer s report as presented. During this portion of the discussion, Mr. Grimm asked for and received permission from the board by consensus to close a Money Market account at Casey State Bank and to transfer those funds to another Money Market account with Wells Fargo.
" approved the revised exempt staff salary list.
A proposal to change how ticket takers for home extracurricular events are paid was approved by the board.
" approved a request to pay a WCMS staff member a stipend for helping supervise home WCMS extracurricular events.
" approved a request from a WCHS Senior to graduate at the end of the first semester of the 2014-2015 school year.
" reviewed the reports from the building principals; the Curriculum Report as submitted by Mr. Grimm; the Technology Report as submitted by Mrs. Frakes and the board was introduced to Mrs. Nancy Smith the new district Psychologist and Special Ed Coordinator.
" approved a request from district resident Freeman Shoemaker to allow his son, Freemie Shoemaker, to participate in Cross Country provided Mr. Shoemaker meets all district requirements to become a volunteer coach and he assumes all costs for participation.
" heard an update on the district summer work. Mr. Grimm complimented the district custodian and maintenance staff for the work that they have done in the buildings over the summer. Mr. Grimm informed the board that the 10 Year Life Safety projects are progressing to completion. It was noted that the installation of the new, ADA Compliant bleachers was complete as is the landscaping project to remove the water from sitting at base of the buildings. It was noted that the door project will be finished in a week or so. The concrete work is also nearly finished except for a section that will have to be redone at the elementary entrance.
Mr. Grimm also discussed the water line project. It was noted that the project is to start sometime during the week of August 25th and it will be completed by September 16th. It was noted that a preconstruction meeting has been held and that the property owners had been invited to the meeting and that several attended.
" was also informed that several repair projects are under way in the district to district HVAC systems. Mr. Grimm reported that over the course of the last several years few such projects have had to be completed but it seemed that this year there were many projects that have had to be completed to keep the buildings running smoothly.
" heard a brief report on the opening of school activities that have taken place for the 2014-2015 school year.
" discussed again the administrative staffing levels at the middle school. Mr. Grimm outlined for the board how some of the remaining members of the administrative team will be splitting their time between the north campus and the south campus in order to have two members of the administrative team in each building at all times.
Under Future Agenda Items, Mr. Grimm informed the board that he would be bringing contracts for administrators to the board for approval at the September board meeting. A request was made to have an update on the new math curriculum at the September meeting as well.
The board convened to Closed Session to discuss matters pertaining to personnel at 7:08 p.m. The board returned to open session at approximately 8:10 p.m. and took the following action:
" Accepted the retirement notices of Judy Beal, Penny VanTine and Jeanne Seitz. Mrs. Seitz's retirement will not be affective until June 30, 2017.
" Accepted the resignation of Miriam Rutzen as District Associate and 6th grade girl's basketball coach.
" Approved maternity leaves for two WCES teachers.
" Approved the transfer of Cindy Boyd from Part-Time Title I Associate to Full Time Library Associate.
" Employed Lynn Halcomb as a WCES Special Ed teacher; Mallory Nelson as a Pre-K Associate; Amanda Torrance and Jadee Landers as a Part-Time Title I Associate.
" Employed Christina Ryba as a District Associate.
" Accepted the resignation of Dustin Chandler as WCHS Assistant Football Coach.
" Employed Mike Radloff as WCHS Assistant Football Coach; Tiffany Adams as WCHS Yearbook Sponsor; Adam Boyle as WCHS Art Club Sponsor and as WCHS FBLA Sponsor; Jon Steben and James Black as WCHS Freshman Class Sponsors, Allison Janacek and Jackie Hennefent as WCMS Cheerleading Sponsors, Jamie Hennings as WCES Enrichment Sponsor; Darrell Gittings as WCHS Senior Class Sponsor.
" Approved Dean Wetzel as WCHS Volunteer Assistant Golf Coach.
" Approved an agreement with the Superintendent regarding unused vacation days.
" Approved a correction to the terms of employment for unit office secretary Jaime Shultz.
The next meeting is set for Wednesday, September 17. A public hearing on the FY 15 District Budget will be held at 5:30 p.m. followed by the introduction of new staff members to the board. The regular September board meeting will begin at 6 p.m. in the elementary cafeteria.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:18 p.m.