The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1917 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1917

Stronghurst Graphic, August 2, 1917

NO CREDIT GIVEN: Henderson County's quota for the first army draft might have been considerably lower than it is if the eight or ten men from this vicinity who enlisted in Company I of Burlington during the past year had joined an Illinois company instead. It seems that no credit was given this county on account of these enlistments in making up the quota for the new army now being raised.

This seems like an unfair discrimination. These young men undoubtedly had no intention of claiming any other place of residence that the homes from which they came in this vicinity and to credit them to Iowa simply because they chose to join the Burlington company of militia is a piece of rank injustice.

WILL PLACE A FLAG: "Old Glory" will likely float from a flag staff at the top of the village water works tower, a distance of almost 150 ft. from the ground, high enough to catch the eye of the traveler approaching the town from any direction. Mainly, through the efforts of Mr. N.B.Curry, who has been an enthusiastic advocate of the idea since it was first suggested last spring, enough funds have been subscribed to insure the erection of a steel staff on the tower, extending for a distance of 30 feet above the eaves of the roof of the structure.

Messrs. Heinlin and Hine, iron workers of Burlington, have been engaged to furnish and erect the staff and a flag 10 by 15 feet has been purchased. It is possible that a 1000 watt electric lamp will also be placed at the top of the staff.

WEDDED AT HIGH NOON: The home of Mr. and Mrs. John Staley was the scene of the marriage of their second daughter, Miss Roxella, to Mr. Edward E. Wanders of Lomax. The ceremony occurred at the noon hour conducted by Rev. Abram Jaggers of the M.E.Church in the presence of a few of the immediate relatives and friends.

Previously to the ceremony, Miss Ruth Staley, a sister of the bride, and Miss Laurel Woods of Keokuk, Ill., sang "Love, Here is my Heart,"being accompanied on the piano by Miss Fern Woods. Following this Mrs. Ralph Staley took her place at the piano and began playing Mendelssohn's" Wedding March" to which the bride and groom accompanied by Miss Mary Staley and Mr. Harold Wanders descended the stairway of the home and preceded by Rev. Jaggers and little Isleta Wanders, a sister of the groom who acted as a ring bearer.

They advanced to an arch of sweet peas, ferns and asparagus in the parlor of the home beneath which arch they took their place and made answer to the solemn vows. A simple and impressive ring ceremony was used. The bride was attired in a handsome gown of white silk crepe de chine and carried a bouquet of sweet peas while the groom wore the usual black.

Following the ceremony a delicious wedding repast was served and a little later in the afternoon the happy couple were whisked away in an automobile to Decorra, where they took a Santa Fe train for a short honeymoon...The bride is one of Stronghurst's fair and accomplished young ladies, a graduate of the high school and popular amongst a large circle of friends.

She has successfully taught several terms of school in various places in the county during the past two or three years. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. D.W.Wanders of Chillicothe and is a present employed in the offices of the Lomax Town County at Lomax, Ill. On their return from their wedding journey, Mr. and Mrs. Wanders will be at home in their residence in Lomax.

(The prohibition forces were gaining momentum and the following article supported their cause.)

BOOZE FIGHTING: For the married man who thinks he cannot get along without a drink, the following is suggested as a means of freedom from the bondage of the saloon:

"Start a saloon in your own home. Be the only customer (you will have no license to pay.) Give your wife two dollars extra to buy a gallon of whiskey and remember there are 69 drinks in a gallon. Buy your drinks from no one but your wife and by the time the first gallon is gone, she will have four dollars and a half to put into the bank, and two dollars to start business again. (She can even throw in some drinks on the house.) Should you live for ten years and continue to buy booze from her and then die with snakes in your boots, she will have enough money to bury you decently, educate your children, buy a house and lot, marry a decent man, and quit thinking about you entirely."-Weekly Unity

LOCAL AND AREA HAPPENINGS; Mr. Chas. Fort has been attending Chicago University this summer. A period of excessive heat of about a week's duration made the work of harvesting the unusually heavy oats crop very trying on man and beast. Occasionally horses had heat prostration or died of sun stroke.

Mrs. Wm. Hartquist was accompanied home from Burlington by her niece Miss Pippin. W.C.Ivins spent several days visiting his daughter, Mrs. Madge Milligan at her Ivesdale, Indiana, home. The ladies of the W.C.T.U. (Women's Christian Temperance Union) sent the first shipment of comfort bags to the Great Lakes Training Station.

Mrs. Minnie Peterson will take her departure for Dodge City, Kans. where she will make her home for a while with her parents in the hope that the change of climate will be beneficial to her throat, which has been giving her a great deal of trouble of late.

Frank Foley of Little York was severely burned about the legs in a Raritan garage where he thoughtlessly struck a match while sitting in an auto of which the tank of was being filled with gasoline. The fumes from the gas were ignited and Foley's clothing set on fire. Prompt action of the driver of the car in placing the cap on the gasoline tank prevented what might easily have been a very serious disaster. C. P. Plummer of Wheatland, Wyo. has been a recent visitor at the home of his mother, Mrs. W.S.Plummer in Biggsville.

Preston is a first lieutenant in a Wyoming company and expects to be sent South. Chancey Hollingsworth is employed as a clerk by the Bates and Rogers Construction Co. in Rockford, Ill. They are building the great army cantonment at that point. Mr. Sam Lant received a letter from his son Calvin "somewhere in France" telling of his safe arrived on French soil and stating that he held the position of "Cook No.9" of his regiment.

GLADSTONE: Mr. Huston is the new agent at the C.B.& Q. Depot and will soon move his family into the U.P.parsonage to live. Mr. and Mrs.Will Brainard and Mrs. Fred Anderson went to Burlington shopping in the Brainard car.

***OBITUARY***CECIL H. DOWELL: Cecil H. Dowell, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.F.Dowell, was born near Hopper's Mills, Oct. 28, 1897 and passed away at his home near Stronghurst July 30, 1917 after a lingering illness from typhoid fever, aged 19 years, 9 months, 2 days. The deceased was a young man of sterling integrity. He was a member of the young people's Bible Class of the Olena Sabbath School. He gave evidence during his illness in prayer and song services that his trust was in God, singing over twice previous to his passing away that precious song, "Nearer, My God to Thee."

Besides his father and mother, he leaves one sister and two brothers: Beulah, George and Oscar, all at home. Funeral services were held at the Stronghurst M.E.Church with interment in the Stronghurst Cemetery. Pall bearers were John Marshall, Vern Wood, James Marshall, Glenn Marshall, and Everett Pendarvis, and Will Marshall.

GIVE THEM A BANQUET: The Company "I" minstrels who came over from Burlington last Saturday to give an entertainment at the Lyric theatre were accompanied by a number of the other boys of the company, including nearly all of the Stronghurst members. To show evidence of interest and pride in the boys in view of the fact that they would soon be called to some preparatory camp before being sent over seas, the ladies of the local Red Cross organization had decided to arrange a banquet to honor them.

A few minutes before six o'clock the bugler of the company was asked to sound the "mess call" and with a promptness which suggested military training, the boys marched into the room and took their places about the tables. A number of the citizens had been invited and were assigned places amongst the khaki clad guests.

The menu consisted of fried chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy, roasting ears, rolls and butter, cold slaw, beet pickles, applesauce, jelly and jam, pie, iced tea and hot coffee. The guests did full justice to this feast of good things and were profuse in their expressions denoting enjoyment of the occasion.Mr. B.G. Widney acted as toastmaster and called the assemblage to order.

He expressed the pleasure of having the soldier boys and their guests and assured them of the interest of the whole community in their future careers as members of the great army being raised to defend the principles of liberty and humanity. The mayor responded with the toast, "Answer to Call...

The toastmaster next introduced Attorney W.C.Ivins who responded with "Why we are at War."(Mr. Ivins was a noted orator and expounded on the Great Cause; you can read a more detailed account by going to the library and reading this issue on microfilm.) This speech concluded the program. Thirty-eight members of Company "I" attended.

MINSTREL SHOW PLEASED THE CROWD: The minstrel show staged by Company "I" at the Lyric last Saturday evening proved to be a very entertaining affair. Talent of a high order was shown and the only regrettable feature of the occasion was the fact that the program was delayed by the band concert on the street which did not finish until after 9 p.m. so many who would have attended went home. The boys, no doubt, realized a nice sum to be applied towards providing themselves with some of the comforts of life in the service.

CHAUTAUQUA PARADE: At 6:30 Monday evening, the Chautauqua parade and play festival for the children will be the biggest ever given in Stronghurst. Everybody with automobiles and children get in on this and make this a big thing. All are to meet on the Chautauqua grounds.

VILLAGE BOARD PROCEEDINGS: The auditing committee reported favorably on all the bills and they were paid. The tax levy for the current year of $5,690 was approved. A petition by property owners living in the west part of the village asking that a cement crossing and culvert be put across Main St. at the intersection of that street and Cooper St. in line with the sidewalk was approved.

The Sinclair Cudahy Pipe Line Co. was granted the privilege of laying its pipes for the transportation of crude oil through the village along the right away of the Santa Fe R.R. The fire hydrants and the band stand in the park will be repainted. The Chautauqua was given use of the village park and Broadway on the west side for assembly on Aug. 14 to 19th.

1892 GRAPHIC: J.M.West and son had contracted to build three new residence in Stronghurst for the Coffin sisters. J.E.Hardin had sold his restaurant business in Raritan to a Mr. Van Zant and was preparing to locate in Stronghurst. Thirty-six conversions were reported as the result of the Hall and Hutto revival services closed at Raritan.

The Baptist people had extended a call to Rev. Ingram to become the pastor of their newly organized congregation in Stronghurst. The 4 yr. old son of Elder John Huston of the Old Bedford neighborhood had a hip broken and other serious injuries after a fall of 40 ft. down the hay chute of the barn on the Huston farm.

Dr. And Mrs. Harter and sons Virgil and Waldo, the Misses Effie Slater and Flo Spangler, Mr. and Mrs. James Marshall, John Chandler, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Chandler and county clerk, S.H. McMillan, were enjoying a vacation trip amongst the mountains of Colorado.

DRAFT CALL: Of the first 148 men from this county examined for army service at Oquawka, but 25 of those making no exemption claim passed the required physical test. As the county's quota is 74, the exemption board has been notified to call a second batch of 148 registered men for examination next week.There were 48 claims for exemption filed by men who passed the physical exam while 75 of the men were found physically disqualified. (A list of those who passed is in this issue.)

WILL PICK UP THE DEAD: Recently an auto truck has been added to the equipment and the Biggsville Rendering Works will answer calls within twenty miles of Biggsville. If you have a dead horse, cow or hog, phone them at their expense and they will remove the same free of charge.

AREA HAPPENINGS: CARMAN-Station Agent Fred Crane and wife departed for a three week vacation for Davenport and St. Paul and will stop for a short visit with her sister at Pine City, Minn., with a visit at Duluth and take steamer North America for Chicago and then return home after a three day visit. Fred expects "to do" the base ball games there. Mr. M. Beardsley and family of Stronghurst and sister, Mrs. Andre and son of Chicago, visited at the Arthur Griffiths home. Miss Fern Dowell is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. Harry Wisbey and family. Mr. Martin Florence and wife and son Leo motored over from Middlestown, Ia. and spent the day at the John B. Huppert home.

STRONGHURST-The 9th birthday of Dorothy Moore was celebrated by a party of her young friends at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Moore. Refreshments were served to the young folks and a merry time enjoyed. The Misses Grace and Mary Rhodes of St.Louis have been guests at the Schierbaum home.

A "slumber party" participated in by a number of young ladies of the village was given in their honor. Messrs. Lanphere and Dodds accompanied a shipment of three cars of hogs to Chicago. Oat threshing is now in full blast and reports of some enormous yields are coming in. A 34 acre tract on the Hartquist farm north of town is reported to have yielded 100 bushels per acre. The Stronghurst Farmers Grain and Mdse Co. are finishing the construction of a substantial coal shed, 14 by 62 feet in size with concrete floor and sides on the Santa Fe right of way across the street from the company office.

A large company of Raritan people passed through town in autos on their way to the river near East Burlington where they expected to spend the day picnicking. A roast pig dinner was to be one of the main features of the occasion. Mrs. Mary Curry and daughter Callie of Blackwell, Okla. visited at the home of her mother Mrs. Harriet Curry in the village.

On Tuesday, the lady's brother, Sam Curry and daughter, Evelyn, came up from Blandinsville and took the visitors back with them. The Red Crossbranch met with 30 members present.

The afternoon was spent in making fracture pillows and abdominal binders with Mrs. Hazel Steffy as instructor and Mrs. Davidson doing the cutting. Wm. Thayer, one of Stronghurst's earliest grain buyers and who is now a member of the firm of Hitch and Carder, a commission grain firm of Chicago, spent time visiting friends. Mr. Thayer is said to be one of the expert grain samplers on the Board of Trade in that city.

DIES ON THE WAY TO BURLINGTON: Wesley Kessinger, a farmer living southwest of Gladstone, died at 9 o'clock Friday night on a cot on which he was being rushed to a Burlington Hospital in the hope of saving his life after he had been injured by being struck by a pitch fork.

The accident occurred on Wednesday on the farm where he lived and was engaged in threshing.

The pitch fork was caught by a rapidly moving belt and thrown back in such a way as to strike Mr. Kessinger in the stomach.

He was given every attention at his home until Friday night when it was decided to have him taken to a hospital. He was placed on a cot in an automobile, but the journey had hardly started before the spark of life went out.

His death is rendered unnaturally sad from the fact that a wife and seven children are bereft of a husband's and father's care. The deceased was 50 years of age and was born in Henderson County. The funeral was held in the Gladstone M.E.Church with interment at South Henderson Cemetery.

CHAUTAUQUA IS IN SESSION: Chautauqua opened under the best of circumstances with an large attendance and excellent program. The Baldy Strang Company delighted their audience with their vocal and instrumental numbers and impersonations followed by Booth Lowery, the humorist philosopher. On Wednesday Wm. A. McKeever, the "Child Welfare" man and the Arden Drama Co.were scheduled.

Mr. McKeever lectures on the development of the child and also organizes the communities in which he speaks in planning for practical work along civic and social improvement lines. The Arden Company favored the crowd with their presentation of Shakespeare's "The Taming of the Shrew." Thursday listed the rich musical talent of the Shroedter Quintet and the pleasure of watching the deft work of cartoonist and claymodeler, Pitt Parker.

Friday meant that the popular Bland's Band and Mynard Lee Daggy, the educational lecturer would enrich the audience. On Saturday Dr. Harry R. McKeen from Tuskegee Singers, the Community Problem man, and Edwin Brush, the "man of Mystery, would perform. Sunday's attraction was the Hon. Richard Person Hobson, the hero of Santiago Harbor followed by The Hampton Court Singers and Charles R. Taggert, the "man from Vermont."

Miss Maude Gafney, who has the children's work of the chautauqua in charge is drilling and preparing the little folks for the great pageant, "America Yesterday and Today" to be given Saturday evening.

KILLED IN AN AUTO ACCIDENT: Hugh Wood, a farmer who lived three miles southwest of Raritan, met instant death at Kirkwood, Ill., last Sunday about noon when the auto in which he and James Burris of Kirkwood were riding turned turtle, catching Wood beneath it and fracturing his skull at the base of the brain. Burris was driving the car, a light runabout, and coming to a street intersection where there was a rather high crossing, attempted to cross the same at an angle.

When the front wheels struck the crossing they buckled beneath the car, which was over turned and rolled over several times. Burris, who was thrown clear of the car, was only stunned and bruised and soon picked himself up; but he was horrified on going to the aid of Wood to find him lying dead near the car, which had evidently rolled over him and inflicted the injury which was later determined to have been the cause of his death.

Wood was well known throughout this and adjoining counties of the state and was a brother of Rev. John Wood, the M.E. preacher who has filled various appointments throughout this section of Illinois. Funeral services were held at the home of the deceased on what is known as the Wright farm southwest of Raritan and interment was in the Raritan Cemetery.

SEED COMPANY ORGANIZED: E.G.Lewis, S.N. Mathers, Jas. J. Mathers and C.R.Pendarvis are organizing a corporation, capitalized at $300,000 for the purpose of raising and handling seed corn and field seed. While the parties own or operate 1,600 acres of land in the Media vicinity, it is their intention to make the seed business a community affair, seed corn being raised within a radius of 10 miles of Media.

A building is under construction which when completed will afford them a two story structure 60 x 100 ft. giving a floor space of 12,000 sq. ft or over a quarter of an acre in one building. It will be equipped with a large hot air furnace for drying corn and a large exhaust fan which when run at full speed will change the air in the entire building every seven minutes. Mr. Lewis has been in the seed business for a number of years and is an expert in raising and selecting seed. He will have much to do with the policy of the new concern.

MORE OIL ON STREETS AND ROADS: An 8,000 gal. car of road oil for the village and a 10,000 gal. car for the township roads arrived here during the past week. The oil for the village has been applied on streets not oiled previously and the oil for the township is being applied on the Media-Stronghurst Township line road for a distance of one mile south from the Heisler corner (Olena Road today) and on the Lincoln Trail road from the village limits westward. It is thought that it will be possible to oil this road for a distance of about 3 miles from the village limits and as the Lincoln Trail is oiled the entire distance through the village, there will be about four miles of that highway thus treated in a continuous strip.

LOCAL AND AREA HAPPENINGS: Mrs. Clyde Morris died suddenly at the home of the family on the Matt Kirby place northwest of Terre Haute. Mrs. Flo Tillotson came down from Moline to look after business interests and reports great activity in the "Tri-Cities" and says that employment of all kinds is easy to obtain at good wages. Arthur T. Loomis, son of L.M. Loomis of Dallas City, has been commissioned as second lieutenant of quartermaster's corps in the army and Allen B. Crane of Lomax has been commissioned as second lieutenant of Field Artillery. Both have been in officers training camp at Fort Sheridan.

The Monmouth Atlas says that one of the most attractive places at present in Henderson County is the County Farm of which R.T. McDill is superintendent. The statement is made that the farm will clear this year between $600 and $1,000 above all expenses. Walter Thompson, a well known farmer of the Burnside neighborhood, was killed last Saturday at the railway crossing one half mile west of Ferris where the automobile in which he and his two sons were riding was struck by a T.P.& W. passenger train. The two sons, aged 10 and 12 years, escaped death by jumping from the auto before the train struck it. Waldo Johnson is working in a tonsorial parlor in Lomax. (Barber shop) Lyman Fort returned to Galesburg before going to his home at Mitchell, S.D. R.S.

Humphrey of Anson, Kansas, says that his son Earl has enlisted in Co. "L" Kansas National Guards and is expecting soon to be called to Ft. Sill, Okla. for training. Rob. is still buying grain at Anson for the Winfield Flour Mills, but says he would not be surprised to be invited soon by Hoover, (Herbert Hoover) the government food expert, to come to his assistance in the big job the latter has been asked to undertake.