The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1917 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.19

Stronghurst Graphic, May 3, 1917 

AN EXAMPLE OF PATRIOTISM: Burlington, Iowa Evening Gazette-"When it comes to patriotism and loyalty, the live little town of Stronghurst, Ill., need make no apologies. There's a reason; Stronghurst is no metropolis, and this means that she is not overburdened with the number of young men in town. And yet, Stronghurst has ten of her sons in Company I, the Burlington military company.

The latest recruit to enlist with the local company is John H. Tracy of that place. He was the first recruit added to the company in more than a week, which indicates that there is not anything resembling a rush being made on the armory. Stronghurst now has more than a "squad" in the company and she should be proud of her record...

Upon investigation we find that the number of young men from this village who have joined Company I is eight instead of ten and that they are Joe Baxter, Fred Salter, Howard and Harold Weddington, Alvah Putney, Ernest Foote, Harry Clark and John Tracy. However, when we remember that the village has a representative in the naval academy in Annapolis in the person of Rex Hicks, it must still be conceded that Stronghurst is up in the front rank in the matter of furnishing young men for the service of the country on land and sea.

HOLDS HIS OWN: W.J.Graham, Congressman from this district, made his maiden speech in the House of Representatives during the course on the debate on the "selective draft" bill. The speech was a strong and able argument showing the advantages of the selective system over the volunteer plan in raising an army to meet the emergency now confronting the nation and it demonstrates that our representative will be able to hold his own upon the floor of the house when important measures are under discussion...

RALLY FOR SIX WEEKS: On next Sabbath, May 6th the Sabbath School plans to begin a rally campaign which is to last for six weeks, culminating with Children's Day services the second Sabbath in June at the U.P.Church. During the campaign efforts will be made to increase the membership, average attendance and offerings of the school.The Women's Missionary Society will meet at the home of Mrs. C.E.Fort and next Sabbath evening a union service will be held in the church addressed by Rev. E.W.Ward, representing the Anti-Saloon League work of this state.On the next Sabbath morning the Rev. Kenneth Anderson will preach his second anniversary sermon as pastor of the congregation.

***OBITUARY***HENRY SHICK: After an illness of about one week from pneumonia, Mr. Henry Shick passed away at his home in Stronghurst April 30th. Mr. Shick was in his 70th year, having been born Oct.31, 1847 in Fulton County, Ill. He was married on Jan.1, 1872 to Miss Millie Stimpson and to this union three children were born, namely, Mrs. Cora Magee, Mrs. Clara Leinbach and John Shick, all of this place. These, together with his wife, survive him. He is also survived by 22 grand children, besides 3 sisters and one brother-Mrs. Mary Noles of Terre Haute, Ill.; Mrs. Amanda Boughton of Oquawka; Mrs. Lydia Westfall of California, and Ira Shick of Iowa. He was the oldest of a family of 13 children, 9 of whom preceded him in death.

Mr. Shick was a member of the Stronghurst Christian Church and also of the Modern Woodmen lodge...Funeral services were conducted at the M.E.Church with interment in the Carman Cemetery.

***OBITUARY***JOHN JOHNSON: John Alfred Johnson was born in Saby congregation, Jonkapings Lan, Sweden, July 6, 1858, and died April 26, 1917 at his home four and one half miles northeast of Stronghurst, aged 58 years, 9 months and 20 days. His death resulted from a runaway accident.Mr. Johnson came to America in 1882 and on Feb.26, 1883 married at Burlington, Ia., Miss Amanda Carlson. This union was blessed with 8 children, four of whom preceded their father in death-Ida Maria, David Hermann, Albert Theodore and George Richard. The four surviving children are Carl William, John Edwin, Oscar Leonard and Nellie Signie Johnson, all living in this vicinity. The deceased is also survived by his wife and by two brothers living in this country, namely C.A.Johnson of this vicinity and Fran Johnson of San Francisco, Calif. And one brother and two sisters living in Sweden...He was a member of the Swedish Lutheran church of Stronghurst where funeral services over his remains were conducted with interment in the Stronghurst Cemetery.

HIGHWAY WORK FOR COUNTY: County Supt. Of Highways, C.R.A.Marshall reports the letting of bridge contracts for the construction of the county bridge known as the John Simonson bridge and a township bridge near the J.H Voorhees place to C.D. Stratton of Little York, Ill.

The first mentioned structure will cost $1,300 and the later $425. A county line bridge between Point Pleasant Township in Warren County and Raritan Township in Henderson County to E.F.Hamilton of Raritan for $237.50. Mr. Marshall also reports the purchase of a road oiler with pressure boiler and heater attachment for $675. Biggsville Township is prepared to make use of this machine as soon as it is received.

BACK FROM CANADA: Bert Moore and family of Winnipeg, Canada, arrived in Stronghurst and will make their home here until the close of the war. Mr. Moore is a carpenter and builder and will probably follow his trade here as there is an unusual amount of building in the village at present. He seems surprised at the high cost of living here in the states and says that the best grade of potatoes are now retailing in Winnipeg at $1.25 per bushel and other food stuffs with the exception of dried fruits are selling there in the same proportion below the selling price of similar foods here. Potatoes in spite of the duty are being shipped in carload lots to St.Paul, Minn. and other northern cities and could be placed on the market at half the price now prevailing, but the speculators buy them on track and put them in storage with the hope of continuing the corner on this very necessary product.

LOCAL AND AREA HAPPENINGS: Del Dixson is making extensive repairs on his home in the east part of town. A seven pound baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ira Kimmet last Thursday. W.C.Ivins is reported to be improving in health since going to Texas for treatment. Miss Evelyn Carothers has gone to Alberta, Canada for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Ethel McCleary. The past three weeks in this locality have been marked by an unusual number of cold, rainy days; and as a consequence the spring work of the farmers has been greatly retarded.

The gardens are very backward and vegetation of all kinds has made but slow growth. Despite the chilling winds and dearth of flowers this springtime, the practice of hanging May baskets was observed very generally by the younger element in the community; the absence of flowers being made up for by an increased amount of bright colored paper and articles of an edible nature. Chas. Barnett, wife and young son visited several days at the home of his brother, Mr. George Barnett in this village.

The home of this family has been near Smithshire, but they took their departure for Phoenix, Arizona, where Mr. Barnett will be employed selling stoneware for an Ohio pottery while looking for a permanent place to locate in case the family decided to remain. M.E.Beardsley was in Chicago purchasing new goods for his clothing and furnishing establishment.

Alonzo Fair has returned to Stronghurst and opened a cigar factory in the rooms above the Lazear drug store. He has also been engaged as leader of the local band for this season.

In Lomax E. Harvey has been improving his premises with new cement walks.

GLADSTONE: Many relatives and friends of Mrs. David Cook gathered at her home to remind her of the fact that it was her 51st birthday; a fine dinner was served from the well filled baskets brought by the guests. A large crowd was present at the ball given in Bryan's hall. The music was by Paine's orchestra of Burlington. Albert Meyers and family of Biggsville have moved into the Simpson home. Mr. Frank Hulet, one of the soldier boys, returned to Rock Island after visiting his mother. The large barn of Mr. M.D.Brent down on the bottom lands was struck by lightning. Mr. Frank Hobart has moved to a farm east of Oquawka. Marcellus Galbraith, Axel Linburg, W.M.Brainard, Chas. Kemp and Miss Gladys Gray are all owners of new automobiles.

OQUAWKA: The three churches of Oquawka united Sunday evening and held a patriotic meeting at the Presbyterian church. Patriotic songs were sung during the evening and Rev. Green spoke on "How our flag won the name of "old Glory." The Oquawka band was out and furnished some good music. All the Oquawka lodges were out in a body. The village has taken a good way to show President Wilson that we are with him when the crisis comes.

Last Monday, the button factory boys received the big flag they sent for. They will raise it above the factory in a few days, having the band to furnish music for the occasion. The country home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Moir (the late home of Robert Hodson) is growing under the carpenters hands. The grounds are being laid out for flowers and shrubbery and trees, a swimming pool is being put in, and many new out buildings such as chicken houses, etc. are being added; it will be an ideal home when finished.

***OBITUARY***MRS. HENRY CARNS: Mrs. Henry Carns passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Roy Larmer of Rozetta. She was operated upon at the Monmouth Hospital recently and failed to recover from the operation. She leaves her husband and ten children to mourn her death. Interment was in the Rozetta Cemetery.

CARMAN: One of the Carman ladies, Mrs. Fred Crane, was the lucky one to receive the universal nickel plated coffee urn given away by Kaut and Kriechbaum of Burlington for baking the best loaf of bread; the judges were the domestic science teachers from the high school. The Royal Neighbors and a few invited friends entertained very delightfully with a miscellaneous shower at the M.W.A. Hall after lodge in honor of one of their members Miss Madah Cherry, who is to become the bride of Mr. Otto Hildebran of Buffalo, Ind. May 6th.