The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1917
Stronghurst Graphic, Oct. 18, 1917
WED ON THE SAME DAY: The Misses Florence and Louise Rankin, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rankin of the Raritan neighborhood, were both claimed as brides by young men of the vicinity last Thursday afternoon. Mr. Harold Sweasey of Raritan neighborhood and Miss Florence Rankin, attended by John Cook and Miss Sophia Livermore, were married at the home of the Rev. C.M. Lawrence in Monmouth early in the afternoon. Immediately following the ceremony, Mr. Judd Wetterling and Miss Louise Rankin presented themselves before the clergyman and were also united in the bonds of wedlock. The later couple were accompanied by Mr. Russell Enwall and Miss Grace Rankin, a sister of the two brides. Following the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Sweasey left for a honeymoon trip to Denver, Colo. It had been the intention of the other couple to make the same journey, but sickness in the home of the groom prevented this.
HOPPER ROAD IMPROVED: The highway commissioners of Stronghurst Township in their effort to improve the Lincoln Trail highway west of Hopper by surfacing the sand roadway with black soil have met with two examples of public spirit. In view of the fact that they have often had occasion to note the reluctance of many land owners to part with so much as a wagon load of dirt without being paid liberally for the same and realizing that black soil is not overly plentiful in the region just west of Hopper, the generous offer of two citizens, Mr. Thomas Dixon, who is fortunate enough to possess a tract of black soil land near the west end of the stretch of highway, and Mrs. J.H. Schroeder, who has a farm at the east end of the stretch, to donate as much soil as needed for the work was appreciatively accepted.
REHEARSALS FOR "FI FI OF THE TOY SHOP: Nearly all the principal characters have been selected for the musical to be given Nov.2 & 3 at the Lyric Theatre under the auspices of the Stronghurst Women's Community Club. All rehearsals outside of school hours will take place at the school house. More than 100 people will participate in the play, which is in the nature of a musical extravaganza. Elaborate costuming and scenic equipment is provided by the John B. Rogers Producing Co. of Ohio, under whose direction the production is staged. Mr. Harold Withrow, the director, will arrive next Monday morning and rehearsals will begin that afternoon.
At 2:30 the "Bridesmaids" will meet, "Paper Dolls" at 3:45, "China Dolls" at 4:30 and the principals characters (those having names, such as "the Man in the Moon," "Tack Hammer," "Bonnie" etc.) will meet at 8 p.m. Mr. Withrow is a most efficient director and brings with him a host of splendid references and comments regarding his productions in other places. (The community had to create their own entertainment and obviously, this was "the thing" to be in for the fall season; the entire town and surroundings would be marking their calendars and setting aside those dates to see the show.)
LOCAL AND AREA HAPPENINGS: Frank Johnson, well known young farmer living two miles west of Stronghurst, is going about on crutches as the result of an accident. While he was leading a cow down hill, the animal suddenly turned to go in an opposite direction whirling Frank around so suddenly that the bone of one leg was almost twisted from the knee socket, the end of the bone being slightly fractured. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Kimmett are mourning the death of their infant 5 month old daughter, Helen Louise, who passed away last Saturday afternoon following an attack of pneumonia.
Postage on first letters will increase to 3 cents an ounce or fraction thereof. The series of special meetings being conducted at the U.P. Church will be brought to a close next Sabbath evening, Dr. Nairn, the evangelist, having arranged to start meetings in Wisconsin. A Liberty Bond Meeting will be held on Oct.23rd at 8 p.m. at the Lyric Theatre under the auspices of Mr. Pindle, a representative of the National Government and Federal Reserve Bank. The Hon. W.J.Graham of Aledo, Congressman from this district, will be present.
The first number of the Gladstone Lecture Course will be at Bryan's Hall Friday evening, Oct.26. The Lyceum committee has contracted with the International Lyceum Bureau for five numbers and has placed the management in the hands of the high school. Proceeds derived from the events will go to the school.
***OBITUARY***JACOB RUST: Mr. Jacob Rust died at the Burlington Hospital Friday from a fall at his home last week. The remains were brought to his home and funeral services held at the U.P. Church by Rev. Sage of Burlington with burial in the South Henderson Cemetery beside the wife who preceded him a few years ago. Jacob Rust was one of the old veterans of the Civil War and was well liked by all. He was born in Oquawka Oct. 1839 and has lived in the vicinity practically all his life. He leaves one son, Cyrus Rust of Burlington, and two daughters, Mrs. Will Hicks of Minneapolis, Minn., and Mrs. Phebia Allen of Gladstone and a number of grandchildren.
WEDDING BELLS: Miss Fay Galbraith and Donald Brent were united in marriage Oct.10th. The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Galbraith and is a graduate from the high school here. The groom is a prosperous farmer in the bottom lands west of Gladstone. They will soon be at home in a new house being built for them.Miss Limbloom of Monmouth and Harry Whitmore were married in Oquawka Oct.10th at the M.E. parsonage by Rev. Bliss. The bride is teaching school south of town and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Whitmore .
OLENA OBSERVATIONS: Mr. Harvey Lant, Miss Emma Marshall, Miss Grace Marshall and Miss Lura Speck motored to Des Moines to visit several at Fort Dodge. They learned that many will be sent to southern training camps soon. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCartney have moved into U.P. parsonage the village. Their son, John, will remain on the family farm. Oscar Marshall and wife have purchased a farm near Burlington, Ia. A young daughter is reported in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson. Miss Hazel Johnson left for Galesburg where she will take a course of study in Brown's Business College. Mr. Marvin Evans is recovering from a broken limb caused by the collapse of a motorcycle which he was trying to ride.
Is Olena's "cup of iniquity full?" So nearly full that before it bubbles over, causing loss of life, property and the immortal soul itself; will not the moral class of our village and community resolve itself into a committee for a general "clean-up?" Henderson County is supposed to be a "dry" county and yet there's plenty of evidence almost every day of the week that a "booze joint" is doing a land office business unmolested on the Illinois side near the boat landing and that this liquid fire is purchased there and elsewhere as well and is both sold and given away to all who may desire, irrespective of age.
This leads to much Sabbath desecration and immorality that shocks the better class of our community. Only recently I heard a prominent speaker say that a village, town or community is just what you want it to be. Do you get that? So if in the near future you are called upon for your moral support of a law and order league, don't be a "slacker,'" do your bit. (Wow! Prohibition-up front and personal!)
LOCAL AND AREA HAPPENINGS: Joe Long went to Campville, Ill. to attend the funeral of his mother. Dr. Harter attend the meeting of Santa Fe surgeons in Chicago. Dr. and Mrs. W.H.Wells are now residents of the village, being temporarily domiciled in the home of Dr. H.L.Marshall. They expect to permanently locate in the Schenck property at the corner of Nichols and Elizabeth Streets when their household goods arrives. J.F.Mains went to Galesburg to be present during an operation for the removal of a small tumor with which his father, Alex Mains, is afflicted. A large safe has just arrived and is to be added to the office equipment of the Stronghurst Grain & Merchandise Co. J.W.Anderson of Chicago is the new manager of that company and will move here as soon as a residence can be secured. Miss Fronie Apt was taken to Galesburg for an appendicitis operation which she is reported to have passed through nicely. Charles Huggins, section foreman at Smithshire, brought one of his Mexican employees down for medical treatment. A heavy stone fell on his foot and crushed it badly.
The house of Jerry Mizner farm 3 miles northeast of LaHarpe was burned to the ground. P.J.Huff and family lived there but only Mrs. Huff was home when the fire occurred and a small quantity of household goods was saved.
MEANDERINGS FROM THE MEDIA RECORD: Miss Eurie Mathers is taking training at the Burlington Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Leinbach of Dunlap, IL, former residents of this place, are the proud parents of a little son. Electric lights are being installed on the J.D.Lynch farm south of town.
Mr. Dan Campbell commenced work as day guard at the big railroad bridge east of town taking Mr. Homer Woods' place. The E.G.Lewis Seed Co. now have about 2000 bushels of corn hung and expect to have about 8000 bushels more. Mr. E.G.Lewis now rides in a new Ford runabout. The Seed Co. received another car load of oil meal this week. Mr. Chester Adair traded his Ford to Mr. Will Berry for a four year old colt.
OYSTER SUPPER A SUCCESS: Saturday night was one of the biggest crowds in Media for a long time and the oyster supper and pie social given in the new seed house was successful, both financially and socially. The literary program given by the Academy pupils was very good and the music furnished by the Media orchestra was enjoyed by the large crowd. The society owes thanks to the Delco Light Co. for furnishing free electric lights, also the Media Lumber Co. for a load of fuel, and to James A. Callow and Co. for the use of a new Copper Clad Cook Stove. At the pie, pop corn and candy booths, about twenty dollars was taken in while about fifty dollars was realized for oysters. When all expenses have been paid, the society expects to turn over fifty dollars to the Red Cross Fund.