The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1917 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1917

Stronghurst Graphic, July 19, 1917 

THE TRUTH ABOUT THE PICNIC: As there have been all sorts of reports in circulation during the past week concerning the decision of the management of the I.O.O.F. picnic to call off that event this year and as some of these reports were evidently started with the intention of putting the village board and certain individuals, including the Graphic editor, in a false light, we present the true facts in the case.

At the village board meeting on July 6th, the picnic committee made application for the use of the public park for their annual event to be held on July 20 and 21. A motion was made that the request be granted with the proviso that the picnic concession privileges be passed upon by the board before being sold or granted. It was suggested that it might be impractical for the full board to meet when necessary to act on the matter and the motion was amended by substituting a committee of three, including the president. The motion carried unanimously by a roll call vote.

The board member who attached the proviso did so because in the past shows and games of an indecent, immoral and illegal character had been conducted on the picnic grounds and that while the picnic committee had disclaimed knowledge of the real nature of these concessions when same were sold by them, they had permitted them to operate after observing what their nature was and had placed the responsibility for their suppression upon the village authorities. This was unjust and calculated to create more or less trouble. Observance of the law, order and decency during the picnic was being thrown upon the board and they should, therefore, have the right to investigate the nature of the concessions before they were allowed to set up and operate. Every member of the board concurred with this opinion.

On Tuesday evening of last week at the invitation of the picnic committee, the village board committee met and discuss the concessions. After stating their position, the board said it was not the intention to interfere with anything of a legitimate, decent character and that it was their desire that the committee to cooperate with the management in a way which would be creditable not only to the village but also to the order they represented.Reports circulating that the village board intended to cut out the merry-go-round, the shooting galleries, and other things usually considered unobjectionable were false.

Notwithstanding these facts, the picnic committee flatly refused to allow the village board through its committee to inquire into or investigate the character of any concession asked for until the same was set up and in operation and stated that unless they were allowed to handle the matter according to their own idea, the picnic would be given up. The board did not feel justified in receding from their position and the result was that the picnic committee declared the affair off.

An attempt has been made to blame the editor and one or two others for the state of affairs which is false. All would have been settled if the gambling and immoral and disgusting exhibitions had been barred. The village board stood together on this matter. In regard to the boycott of the paper being urged by certain individuals, the consideration of the loss of a little patronage will in no way affect whether the policy pursued by this paper or that which we pursue as a public official in matters affecting the interests of the village or the community. We might also add that a boycott has sometimes been known to assume an annoying tendency to take on the shape and characteristics of a boomerang. (The cancellation of the picnic was a big deal as it was the social event of the year and brought considerable capital into the village. The editor was standing up for the village board of which he was the member and his right to report events as he saw them.)

LIVESTOCK GROUPS TALK: A number of the leading members of the Henderson County Polled and Horned Hereford Cattle Association met with officials in the Henderson County Horse Show Association in the Stronghurst Club rooms and a movement was launched looking to the organization of a Live Stock Association to promote the breeding of fine stock in this section by means of an annual exhibition and the holding of sales of pure bred stock from time to time.

After some discussion it was decided to make an effort to incorporate a stock company with a capitalization of $10,000, secure suitable grounds and erect a sale and exhibition pavilion. Subscriptions for stock in the amount of $2100 were pledged by those present and a committee appointed to canvass the community...

1892 GRAPHIC: Al Stansbury of Raritan took his departure for New Mexico where he hoped to recuperate his failing health. Messrs. Kessler and Chant let the contract to Steffey Bros. for the brick for their new hardware store building to be erected on the corner of Broadway and Nichols Street. Hall and Hutton, two noted evangelists, were holding a series of revival meetings at Raritan. Joseph Atwater and George H. Butler had formed a partnership for the purpose of engaging in the harness business in the village. Miss Elma Carlson, who made her home with the George Coffin family south of the village died on July 17th. Chas. Millen, an honored citizen of Biggsville neighborhood passed away on July 18th after a lingering illness from cancer of the liver.

M.C.Howard, a Santa Fe brakeman, met with an accident at Decorra on July 16th, which resulted in his death a few hours later. He was running ahead of the moving freight train to open a switch when he fell through a bridge which he had forgotten was there. He barely had time to throw his body outside the rails when the wheels of the engine passed over both legs near the ankles. He died in the Ft. Madison hospital the next morning.

STRAND LAND BRINGS GOOD MONEY: The farm of the late David Strand, situated seven and one half miles southeast of Stronghurst, was sold at Administrator's sale at the front door of the State Bank of Stronghurst. The 167.5 acres was sold to Mrs. Strand on her bid of $35,000, which is approximately $209 per acre. The farm is one of the best in this section of the state and generally conceded to be well worth the price it brought.

HOW TO PARK YOUR AUTO: The large number of autos coming to Stronghurst during the evenings makes it a matter of necessity that a system of parking be observed which will prevent Broadway from becoming blocked to traffic. All drivers of cars are urged to park their cars in the center of the street, facing the sidewalk before leaving them. This arrangement is being already pretty generally observed, but there are a few who disregard it. Cars which are to be headed north when started again should be parked facing the east and those to be headed south should face the west.

RED CROSS BENEFIT: The Country Club gave a Red Cross benefit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.W.Ross Tuesday evening. The home was tastefully decorated with Red Cross and the National colors. A program of music and readings was very entertaining and well received. Refreshments were sold which furnished another of many instances when the ladies of that excellent society have given substantial evidence of their superior skill in that line. It was also a great social event and a financial gain of $63 for the Red Cross.

LOCAL AND AREA HAPPENINGS: Gordon B. Crowe, a cattleman from Colorado and connected with the big Cudahay Ranch in that state, has been in this vicinity for several days buying pure bred Herefords from our breeders. A.L. Negley of the country south of Stronghurst who makes a specialty of the breeding of Big Type Poland china hogs, sold four animals of that breed for the sum of $271.60; the hogs averaged 485 lbs. each.

W.J.McKeown and T.C. Knutstrom went to Flint, Michigan and drove home two Buick cars, one of which they sold to D.A.King. The other, a five passenger 1918 model is on exhibition at their garage. Mrs. B.G.Widney took an auto load of ladies to Biggsville to attend a chapter organizational meeting of the Red Cross Society. Mr. And Mrs. Oscar Beckett made an auto trip over southeastern Iowa visiting at the homes of Mrs. Beckett's sons Bert, Earl and Roll Randall.

During the severe electrical storm in this section lightning struck the barn of A.L. Negley south of town killing a valuable 9 year old horse in its stall. An eight inch walnut corner post of the barn was completely shattered by the bolt. Almer was only 10 feet away from the barn when it was struck, but fortunately escaped injury. C.E. Peasley returned from Canada where he had been looking after his farming interests. He says that the season there and also in North Dakota has been unfavorable for the wheat crop and a poor yield is expected.