The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1918 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1918

Stronghurst Graphic, Feb.28, 1918 

RED CROSS SALE A SUCCESS: While it had been expected that the Red Cross auction would attract a good crowd and result in a substantial increase to the treasury of the organization, no one imagined the wonderful success of the event. Consignments were exceedingly numerous and included many items considered to be valuable.

The offering included all sorts of merchandise from the shelves of merchants, livestock, grain, hay, vegetable and farm produce of all kinds, donations of skilled labor, etc.-in fact, everything from a shave and hair cut to a pure bred Hereford yearling were given.

Bidding was spirited and revealed the patriotism of those assembled. In many cases articles sold would be re-donated by the buyers and sold again, thus realizing many times their value.

A red bantam rooster donated by Chester Brokaw, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. I.H. Brokaw proved the source of a greater amount of revenue than any thing else offered at the sale, no less than $116 realized from the repeated sales of the bird.

The most valuable consignment , from the standpoint of intrinsic worth, was the purebred Hereford yearling donated by Mr. R.T.Painter which he repurchased at $90. Considerable interest centered in the donation received from Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, which proved to be a dainty white handkerchief. The rivalry displayed for the possession of this article, resulted in the price being run up to $10 at which it was knocked off to Mrs. Asa Worthington.

Although the sale was started early in the afternoon and the auctioneers kept things moving, it was found impossible to dispose of the immense amount of stuff donated before evening and it was necessary to adjourn the sale until after supper. Total for the sale was $1,358.55. With personal subscriptions to the cause the final total was $1496.

SUMMARY: The exchequer of the local branch of the Red Cross has been replenished quite generously of late. The mule donated by Messrs Turner and Davis brought in $170. The dinner given by the Red Cross netted $78. The registered hog donated by Del Dixson brought $225. The 100 bushels of corn donated by Freeman Doak added $200 to the amount making a grand total of $1,811.55 within a week, which is certainly a good showing.

COUNTY FARM LABOR ADMINISTRATOR APPOINTED: The State Council of Defense Farm Labor Administration has appointed Mr. John G. Gibson of Media, Ill. Farm Labor Administrator of Henderson County. He is now prepared to take applications for farm hand position and of farmers for farm help. All demands for farm positions which cannot be filled by the County Administrator will be forwarded to the state offices where they will be cared for promptly.

BI-COUNTY MEET CANCELLED: At a meeting of the executive committee of the Henderson-Warren Secondary School League held at the Colonial Hotel in Monmouth, it was decided best to hold no meet this year. The advisory board of the Illinois High School Athletic Association has requested that all spring contests be abandoned this year in interest of the work outlined for the boys in gardens and on farms. This will be disappointing to those who have so loyally followed the events held by the boys in past years, but no doubt it will aid in making up the time lost by the local high school on account of the shortage of coal.

THEY GATHERED THE CORN: Some time ago Freeman Doak offered the women of the Country Community Club 100 bushels of corn for the Red Cross if they would gather it. The weather had not been favorable for the task until last Saturday when they procured five teams and wagons and proceeded to do the work beginning at 9:30.

In two hours and half they had 139 bushels to their credit. A "few" of the men with good inclinations lent a helping hand and the little boys proved themselves real patriots. Several artists were on the ground to photograph the group while at work and when their pictures are finished will no doubt be reproduced by the leading dailies. (Any one have a copy of this picture?)

By special arrangement the Farmers' Elevator Co. paid two dollars per bushel for 100 bushels of the corn, thereby enabling the women to turn in $200 to the Red Cross through the generosity of Mr. Doak.

GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Mr. Harry Warner and Lynn Galbraith are home from Camp Dodge for a visit. Mr. Gossett moved from the Alex Galbraith farm east of town to the Harve Warner house in the west part of the village.

An entertainment given by the soldier boys from here that go in the next call and the boys who were visiting relatives and friends, was held Saturday evening at the hall. After music by the band, refreshments were served to all and a general good time enjoyed.

Oakley Colley returned to Jefferson Barracks at St. Louis and expects to go to the front soon. Mr. and Mrs. Jo Robbins went to Monmouth in their new automobile. Richard Kemp, youngest son of Charles Kemp, shot himself in the leg above the knee at his home. He was fixing a revolver. Dr. Ditto was called and fixed him up so they could take him on the morning train to Burlington Hospital where they will operate to remove the bullet from his leg.

JACKSON CORNERS TALES: Mrs. Ray Selmon has resigned as teacher of the Corners school. Miss Cora Josephson has taken her place; she is boarding at John Huston's. Ralph Ewing had a very narrow escape one day recently. On going to the barn he found his driving horse entangled in his halter rope and upon releasing him, the animal turned, kicking him in the face, and knocking him down, causing unconsciousness. After lying there for some time he regained consciousness and succeeded in getting to the house where his wife called assistance. The horse being sharp shod, inflicted one bad wound on each side of his left eye. Mr. Ewing has been confined to the house most of the time since the accident. It is hoped and believed he will not lose the sight of his eye.

George Strong delivered 1000 bushels of corn to Smithshire. James Leinbach assisted Will Shook with his butchering. Wm. Fiekert and family moved to the C.J.Anderson tenant house and will work for him the coming year.

LOCAL AND AREA HAPPENINGS: Wm. Hartquist is spending the day in Chicago. Al Links is moving to the Stewart farm which he purchased last fall. Ralph Rankin is looking after farming interests in southeast Missouri. Max Sanderson and Cranston Doak went to Oquawka to take the examination for the army. Miss Mary Duncan of Cameron visited her brother Lawrence. Marion Evans was home from Camp Grant looking seventy-four inches tall and every inch the soldier. Ernest Putney received order to report to Des Moines preparatory to being sent to Charleston, S.C. Homer Justice leased the Perry Stamp place north of town and is moving there from the river bottom country. Elizabeth C.Bailey will be available for pupils in both piano and voice culture in Media. Marion Smith and wife received a letter from their son Oswald who is now with the army in France. Oswald is feeling well but said he enjoyed very poor health during the voyage.Rev. W.P.Anderson of the Lutheran Church reports that he has raised $197.50 amongst his parishioners in connection with the big drive for funds to be used in welfare work amongst the soldier boys of the Lutheran church. The Gris Sawyer family on the C.E.Fort farm west of town have all been indisposed with what the attending physician pronounced a mild form of small pox. None of the family has been ill enough to cause any alarm and all are now convalescent. A strict quarantine is being maintained and no fear of a spread of the malady is felt. Jo Long received a letter from his son Vernon who was at Portsmouth, New Hampshire. He is in the Navy and had just returned from a trip to Liverpool, where he went on board a man of war used as a convoy for merchant ships.