The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1917 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1917

Stronghurst Graphic Dec.6, 1917 

CATTLE BREEDERS ORGANIZE: A meeting of Hereford cattle breeders of Illinois was held in the Union Hotel at Galesburg and a number of Henderson County men were in attendance. A.L.Duncan, Alexis, President of the Polled Hereford Association of the United States,was elected president of the state body. Other officers elected were the following: Vice-President-F.P.Birth, Joliet; Secretary-L.H.Piepbrink, Joliet; Treasurer-S.F. Haley, Tiskilwa. (A long list of directors is noted in this article and included H.N.Vaughn, Jos. Dixson, Ed Links, and F.E. Painter of Stronghurst.)

NOTICE: The U.S. Government Fuel Administration has appointed J.W. Gordon- chairman, I.F.Forward of Gladstone and F.F.Rehling of Lomax as the Local Fuel Committee for Henderson County. The duty of the Committee is to supervise the sale and delivery of coal. It is desired that coal be secured by the dealers to supply the absolute needs of the respective communities; that the same be fairly distributed among the people with special attention to those who are only able to purchase small quantities at a time; that dealers treat the public fairly in the matter of distribution and price; and that the public treat the dealers fairly by prompt payment for coal, preferably at time of delivery. (Coal supply will be rationed somewhat.)

HENDERSON CO. FARM BUREAU: The campaign for pledges to finance a farm bureau organization closed with 350 pledges secured. The following officers were elected: R.N.Clark of Media, President; George Reasoner of Biggsville, Vice-President; I.F.Forward of Gladstone, Secretary; Thomas Dixon of Carman, Treasurer. The executive committee from each township consist of the following: C.W.Conner of Bald Bluff, John Thompson of Rozetta, E.E.Delabar of Oquawka, C.E. Peasley of Stronghurst, C.E.Schenck of Raritan, Harry Lovitt of Terre Haute, and C.R. Vaughn of Lomax.Henderson County is the smallest county in the state to undertake the support of a farm bureau, but the ease with which the movement was put over speaks volumes for the quality of her citizens.

***OBITUARY***D.A.WHITEMAN: The many friends of David A. Whiteman were shocked last Monday when they learned that he had passed away that morning at his home near Biggsville. It was known to many that Mr. Whiteman had not enjoyed the best of health for some months past, but it was not suspected that his condition was serious. Heart trouble and hardening of the arteries are given as the cause of his sudden death.

Mr. Whiteman was one of Henderson County's best citizens, being always prominent in movement affecting the religious, moral and political welfare of the community and of his fellow men. He was also known as a progressive and up-to-date farmer and stock raiser and always showed a lively interest in the agricultural development of this section of the state. Two years ago he was chosen by the members of the Progressive Party in Henderson County as their candidate for the legislature.

Mr. Whiteman was the son of Henry M. and Elizabeth (McDill) Whiteman who came to Henderson County in 1853 and who acquired possession of 700 acres of land near Biggsville which became known far and wide as the "Whiteman place." David A. Whiteman was born on this farm March 14, 1854. He grew up and remained on the farm, assisting in its operation until he was 34 years of age, receiving his education in the meanwhile in the public schools and at Elliott's Business College in Burlington.

In 1885 he bought 160 acres in Section 19 of Biggsville Township and afterwards added 40 acres to this purchase. This farm he improved and made one of the finest homesteads to be found in this section of Illinois.

Mr. Whiteman was married Oct. 6, 1885, to Miss Elizabeth A. Cameron of Gladstone Township and to this union four children were born, all of whom with their mother survive. The children are Elizabeth, a teacher in the Monmouth schools; Dean, who is a member of the National Army stationed at Camp Dodge; Louise, a student at Monmouth College and Mark, who was associated with his father in farming.

The following sister and brothers also survive the deceased: Mrs. Jas. Meyers of Biggsville; Oliver Whiteman of Burlington, Iowa; James T., John Y., William, Chauncy, Frank and Charles Whiteman, all of Biggsville and vicinity.

Funeral services were held at the Biggsville U.P.Church of which the deceased was an honored ruling elder...

FOR SALE: Mrs. Flora Salter offers for sale her fine piano which has the "Wessel Nickoll and Gross" action(said to be the best manufactured in the U.S.) English walnut case and concert size. A bargain for somebody. She also wishes to dispose of her three-tier rosewood library case, both to be seen at her home.

SUDDEN DEATH: Willis Gilmore, a well known resident of Biggsville, died suddenly last Thursday while on his way to enjoy a Thanksgiving dinner at the home of his daughter, Mrs. John White. Mr. Gilmore and his wife were in their carriage and driving through Biggsville when the lines suddenly dropped from his hands.

Mrs. Gilmore spoke to him but received no response and discovered that something was seriously wrong. She called a passerby and Mr. Gilmore was carried into the office of Dr. Henderson where he passed away a few minutes later death being due to apoplexy. He had been in his usual good health and his death came as a severe shock to his family and friends.

The deceased was born in Biggsville Township June 6, 1865, and has always lived in this vicinity where he has formed a large number of friends. He was married to Miss Mettie McKinley on January 17, 1877, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.A.McKinley, south of Biggsville.

They were the parents of three children, all of whom survive: Mrs. A.M.Crist of Galesburg, Mrs. John White of Biggsville, and Mrs. Luther Graham of Morning Sun, Iowa. He also leaves six brothers and three sisters: James of Des Moines, Ia.; George of Emmerson, Ia.; Ed of Red Oak, Ia.; John, Ernest and Charles, Mrs. Anna Graham of Des Moines, Ia.; Mrs. Dollie Zike and Mrs. Esther Stiff of Winfield, Kans.

He was a member of the Presbyterian church and sang in the choir for 25 years. Funeral services were held at the Presbyterian Church with interment in the Biggsville Cemetery.

1892 GRAPHIC: A prisoner at the county jail by the name of Higgins was reported as having confessed being a party to themurder of Robert H. Rankin on the C.B.& Q. train at the east end of the Burlington bridge early in the year. The disappearance of Mr. Rankin who was a prominent young farmer. of Monmouth neighborhood had been a complete mystery up to that time. Rev. Stewart, an evangelist, was assisting Rev. Montgomery in a series of special meetings at the Olena U.P.Church. The first attempt to fill the Stronghurst opera house at prices of 50 and 75 cents was made during the week when the play, "The Colonel" was presented. The house was well filled, all of the 200 reserved seats being sold.

Landlord McClure of the Carman hotel came near being killed by a street car in Burlington on Dec.5th. He was knocked down and rolled along infront of the car for several yards but escaped with only a number of severe bruises.

Mrs. Aramanta Signor, one of the pioneer settlers of Henderson County, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Thomas Alyea of New Boston, Ill. On Oct. 5th.

COUNTY OCCURRENCES: OQUAWKA- Mr. and Mrs. George Noble returned from a several week visit with relatives in Peoria. Mrs. Neil Hill of Keithsburg has been staying with her daughter, Mrs. Ed Radmacher, east of town. Mrs. W.W.Kinnison returned to her home in Patterson, MO, after a ten week visit with her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Holton.

CARMAN: The Red Cross will have an all day sewing at the home of Mrs. Fred Crane. A bazaar and pie supper will be given Saturday evening in the M.W.A. Hall; ladies, please bring a package and also the men if they wish to. The proceeds will go toward church expenses.

OLENA: Health of community is good and farmers are busy trying to take care of their corn crop. Mr. Chas. Daily, formerly a passenger conductor, has rented Mrs. Allen's store building and residence and will operate a general store and oil station. Mr. Sutliff of Stronghurst has been employed to bring the supplies from Burlington, IA. The annual reunion of the Lant families was held Thanksgiving day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G.E.Lant near Stronghurst. Winifred Calista Lant was born to Mr. and Mrs. H.S. Lant weighing 10 lbs.

AREA HAPPENINGS: Miss Martha Daughterty has been employed to finish out a term of teaching in the school located 1 1/2 miles southeast of Raritan; the former teacher resigned. Dr. I.M. Martin and John Bryan of LaHarpe were in Seaton buying Guernsey cattle. W.J .McElhinney has been confined to his home on the farm east of Stronghurst by illness. A.L. Beaver is the owner of a new Ford car. The three younger children of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rankin of the country east of Stronghurst are reported to have small pox. Dr. H.L. Marshall who received a commission as a surgeon in the army has been called to duty at Ft. Riley, Kansas. Will Schenck and family arrived from Alberta, Canada, to visit home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Lovitt left for Rochester, Minn., where they will consult Mayo Brothers, in regard to Mrs. Lovitt's physical condition and the advisability of an operation. The cause of the suffering Armenians and Syrians will be remembered at the morning service at the U.P. Church when a special offering will be taken on their behalf. Mrs. John C. Huston of Arapahoe, Okla., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ben Leinbach. Ethel, the eight year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Chard of near Raritan, died of infantile paralysis. Miss Anna Fort left for Quincy where she will take a course in business training at the Gem City Business College. C.C. Birdsall of Smithshire shipped three cars of fine black polled Angus cattle to Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. W.B.Towler are moving to their handsome and modern bungalow recently erected on the corner of Elizabeth and Dixson Streets. Miss Ruth Mains, who has held a clerkship at the Block & Sax store in Galesburg since last spring, resigned her position to accept a clerkship in the First National Bank of Stronghurst.

SARAH CATHERINE MARSDEN DIES: On Tuesday night, Nov. 27th, the people of Carman and vicinity learned with sincere sorrow of the death of Miss Sarah Catherine Marsden, who was greatly respected by the whole neighborhood. The cause of her death was cancer of the liver. She was the second eldest daughter of William and Rhoda Marsden who are both deceased, and was born in Carman March 7, 1854, and died Nov. 27, 1917, aged 54 years, 9 months and 10 days. Always a faithful member of the M.E. Church, she bore her suffering with Christian fortitude. She leaves the following brothers and sisters to mourn her departure: James of Galesburg; Ruben, Metona, R.D.; Mathew, Minn.; Fred, Misaulo:, MO; George, Carman; Will, Carman; Joel, Olena; Mrs. Mary White, Council Bluff; and Mrs. Louie Howell, Carman.

Since the death of her parents, she has made her home with her sister, Mrs. Lou Howell and family. Funeral services were conducted at the church with burial in the Carman Cemetery.

FROM THE MEDIA RECORD: W. O. Pendarvis is home for a short visit before going into active army service. Wilbur just completed the course in one of the second officers training camps from which he received a commission as first lieutenant in the artillery corps. He began the course at Ft. Sheridan from where he was taken to a point in Virginia to complete the course.

Mr. C.G. Richey accompanied a shipment of cattle to Chicago last week. Miss Florence Gram, a student at Monmouth College, spent the past several days at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Gram.