The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1917 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.19

Stronghurst Graphic, May 17, 1917 

CHARGED WITH FRAUD: A.A.Lawton of Dallas City is in the toils of the federal courts charged with using the mails in an attempt to defraud Mrs. Wm Wrigley of Pasadena, Cal. out of $5,000. Mrs. Wrigley is the wife of the chewing gum magnate and recently advertised that she would pay a reward of $5,000 for the return of some diamonds which had been stolen from her. It seems that Lawton saw this ad and wrote Mrs. Wrigley that he knew where the jewels were and would restore them to her on receipt of the money. The lady was wary and had an investigation started which resulted in the arrest of Lawton. Lawton is a shoemaker in Dallas City and has been a resident of the village for about a year.

REMODELED A HOME: During the past two or three months, Mr. J.E.Hardin has been engaged in remodeling his dwelling house on the corner of Broadway and Dixson Streets and has converted it into a thoroughly up-to-date residence. In the matter of interior arrangement especially, convenience and artistic effect have been happily blended in the production of all the desirable features of a modern home. Mr.

B.G.Widney has rented this property of Mr. Hardin and he and his wife are moving there this week. Mr. Hardin has made arrangements to return to the state of Wyoming where he spent several previous years and where he will engage in the trade of carpentry.

1892 GRAPHIC: Mr. E.J.West and Miss Belle Rambo were married at the home of the bride on the evening of May 19th. A new school house was being constructed two miles east of the village in the Allison district. Ralph Marshall and family from Ashland, Neb. visited relatives on their way to Texas where they expect to engage in wheat raising.

The Santa Fe Co. was considering the proposition of putting in a switch track and grain loading station at the Tulin Nelson crossing between Stronghurst and Media.(Section 20, Media Township) Dr. Ernest Salter had been granted a certificate to practice medicine and was preparing to locate here.

BOYS FOR FARM WORK: The Board of Education of Chicago is carrying on a farm and garden movement and have over 1500 boys who have volunteered their services. The Santa Fe Railroad is cooperating and if farmers needing help will write the office of the Division of Freight Agent at Fort Madison, Ia., or will furnish the local gents with information as to their needs, the railroad company will undertake to supply the help needed. (Know of anyone who came to Henderson County?)

COST TO OIL STREETS: Carthage has announced that the cost of oiling streets per running foot this season will be as follows: 16 ft. wife, 3 cents; 24 ft.wide, 4 1/2 cents; 32 ft. wife, 6 cents. Figured upon this basis, the estimated cost of oiling Broadway in Stronghurst an average width of 75 ft. from North St. To South St. to be a trifle above $400 and that paid for on the assessment plan would cost the abutting property owners $2.40 per each 25 ft. lot.

TREED BY A WOLF: For a number of weeks the farmers east and south of town have daily seen a pair of large wolves and some days two pairs. They all speak of them as being unusually large specimens of prairie wolf kind such as is common to Henderson County. Monday afternoon the farm hands working on the James. Mathers farm noticed two wolves in an adjoining field and remarked that they were unusually tame.

Later in the evening as the boys were unhitching from their plows one of them called attention of the other of what he believed to be a sow and pigs in the clover field non the hillside. The other insisted that they were not pigs and when a wager of cigars had been place, one of the boys crossed over into the field to make an investigation. On his approach the little animals ran into their hole and the excited boy returned to his companions demanding his cigars.

As soon as the evening chores had been done and supper eaten, the boys went back to the field to dig out the wolves. One of them decided to remain at the den while the other returned to the house for a lantern and more digging utensils. He had gone but a few rods in the twilight when he encountered the mother wolf which at once showed signs of fight.

After a moment attempt to frighten the animal away, the young man decided the best thing for him was to run for the hedge. As soon as he started, the infuriated animal rushed after him and it was only his good fortune that a nearby hedge tree offered an asylum of refuge.

With the wolf snapping growling at his heels he found it an easy matter to climb into the tree not even thinking of whether the tree was affected with San Jose scale or any other disease which attacks the bark of various trees and shrubs.

After sitting there for some minutes watching the beast below him which seemed to be more determined to bring its captive down from his lofty perch, he yelled to his companion on the hill to come to his assistance.

The latter was loath to leave the den fearing his prey would escape, but when the man in the tree explained the seriousness of his situation, he came with the only gun they had and after a couple of shots the wolf left and the young man descended.

Hurrying to Mr. Mathers' house he soon returned with an auto and Jas. Mathers and Emmet Milliken. The party proceeded to dig out the wolves and before midnight they succeeded in capturing the five puppies and on Tuesday night Mr. Mathers drove to the county seat to claim bounty for the scalps. Loung Adair insists that he is entirely excusable for not keeping a date with a certain young lady that evening but says that he wasn't "scared" if he did climb a hedge tree.

CAPTURED THE BOOZE: Two wagon loads of beer, one on two separate occasions bound from Warsaw to Keokuk, have been captured and amount of lesser booze; a skiff load of stuff was partially responsible for a double drowning and yet the illicit traffic still goes on, although not quite so boldly nor to such great extent as it did. It is disgusting people here and making dry votes far more rapidly than all the temperance literature that could be disseminated-Warsaw Bulletin BJ.N. Dutton, one of Burlington's wealthiest citizens and owner of a large tract of land near Gladstone was instantly killed Wednesday morning about 7:30 a.m., when the auto in which he was riding was struck by a Rock Island engine on the Main St. Crossing of the C.B.& Q. Tracks at Burlington.

The auto was being driven by Mr. Dutton's daughter, who claims that the flagman at the crossing failed to warn them of the approach of the train. The flagman, however, claims that he signaled the auto to stop and that the occupants were engaged in conversation and paid no attention to him until the machine was on the tracks and that it was brought to a halt directly in front of the train, the engineer of which was making every effort to stop to avoid a collision. Witnesses state that Mr. Dutton would probably not have bee

n killed had he remained in the auto and that he death resulted from his being crushed against the iron fence which surrounds the depot grounds.

The daughter escaped without any injuries while the automobile, which was a closed Kissle car, was completely demolished by being ground between the train engine and the iron fence.

LOCAL AND AREA HAPPENINGS: Bert Moore is employed by T.D.Steffey as a carpenter. The members of the "Overcomers" class of the U.P. Sabbath School were pleasantly entertained by Miss Mabelle Jones honoring Miss Myrtle Hastings, a former faithful, efficient teacher during the past year. Burnham Fort has rented Mrs. Pogue's property on South Broadway and will soon be at home at that place.

Bert Moore is moving to Mrs. Starkey's house in the west part of town. Attorney W.C.Ivins has been engaged to deliver the Memorial Day address at Terre Haute. He has just returned from Texas where he had been in a sanitarium taking treatment for rheumatism.

His health has very much improved during his stay there. Virgil Logan, son of E.L.Logan of Dallas City, has taken the preliminary examination for enlistment in the army aviation service and expects to take up the work at the conclusion of his school work for the present term.

The house lately vacated by J.W.Rankin has been moved by Mr. Towler who bought it recently to the lots purchased by him in the Dixson addition south of the Swedish Lutheran Church. Peter Groome apprises friends that he has been transferred from Cheyenne to Green River Wyo. where he holds the position of chief dispatcher for the Union Pacific R.R.

The many friends of C.E.Frebert will no doubt be pained to learn that he is suffering from a broken nose, the injury being inflicted by a beer bottle wielded by one of Mr. Frebert's customers, Dick Latta of Nauvoo, in whose saloon "Butch" was enjoying a social glass with a friend. Hal Rowe is to have charge of the big plant for the St.Clair-Cudahy Oil line in Niota.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jacobs of Oquawka have moved to the Chas. Kemp place in the Gladstone area where he will be employed for the summer. Mr. Grant White of the Gladstone area shipped a car of cattle and a car of hogs to the Chicago market.