The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

West Central School In Need Of Bus Drivers

At the West Central School board meeting held on December 18th, 2024, a discussion was held about the urgent need for additional bus drivers. They will place ads in the Quill, on Facebook, consider additional radio ads to help get the word out about the need. Without additional drivers, the district will need to consider other options to make sure the students arrive at school safe and on-time. Without at least 10 daily bus route drivers, they have to run double routes or consider not sending a bus to pick-up students. They encourage everyone who may be interested in learning more about becoming a bus driver to contact our District Transportation Director.

Good news items included:

The district received one FOIA request during the last month: SmartProcure requested vendor, materials and cost information for items purchased over the last three months.

Board Members Clark and Bigger and Superintendent Day provided a follow-up to the Triple I Conference they attended in November. All three recommended other board members attend the conference, if possible, in the future as there are a lot of great sessions and an opportunity to learn from other districts around the state.

Superintendent Day presented the board with information about the new Vision 2030 policy plan by IASA, IASB, IPA and IASBO. Board members were encouraged to read the information provided and look for additional information on both the IASB and IASA website ( and In January the board will consider adopting a resolution in support of Vision 2030. Vision 2030 is the follow-up to Vision 2020, which is what allowed for the change in education funding in Illinois. The hope is that Vision 2030 allows for additional changes in PreK-12 public education in Illinois to better the education system for our students, staff and community members.

Superintendent Day presented expenditure and fund balance information on their Education, O&M and Transportation Funds in order to comply with the Operational Funds Reserve law that is new to FY25. Comparing their last three years of expenses in each fund to the FY24 fund balances of those funds, they currently have less than 2.5 times the fund balance compared to expenses, which means there is nothing they need to do, except report the information at a board meeting. If they were at or above that 2.5 limit, they would be required to write a fund balance reduction plan. They will report this information each December.

A motion was made by Clark, seconded by Schaley to approve the 2024 Tax Levy for a total levy amount of $7,289,779.00 (not including the bond amounts). The district’s unaudited balances on June 30, 2024, Fund 10 - $8,649,219. Fund 20 - $2,410,741, Fund 30 - $95,597, Fund 40 - $854,906, Fund 50 - $400,840 Fund 60 - $42,695, Fund 70 - $1,083,587, Fund 80 - $472,850, and Fund 90 - $648,424. Motion carried.

In other business the board:

The board was reminded to contact President Schaley or Superintendent Day to request future agenda items.

The board entered closed session at 7:26 p.m. and returned to open session at 8:02 p.m.

The following personnel items were approved:

The board adjourned at 8:04 p.m.

Present were: Board members, Bigger, Chockley, Clark, Gullberg, Higgins, Schaley, and Vancil. President Schaley declared a quorum present. Also present were Superintendent Day, J. Shultz, K. Lafary, B. Taylor, B. Kugler, J. Kirby, J. Zaiser, and J. Hennings. Board Member Chockley left the meeting at 6:42 p.m., and returned to the meeting at 8:00 p.m.