The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1917 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1917

Stronghurst Graphic, April 12, 1917

SMALL POX SITUATION: A number of wild and absurd reports concerning the small pox situation in this village have appeared during the past week in various metropolitan as well as provincial newspapers. With the view of presenting the real facts as to the present conditions, careful inquiry as to the exact number of cases of presumed small pox was made and learned that just six families in the village have symptoms.

In the families of John Staley, Chas. Kirby, Rev. Jaggers and Jesse Hicks, there are single cases-all children, none of them showing a degrees of illness any more than which usually follows vaccination. Miss Jean Anderson, who makes her home with John Layton and wife, has been ill for something over a week and is said to have developed symptoms of the disorder while the Ed Simpson family have six cases which an attending physician has pronounced small pox.

Quarantines have been established in all cases. As it has been four or five weeks since the malady made its first appearance and no serious results seen, there is no occasion for extreme apprehension.

There would, in all probability, be more chance of contracting small pox through a visit to Burlington, Monmouth, Galesburg or any other large city than through a visit to Stronghurst.

The state doctor arrived on the morning train, made a hasty examination of one or two persons and then departed on the eastbound train. He expressed the opinion that the sick had recovered from a mild form of the disease. Acting on his advice, the village board passed the resolution lifting the ban on public meetings next week.

TOWN ON ABE LINCOLN TRAIL: The delegation which attended the Havana meeting to locate the Abe Lincoln Trail from that city to Burlington brought home "the bacon" and it is now definitely settled that this important highway will pass through the village. A strong delegation from Media presented their claims, but when they found they could not win it, gave up and good naturedly proceeded to get busy with a project for an air line trail from Peoria to Burlington via their village.

***OBITUARY***OLIVER PERRY LOVITT: Oliver Perry Lovitt was born at Newark, Licking Co., Ohio, June 22, 1831, a son of Jonas and Catherine (Parr) Lovitt, natives of the Buckeye state, who spent their entire lives and died there. Of their five children, Perry was fourth and none survive him.

When he was orphaned as a boy of six or seven, he was taken into the home of his uncle, Daniel Lovitt of Muskingum Co., Ohio, where he remained till he went to live with his cousin, Price Lovitt, later an Illinois pioneer. He lived with Price till 1853 when he married in October 1855 Lucinda Jane Debolt, daughter of William and Barbara Debolt, natives of Ohio.

In the spring of 1854 he and his wife, Price Lovitt and the latter's family drove overland from Ohio to Henderson County, Illinois, and settled in Terre Haute Township. (Dates are confusing but are copied as reported.)

In the spring of 1858 Mr. Lovitt bought the "home place" where he lived until March 1911 when he sold his farm to his daughter, Mrs. George Mathews, and moved to Stronghurst living with his granddaughter, Miss Maude Bowen till the time of his death on April 5, 1917. His wife preceded him, having died June 27, 1908.

Mr. And Mrs. Lovitt became the parents of six children,three of whom are living: Annie, wife of Geo. Mathews; Lucinda J. Kellerman of Oklahoma City; and Maurice Lovitt of Miles City, Montana.

There are four grandchildren living.Mr. Lovitt was one of those honored old citizens, a temperate man of simple manners and plodding industry with unquestionable honesty...He was 85 years, 9months and 12 days at his death.

WED IN MONMOUTH: Leslie A. Grier, son of Circuit JudgeR.J.Grier of Monmouth and Miss Esther McAllister, daughter of Mr. Harry McAllister of Oquawka, were united in marriage April 6th by the Rev. J. Reade McCrory at his home on North Second St. in Monmouth. The groom is a member of the Lord Construction Co. of Monmouth, was educated in the public schools of Monmouth, the St. John's Military Academy of Delafield, Wis., and the University of California.

The bride, who has lived the greater part of her life in Henderson County, was educated in the public schools of Oquawka and St. Mary's Academy at Knoxville, Ill., from which she recently graduated. After a short honeymoon trip in Iowa, the couple will return to Monmouth to make their home.

1892 GRAPHIC: Miss Cora Brown, daughter of John Brown, died at the home of her parents on April 11th. Samuel Curry and Miss Carrie Purdy were married at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. David Hugins in Raritan. A. Mains sold his interest in the livery stable to Mr. George Curry.

The discovery had just been made that a quartet of youngsters of the village not yet out of knee pants had banded themselves together for the purpose of committing small robberies when opportunity offered. The conspiracy was revealed when one of the four was caught extracting money from the till of a village merchant.

Will Armstrong was lying ill from an attack of typhoid fever contracted during a visit at Bentonville, Ark., where he had attended the funeral of his father, I.N.Armstrong. H.G.King was preparing to move to Logan County, Kan., where he had a half section of land near the town of Winona.

LOCAL AND AREA HAPPENINGS: Miss Marjorie Thompson was home from school in Oquawka. Mr. and Mrs. H.B.Fort returned from their honeymoon in Kansas visiting relatives. A detachment of guardsmen are said to be stationed at the big Santa Fe bridge spanning Ellison Creek east of Media, the purpose being to keep all suspicious looking individuals away from the structure.

Louis Hoch, an aged German resident of Raritan, passed away at his home following an attack of pneumonia. The deceased was a bachelor who since coming to this country had always lived alone and was noted for his many eccentricities. He had, however, many excellent traits of character which won him the respect of those who knew him best. The annual meeting of the Salem Baptist Assoc. was held in Raritan. Mrs. Lulu McIntyre of Kansas City is visiting her parents, Mr. And Mrs. C.S.Cooper of Raritan.

The Mississippi River is slowly rising as a result of the rapid melting snow in the north.Attorney W.C.Ivins left for a health resort in Texas where he hopes to gain relief from the rheumatic trouble he has been experiencing. Mr. J.R.Marshall writes from his brother Harris' home near Fairmont, N.Dak. that farming will begin in earnest in a few days. It has been definitely learned that the Fred Brewer known to most was not the Fred Brewer reported to having been killed in a quarrel in Arkansas.

Mrs. Elizabeth Cortleyou from Louisiana, Mo., has come to make her home with her daughter, Mrs. Dr. Bailey west of Raritan. Ed Stine and sons recently bought of Kerr Bros.of Muscatine, Ia., the fine polled Hereford Bull, Poll Improver, who joins a herd of 20 pure bred. Mr. Alex Marshall is going about on crutches as the result of a fall from the hay mow. He missed his footing and fell several feet rupturing some of the blood vessels of his leg which is very painful.

OQUAWKA OCCURRENCES: The citizens of Oquawka are putting out all sizes of flags; they feel that the time has come to show support for Uncle Sam. The ladies of the M.E.Aid Society gave a farewell party for Mrs. Wm. Wiegand at the church. Forty-eight member were present and wished Mrs. Wiegand well in her new home in Muscatine, Iowa. Milton Snodgrass is remodeling the old Sam flat across from the Schlotzhaur livery barn and expects to run an ice cream parlor there in. Mrs. Clyde Essex is suffering from a severe attack of tonsilitis and both Mrs. James McNamara and Mrs. A.L.Peters are quite ill.

CARMAN CONCERNS: Mr. E.A.Cowdrey and family have moved to the Miss Fannie Babcook property in the north part of town. The contest between the I.O.O.F. and Rebakahs putting on the best floor work was won by the latter. Mrs. John Pendry went to Gladstone to visit her son Dave and to see her new grand son. Results of the election are as follows: Supervisor-Walter Howell; Road Commissioner-Gus Rehling; Justice of the Peace-Robert Gillis, Sr., and William Coffman; Constable-John B. Coats and Lewis Bagles. Miss Rhoda Marsden entertained her Sunday school class of twelve little folks at an Easter party at her home. They enjoyed coloring eggs and hiding them. John Clover received the prize by finding the most eggs after which a lunch of fruit salad and cake was served.

GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Messrs George, Clyde and William Galbraith were called to Emerson, Iowa, where they attended the funeral of their sister, Mrs. Mary Pratt. The official board of the M.E.Church will meet at the Oliver Forward home to attend to business. The home talent play of the lyceum course was given at the U.P. church to a house filled to capacity. Mrs. Frank Kelly visited her brother, Mr. George Mills of Oquawka. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Robbins are the proud parents of a fine 9 lb. boy.

A dance program will be given at Bryan's hall Wednesday evening featuring Hassel's five piece orchestra from Burlington. The band boys will serve supper in the stone hall the same evening.

(In this issue are ballots for the Stronghurst Village with separate ones shown for men and women; both list the same candidates.)