The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

City of La Harpe In Good Financial Shape

by Michael Rodeffer, Quill Reporter

La Harpe Council members were told last Monday evening February 10th that La Harpe City finances are in “good solid shape,”

The report came during a regular by-monthly meeting when Adam Donnelly, a member of the audit committee, explained his findings from auditing books of the city’s finances.

The highlight of Donnelly’s report was the net dollar amount of the city which was up $167,000 from last year.

Donnelly explained that expenses was up much higher but most of that was attributed to starting to use depreciation on the water plant as an expense. The Council will put the report on the next agenda for approval.

Curt Dittmer, Attorney for the Johnson Trust, presented his annual report noting the total for the year given to the City is $405,000. The money is passed on to the La Harpe School District. They have already received part of this amount last year.

The board unanimously approved the Johnson Trust report and also approved retaining Mr. Dittmer as the Attorney for the Johnson Trust in the upcoming season.

Councilman Todd Stevens commended the city workers for their hard work and good job on the water main break on South 1st Street.

Water Superintendent Tim Graves explained that the water coming from the plant is fine and doesn’t contain lead.

Graves noted that they had sent ten samples from ten different houses.

Eight of the samples were taken inside the homes and they tested fine. Two of the samples had been taken from outside faucets because the residents weren’t home and those two samples tested bad. Grave noted that is normal for outside faucets. Graves said that they will be continuing to do more water testing.

Graves also told the council that the two brass check-valves in the water plant are leaking and will need to be replaced in the near future. He went on to say the cost for two brass valves would be approximately $1100-$1500. Another possibility would be for two stainless steel valves at approximately $3200 for both valves.

Graves will check in Carthage to see if their stainless steel valves last long enough to afford the higher stainless steel valves.

Graves also informed the council there are approximately 150 water meters in the ground which have had over 750,000 gallons of water run through them.

Graves would like to see the city purchase 200 new water meters which would replace over 1/3rd of the meters in La Harpe and then he could start to replace them in the near future, Graves said.

Dave Clover said, that would cost the city approximately $60,000 since each meter is about $300 a piece. Clover noted that there was some interest money available plus the IMEG settlement money if they receive it. The Council decided to put it on the next agenda to be discussed further.

City Clerk Lucretia McPeak asked for $1710 to be paid from the Motor Fuel Tax Fund to IMEG for engineering fees from IMEG.

The Council unanimously approved the January minutes and accepted the treasurer’s report and paying of bills.

The Council discussed hiring an Ordinance Enforcement Officer. They also discussed updating some of the ordinances. No action was taken at this time.

Mayor Hasten-Reed said a notice had been mailed to the owner of the former nursing home building.

The City is in the process of getting the legal approval to clean up the property and trash around the site.

Dave Clover noted the fire extinguisher company would be in town Tuesday, February 18th and would be supplying the water plant with their needed fire extinguishers.

Council discussed installing a new sidewalk for a resident on First Avenue and to inspect the sidewalks on each side of the property and make a recommendation.

In the past the city has paid for half the cost of a resident’s sidewalks and the resident has paid the other half once the project is approved.

Present at the meeting were: Mayor Kat Hasten-Reed who opened the 7 p.m. meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag, along with council members: Amanda Donaldson, Randy Shumaker, Todd Stevens, Jim Lenix, Dave Clover and with City Clerk Lucretia McPeak, City Treasurer Monalisa Graves, employees- Tim Graves, David Little, Police Chief Scott Rosson; Adam Donnelly Kurt Dittmer, Dan Gillett, and Michael Rodeffer. Council member Marvin Miller was absent.

The meeting was held on February 10th at the La Harpe Clubhouse, and are regularly scheduled for the second and fourth Monday of each month beginning at 7:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted. Meetings are open to the public. Council adjourned at 8:12PM.