The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
(from the minutes taken by Brittany Smith, Villiage Clerk)
The Village of Stronghurst Board met for a scheduled meeting on February 5, 2025.
Mayor Schaley called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m.
Mike S. made a motion to approve the minutes as presented for the January board meeting. The motion was 2nd by Nathan. It passed unanimously.
Nathan made a motion to approve payment of the bills, Paige 2nd the motion. It passed unanimously.
Financial statements were presented for January. Amanda made a motion to approve the financials, Nathan 2nd the motion. It passed unanimously.
Dave presented some options for the shade that the village and booster club is wanting to put over the benches at the spray park. Nathan also had a book that had options.
Dave was going to report back to the booster club to see what they wanted to do going forward.
Hugh and Shelia Forbes and Bonnie were checking on the status of the donation for the Senior Citizen Roof repair project, Mayor Schaley told them it was on the agenda to be voted on later in the meeting.
Ronnie stated they found a leak behind a house last Friday which resulted in the water usage going up to around 80,000 gallons.
A pump needed fixed, which resulted in a boil order. Ronnie sent the samples off and everything came back fine and the boil order was lifted.
Arb was absent.
Nothing to report.
Facility Plan was tabled, as Doug was not able to attend.
Mayor Schaley and Ronnie met with John Bloomberg with H & H Lighting about updating the buildings and streetlights to LED’s. He works with Ameren and will be getting the village an estimate put together. This project will help the village become brighter and safer as well as saving on the electricity bill.
Donna Powless came to the January meeting asking for a donation from the village to help repair the roof at the Senior Citizen building, it was on the agenda for this meeting to approve an amount they would like to give. Nathan made a motion to donate $5,000.00 to their roof repair, Mike S. 2nd the motion passed unanimously.
The next agenda item in old business was to approve the amount for Laila’s Bar and Grill demo that owner Dillan Vancil had requested a couple of months ago. Amanda made a motion to give Laila’s $3,806.25 for half of their demolition and Nathan 2nd the motion, it passed unanimously.
Nathan made a motion to give Laila’s $1,193.75 for half of their gravel expense as the village hall also utilizes their parking lot as overflow when needed, Mike S. 2nd the motion, it passed unanimously.
The first agenda item was to discuss policy/ordinance for the village to implement about distributing funds in the village. Village attorney Mariah Wallace was absent so that item was tabled until next month.
Next on the agenda was property clean up; 309 South Division has been given many ordinance tickets as well as court appearances. The property does not seem to be making any effort to clean it up, this will be revisited by the village attorney and sent to the state attorney for further action.
207 South Rt 94 will also be added to this list as the abundance of trash that is sitting in the yard and failure to move trash can to the road each week.
Nothing to report.
Nothing to report.
No executive session was held.
Amanda made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Nathan 2nd the motion. The meeting adjourned at 7:08 pm.
Present at roll call were Trustees Amanda VanArsdale, Paige Torrance, Mike Swisher, and Nathan Harden. Trustees Michael Bohnenkamp and Janice Smith were absent. Mayor Brendan Schaley was present. The employees present were Brittany Smith. Village Attorney Mariah Wallace was absent. The guest present were Dave Knutstrom, Bonnie Hensley, Hugh Forbes, and Sheila Forbes.