The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1917
Stronghurst Graphic, Nov.22, 1917
KILLED IN BURLINGTON: Mrs. Ann Huffman, a well known Dallas City lady, died at the Burlington Hospital last Sunday as the result of an accident which happened the afternoon of the day previous. While on her way to the boat landing at Burlington to take a boat for Dallas City, she was run down at the intersection of Third and Jefferson Streets by a Ford auto truck being driven by Richard Miller. Both of the unfortunate woman's legs were broken, her elbow was fractured, and she was internally injured besides. She was rushed to the hospital immediately, but medical skill proved unavailing to save her life and she passed away about 12 hours after the accident. Mrs. Huffman was a sister of Mrs. Lew Shaw and Mrs. Susan Gates of Dallas City.
FOOTBALL HIGHLIGHTS: Stronghurst High School football team won over Blandinsville by the large score of 16 to 0. Game Clean. Dodds, Peasley and Lind starred in circling Blandinsville' ends, but Blandinsville did good work with the forward pass but did not score. LaHarpe sprang a surprise on the local boys in defeating them 13 to 7 in a ragged game which was won in the last minute of play.
LOCAL AND AREA HAPPENINGS: Mr. Schierbaum has received his new dynamo and a temporary building has been erected in which to house it. Albert Negley brought his large traction engine from Terre Haute; it is expected to furnish power for putting the light plant into service at the earliest moment possible. Mr. Carl Countryman, an entertainer, appeared at the M.E.Church with a program of monologues, humorous selections, character sketches, delineations and original songs and poem with which he delighted his audience. Ralph Ingram, a Terre Haute young man who is in army training at Camp Dodge, Iowa, and Miss Jessie Mayfield whose home was in this village were married at Des Moines on Nov.7th.
Henry Adair has purchased the barns and sheds belonging to the Penny estate near the stockyards and is tearing them down and moving the lumber to his farm. Miss Abbie Drew has received a letter from Rev. H.R.Lemon, superintendent of the Children's Home at Council Bluffs, Iowa in which he acknowledges the receipt of the barrel of fruit donated through he kindness of the ladies of the community.
The Stronghurst Grain & Merchandise Co. has moved the warehouse that stood near the mill across the railroad and near the elevator. Lawrence Duncan, a former resident of the Blandinsville country and now living at Clearwater, Kans., visited friends here. While returning home from downtown, L.A.Yilson suffered from what possibly was a light stroke of apoplexy; he has been confined to his bed since.
The following hotel and restaurant keepers have voluntarily accepted the Federal Food rules: C. McCormick, Biggsville; F. P. Clark, Stronghurst; C. S. Wheeling, Stronghurst; Mrs. E. L. Trimmer, Stronghurst; W. C. Winders, Media; Mrs. N. J. Gram, Media; and F. N. Worley, Raritan. District Chairman Ivins reports that the canvass for Army Y.M.C.A.funds in the eight townships of Biggsville, Carman, Gladstone, Lomax, Media, Raritan, Stronghurst, Terre Haute, resulted in raising approximately $4,400.
CARMAN CONCERNS: The Carman Auxiliary of the Red Cross have arranged an entertainment consisting of music by a male quartette of Burlington. The revival will continue throughout the week with Brother Smith bringing the message. A Thanksgiving program and box supper will be held at the school to which the public is invited. Miss Pearl, daughter of Mr. Charlie Kirby and wife, will marry Mr. Clair Dixon on Nov.22nd at the bride's home.
OLENA OBSERVATIONS: Mr. P.J.Johnson and family are now riding in a new Buick car and Homer Justice and wife have a new Chevrolet. Mrs. Gorrell and daughter, Miss Mary, of Clarinda, Iowa (sister to Mrs. Jessie Lyons) are visiting friends. Mr. Arthur Dowell and family of Kansas have again taken up their residence in Illinois locating in one of the Galbraith houses near Gladstone.
CATTLEMEN BUILD BARN: The Henderson County Polled and Horned Hereford Breeders Association have let the contract for a large sale barn on the block now occupied by the baseball park in Stronghurst. The deal for the land, which was owned by L.M.Loomis, was made some time ago. The building contract has been awarded to T.D.Steffey who has already begun work on the same. The specifications call for a circular structure, 94 ft in diameter with raised seats designed to accommodate 1000 to 1200 people, encircling the sale ring...
FROM THE MEDIA RECORD: Another carload of coal came in and nearly everyone is well supplied. Mrs. George Hickman had the misfortune to sprain her ankle quite badly. Mrs. George Miles has been quite poorly the past few weeks. Mr. Jim Heap has been selling a number turkeys to people of the village for Thanksgiving. Messrs.Wood Corzatt, Charles Cann and Lawrence Lynch each received a Delco light plant at the local railroad station. Miss Gridley of Biggsville gave the first lesson to a class on surgical dressings. The society has quit knitting scarfs and several that had them partly made ripped them out and are going to use the yarn for other purposes as it is understood they do not want any more mufflers. (The soldiers)
Arrangements have been made for registration of the women of Media township on Friday at the Red Cross rooms in Media and Saturday at the Media State Bank. All ladies over 15 years of age are urgently requested to register.
HOW TO HAVE FUN 1917 STYLE: The Women's Community Club of Media met at the Academy and a most enjoyable time was spent. The first part of the afternoon the group visited and looked at the fine display of fancy work that different ones had brought after which a good program consisting of a number of piano selections by Miss Amy Robinson and a debate by Misses Rebecca Mesecher, Esther Richey and Mrs. C.H.Hiett and Mrs. David Gilliland. The subject of the debate was " Is the Dish Towel or a Broom the most important to the housewife?" It was very comical and interesting. A fine piano solo was also given by Miss Marjorie Thompson. Afterward a delicious lunch of pumpkin pie, cookies and milk was served by the "S's."