The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1917 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1917

Stronghurst Graphic, July 12, 1917 

CHAUTAUQUA WEEK, AUG.14-19: August 14-19th is the time selected for Stronghurst's annual Chautuaqua Assembly. The list of talent is one which will compare favorable with the best.

Some of the favorites will be returning including Bland's famous orchestra and Baldy Strong with his kilts and bagpipe, Charles R. Taggart, the musical humorist and Richard P. Hobson, the famous Georgia ex-congressman and hero of the Spanish American War. These will be amongst the galaxy of attractions. Watch your paper for further news.

1892 GRAPHIC: The famous riot at Homestead, Pa., in which a large force of Pinkerton detectives was attacked by locked out workmen of the Carnegie steel works and 40 or more people killed occurred on July 6th. Walter Goff leased the Dixon Hotel in Stronghurst.

Frank Cooksie sustained a broken ankle while unloading a barrel of oil at the Dunsworth Store. John F. Main, principal at the Wever-Media Academy, and Miss Mamie Crouch of Fall Creek were united in; T.J.Hunter, furniture and undertaking; S.W.Carothers and Frank's photography; A.L.Beaver, barber; Ogden and Taylor, painting; Peter Lauritsen, shoemaking; The Racket store; The Stronghurst State Bank and Bank of Stronghurst; Curry and Ragan, liveymen; M.S.Hooper and H.W. Salter, Physician.

"ABE LINCOLN TRAIL MEETING:" The meeting held in the Stronghurst Club rooms for the purpose of settling the definite location of the "Abe Lincoln" trail through this section was attended by a large number of good road enthusiasts.

Raritan Township and village was especially well represented in those who attended.

It soon developed that the almost unanimous sentiment was that from Raritan to Stronghurst the trail should run north from Raritan to what is known as the Mathers corner, thence west to the Irons corner, thence north to the Annegers corner, thence west to the Sanderson corner and north into Stronghurst.

In regard to the road the trail should follow from Stronghurst to Olena, there was not the same unanimity.

Some claimed that it had all ready been decided and submitted as proof the fact that the Rand and McNally road map of Illinois, which is recognized by autoists as the official road map of the state, showed the trail running west from Stronghurst one and a half miles, thence north into Olena.

However, a petition had been signed by a number of persons favoring the road running north from Stronghurst to the Heisler corner, thence west into Olena and said document had been forwarded to the trail committee at Petersburg, Ill.

It was decided to obtain an expression from those present who were particularly interested in this section of the trail as to their preference of routes.

The advocates of the west from Stronghurst route proved to be largely in the majority.

The advocates of the north from Stronghurst route then agreed to abandon their efforts.

They did this to secure the trail if some assurance would be given them that the road from Stronghurst to the Heisler corner would be put in better shape.

Everyone seemed to want to work together and that the location had been permanently fixed.

(My, my, how reality in the 21st century proves that nothing is permanent as Ill. 94 goes north and not west out of Stronghurst.)

The completion of the organization and the work of properly marking the trail will be taken up at once.

A subscription paper providing for raising funds for this purpose was circulated and the liberal response gives assurance that the "Abe Lincoln Trial" through this section of the country will soon be a reality.

Before adjournment a resolution was offered and adopted, providing for the appointment of a committee of three to cooperate with the committee appointed at Media in securing the consent of the county board of Supervisors to accept state aid for the permanent improvement of the highways of the county.

W.R.Dobbin, E.G. Lewis and James Sutliff were selected to constitute this group.

CIRCUS COMES TO TOWN: The big event for which the youngsters and grownups have been impatiently waiting is drawing near; for on Thursday, July 19th the Ringling Brothers' circus is to exhibit afternoon and night in Monmouth.

Expectancy never ran so high before and it is likely that this district will send a large delegation to feed the elephants.

Unusual interest centers around the gigantic spectacle, "Cinderella" with which the famous showmen are this season opening their wonderful main tent program.

"Cinderella" is probably the best loved of all fairy tales and to see it produced with more than 1000 persons, hundreds of dancing girls and glorious pageants, indeed gives promise of making "childhood's golden dreams come true."

In the same great tent will come the marvelous circus numbers in which 400 men and women performers, scores of trained animals and a galaxy of special features are introduced.

The majority of the acts are entirely new to America, the Ringling Bros. having secured the pick of all European performers who have been obliged to see engagements in this country.

The all new street parade will take place show day morning. (Does anyone remember going?)

ATTENTION: PICNIC OFF: The management announces that on account of circumstances which have arisen and which they feel make such a step advisable, the I.O.O.F. Lodge of Stronghurst has decided to abandon the idea of holding their annual picnic.

(What a blow to the community and all the children!

This event was anticipated all year long.

In fact, one older lady told me that it was the highlight of the summer and she was always so excited about it that she found it hard to sleep the night before.)

LOCAL AND AREA HAPPENINGS: Miss Bernice Smith left for Galesburg where she will enter the Cottage Hospital to take training for the nursing profession.

Clyde Stevenson, who has a good position in the offices of Swift & Co. in Chicago, is spending a two week vacation with his mother, sister, and former friends.

Mr. and Mrs. D. Headen enjoyed a visit from their friend Charles Taylor, the mayor of Bakersfield; he was on his way to New York City to purchase goods.

The Misses Mary Dixson and Lucile Jones returned from a visit at the Bruce Kirkpatrick home in Elgin.

While there they enjoyed a trip to Chicago in the Kirkpatrick touring car.

They were accompanied home by Mrs. Emma Harter and Glendine Kirkpatrick and were joined at the Harter home later in the week by Harter Kirkpatrick from Elgin, Miss Glendine's brother.

John Annegers of Lang, Canada, writes that his wife is slightly improved.

Mrs. Fred Kern of Chicago is visiting the E.R.Grandey home.

Fred is now employed as a fireman on the Santa Fe R.R. with a run between Chicago and Chillicothe.

Lyman Ross and Fred Johnson raced their autos through the village last Saturday evening at a rate which officer Billups considered in excess of the prescribed speed limit.

He, therefore, invited them over to the office of Magistrate Hurd, who assessed a fine of $5.00 each against the boys.

As will be seen in the Lyric theatre this week, a trio of American soldiers will give an entertainment in which army life and war as conducted today will be explained.

One of the men is Corporal Conrad Quint who served in the army of Holland, previous to the present war and was one of the marines who landed at Vera Cruz when that port was seized.

He later joined the Queen's Royal 1st Hussars of Canada and was sent to France where he was badly wounded in the Battle of Ypres.

The other men E.E.Germain and James Fleming have been with the troops stationed along the Mexican border.

Word from Ralph White who is in the Y.M.C.A. army camp at Portsmouth, N.H., stated that he has been selected as one of fifteen men to take charge of association camps on the battle front in France.

Mr. White is a brother of Miss Lucile White who taught here for several years.

He acted as coach for the high school athletic team for two years and was a general favorite with the boys.

***OBITUARY***WILLIAM HARTMAN MARSDEN: Mr. Marsden, a well known retired farmer, passed away at this home, No. 1406 North 7th St., Burlington, Iowa, Saturday. He had been in failing health for the past few years and his death, although not unexpected, will be mourned by relatives and friends.

He was born in Hyde Cheshire, England, June 10, 1837 and celebrated his 80th birthday by his children gathering at his home June 10th. He was quite small when he came to America with his parents. The family settled in Henderson County, Ill. where Mr. Marsden and his family lived in this vicinity until 16 years ago when he retired and went to Burlington and has since resided.

He responded to the call of his country and enlisted in 1862, serving until the end of the war and his many friends and comrades were present at the funeral here Tuesday to pay their last tribute of respect.He is survived by a loving wife, who has done all in her power to take care of him in his many years of sickness and the following children, Thomas and Richard of Gresham, Neb., Mrs. Mary Hawley of Waco, Neb., Mrs. Elizabeth Hazen of Wellfleet, Neb., Mrs. Lou Neff of Dayton, Ohio, U.L. of Carman, John of Terre Haute, Mrs. Lillian Galey of Burlington and a number of grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Short services were held at his late home in Burlington after which the body was brought by auto hearse and relatives coming in cars to Carman where the funeral was held at the M.E.Church. His grandchildren acted as pall bears and the grave services were held under the auspices of the Masonic fraternity.

ONE LESS WOLF: Mrs. Harve Warner of Gladstone vicinity was attacked last Sunday evening by a pet wolf which the family had raised from a cub to a year old. Mr. and Mrs. Warner had planned to go to Burlington and as the latter stepped out of the house, she was set upon by the wolf. The attack was so unexpected and so violent that Mrs. Warner was thrown down, the animal scratching and biting her in several places and tearing her clothing. Mr. Warner, hearing her cries, ran out of the house and kicked the wolf off.

After attending to his wife's injuries, which happily were not very serious, Mr. Warner took down his trusty shot gun and went forth on a quest of the family pet. He found the wolf in the wood shed and the meek and friendly spirit it showed toward him almost dissuaded him from his purpose. He, however, drew a bead between the wolf's eyes and there was a loud report and one less wolf in the world.

AREA HAPPENINGS: Mrs. Lizzie Booten of Olena has been granted a widow's pension largely through the efforts of Dr. Emerson of Lomax. Mr. Fred Crane and family of Carman area motored to Loraine Sabbath to spend the day with the lady's sister, Mrs. Annie Adair and family. Miss Blanche Duvall of Lincoln, Nebr., who has a fine position in a hospital there, visited her parents, Mr. And Mrs. John Duvall of Gladstone. Fran Hulet, a soldier boy who is stationed at Rock Island, visited home folks before going East with his company.