The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

La Harpe City Council Discusses Dog Issue

By: Michael Rodeffer, The Quill

The Council met on March 10th at the La Harpe clubhouse with Mayor Kat Hasten-Reed leading everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Public Comment

Several young men from the La Harpe 4-H Clover Club and their parents spoke to the council about doing some type of work or service for the city.

The 4-H members explained the Hancock County 4-H Federation has assigned clubs in the area to do an extra community service task for their community.

They were inquiring about any needs the city might like for them to do. Ideas brought up were repairing the benches, or picnic tables in the city park, picking up tree limbs at the cemetery, and checking to see if there were any projects needing to be done at the ball diamonds.

Mr. Ron Kienast addressed the council and stated he had been served papers to clean up the property at 101 N B Street (old nursing home).

Mr. Kienast stated that he had sold the property on contract to William Miller. Mr. Kienast noted he had not received any payments from Miller.

Mr. Kienast said he came over to start cleaning the property up and Miller threatened him and would not allow him on the property.

City Attorney Chris Scholz noted Mr. Kienast is still the title holder of the property.

Attorney Scholz explained the city will have to have papers served on Mr. Miller since he is also a party of interest to the property.

Justice Shoemaker spoke to the council about certain dogs that have been running loose all the time for over a year.

Shoemaker asked why the dog ordinance wasn’t enforced.

Shoemaker noted 2 of the dogs were beagles and more of a nuisance than danger, but now a third dog was also running loose and was very aggressive.

Shoemaker stated he was very concerned a child was going to get bitten or attacked.

Mayor Kat Hasten-Reed answered that there is no longer a county animal control officer.

Mayor Hasten-Reed noted the City of Hamilton is hiring an animal control officer and building an approved kennel to house dogs or other animals.

Hasten-Reed has been in contact with Hamilton’s Mayor and is hoping to possibly have access to the officer and/or kennel.

Hasten-Reed explained an animal control officer needs to be trained and licensed and any facility used to house animals has to be USDA approved.

The Mayor also noted the city police officers are not trained or licensed to catch dogs.

Council member Dave Clover read several messages he had received from citizens that were concerned about loose dogs.

They are concerned that there is a chance that someone is going to get bitten or injured.

It was noted that anyone that sees dogs running loose can report it and the city police will issue a ticket to the dog owner and fine them.

The complainant would need to sign the ticket. Fines are suppose to increase with each additional offense.

The council discussed damage to the building at 114 E. Main that might have been done during the demolition of the neighboring building.

More information needed to be collected on the situation.

Water Superintendent Tim Graves informed the council that well pump #2 had quit.

Graves noted the pump had been replaced last April and he thought it should be under warranty. Graves noted a company should be here March 11th to pull the pump and have it checked.

The council discussed the need for a water bill collector. Tim Graves offered to pick up payments at the collection box by the Post Office and process them at no charge. The council unanimously agreed.

ESDA Representative Max Owsley noted he would have some training near the end of the month.

Council also unanimously approved:

Present at the meeting was Mayor Kat Hasten-Reed: council members, Randy Shumaker, Jim Lenix,, Dave Clover, Amanda Donaldson, Marvin Miller; city treasurer Monalisa Graves; city clerk Lucretia McPeak; city employees, David Little, Tim Graves, Daniel Carpenter; Police Chief Scott Rosson; ESDA Representative Max Owsley; guests Jim and Jeanette Ford, Justice Shoemaker, Dan Gillett, Michael Rodeffer, and several La Harpe 4-H club members and their parents.

Attorney Chris Scholz arrived at 7:15 and departed at 8:12.

Council adjourned at 8:43 p.m.