The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1918 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1918

Stronghurst Graphic, Jan. 31, 1918 

LIBRARY NOTES: Two cards for borrowing books have been secured from the Galesburg public library for the use of Stronghurst people. Inquire of Mrs. W. S. Pope and be aware that you must pay the postage on books. (Five cents each way will pay for one ordinary sized book.) The library chairman had to pay a fee of $1.00 for one year for these cards and hopes that they will be advantageously used. Persons preparing missionary and other kinds of papers and high school students are cordially invited to make use of these cards no expense except postage.

MONMOUTH CHURCH BURNS: The Church of the Immaculate Conception at Monmouth burned last Sunday morning, the fire being discovered at about 7:45 a.m. The fireman thought they had put the fire out when the flames burst out in the interior of the church near the gable and soon completed the work of destruction. The edifice was of brick and had a steeple 150 feet high. It is said to have cost $22,000 in 1883. Plans for a new building have already been begun.

DALLAS CITY GARAGE BURNS: The Dallas City garage owned by W. H. Jacob and operated by V. L. Jacob, was completely gutted by a fire which broke out last Sunday afternoon at about 1:30 p.m. and raged fiercely for over an hour. Thirteen cars which were in the garage were either totally or partially destroyed. There was insurance of $2,000 on the building and the same amount of the stock and it is though that the greater part of the loss will thus be cared for.

ATTRACTS CROWD: In spite of inclement weather about 250 people crowded the M. E. Beardsley & Co. Store last Saturday afternoon to witness the drawing of the $20 overcoat, a pair of ladies' shoes and a pair of men's shoes advertised to take place at the close of the big January clearance sale conducted by this enterprising firm.

The numbers which had been given out were place in a box, shaken up, and little June Smith was selected to do the drawing. The number which drew the overcoat was held by H. B. Fort while Miss Ollie Best held the number for lady's shoes. ? Forbes' number was drawn for the man's pair.

1893 GRAPHIC: The purchaser of a hog by Parson & King, butchers of the village, for $42.50 was heralded as discounting all hog stories to date. If the average porker marketed by the farmer now-a-days failed to bring that much, he would wonder what was the matter with the market.

I. Johanson of Burlington has just opened a tailor shop in the village. A fierce blizzard with zero weather raged on Feb. 1st . Friends surprised Mr. and Mrs. Lee N. Shaw helping to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. Miss Carrie Harbinson and Mr. John Simonson were married on Jan.25th in Burlington, Iowa.

BIG HEREFORD SALE: On Friday, Feb. 8th, the Henderson County Polled and Horned Hereford Cattle Association will hold their second annual sale of Pure Bred stock at this place.

It will be held in the immense sale pavilion north of the Santa Fe tracks on which a large crew of workmen have been busy for a number of weeks and which is rapidly approaching completion.

The structure will be heated and made comfortable for those attending the sale...Col. Fred Repppert? Of national reputation as a live stock auctioneer will preside at the block and will be assisted by J. H. Hipp, Fred M. Gray and F. L. Houtchens.

GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Mr. Frank Jacobs was permitted to come home from Camp Dodge (He had been operated on for appendicitis.) Mrs. Guy Leonard returned to her home in Corning, Iowa. A full house heard the lecture course at Bryan's Hall. Chas. Hedges had a car of coal for his customers. Ice is being put up by a number of dealers and they have nearly all finished gathering the crop. Mr. Ed Nolan of Oquawka was trying a case before the Justice Court.

OBITUARY***RICHARD BRADWAY*** Mr. Richard Bradway died at the Burlington Hospital where he had been taken a few hours before. He was born in Canton, New Jersey, Nov. 24, 1841 and died Jan. 23, 1918, age 76 years, 1 month, 29 days. In March 1882 he married Miss Katie Anderson, who has preceded him in death.

Ten children were born to this union, six having died in infancy. In 1916 Mark Lee was horribly burned while building the fire with kerosene and which caused his death. Those living, Lewellyr, Marion and Mary, 4 grandchildren, were present at his funeral. Interment was in the Carman Cemetery.

JACKSON CORNER JOTTINGS: Fielding Statt delivered ninety bushels of clover seed to E.G.Lewis of Media. Robert Gray brought hogs to the Smithshire market. Ed Ore assisted George Strong with his butchering. Guy Garrett is suffering with lumbago. Both Tony McCleary and John Huston delivered hogs to the Media market. Frank Gunn has been seen riding in a new Dodge Car. C.J. Anderson shipped a carload of hogs to the Chicago market. Dora Hixson of Roseville assisted Clifford Thompson with his corn husking.

LOCAL AND AREA HAPPENINGS: Mrs. Pearl Leinbach and children have moved to Media. Charles Marshall went to Dallas City to inspect the abutments of the Camp Creek bridge; the water in the river is lower now than it has been since the dam at Keokuk was built. Fred Bowen, a former Stronghurst boy, is reported as serious ill from a general nervous breakdown at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bowen of Wichita, Kansas. The W.C.T.U met at the home of Mrs. Chas. Davis. Perry Cooper disposed of his hardware stock to Mr. Geo. Dixson. Mr. Cooper intends farm in Wisconsin.

Mr. William C. Eckhardt of Mercer County has been appointed seed corn administrator of Illinois. His duties will be to see that there is a proper distribution of seed and that speculators do not have the matter entirely in their own hands.