The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1917 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1917

Stronghurst Graphic, Sep. 6, 1917: 

RAISE THE FLAG AND CHEER THE SOLDIERS: Last Friday was a day when business became secondary and patriotism usurped its place. It was the day set for raising the new flag and the event was made memorable by a program that lifted the minds of those present from the common affairs of life and stirred them to emotions that have scarcely been known since the close of the Civil War. In addition to the flag raising program single honors were paid to the young men who are so soon to offer their lives, if need be, on the altar of their country.

A good crowd assembled in the park in the afternoon around a speaker's stand which had been beautifully decorated for the occasion. Fourteen young men ready to join the ranks were given seats of honor in the front of the stand. The exercises were opened with "The Star Spangled Banner" by the band joined by the audience singing the familiar strains. An earnest prayer was offered by the Rev. W.P. Anderson and Miss Sarah McElhinney sang a song accompanied by Miss Evelyn Fort.

Rev. Jaggers, pastor of the Methodist Church delivered a rousing address. He thought this was American's opportunity to do something for humanity, to provide for her own safety in the future and accomplish it with less loss of treasure and lives than it could be done at any future time; it was an opportunity for American to repay France for what she did to help this country obtain her independence... Following the address, ten young ladies sang "American, I Love You," accompanied by the band.

A reading by Manly Staley and a song by a quartet composed of W.C. Ivins, W.J. McElhinney, J.E.Amerman and C.E. Fort was followed by a very pretty flag drill by twelve little girls under the direction of Miss Mary Morgan.W.C.Ivins gave one of the most eloquent addresses ever given in Stronghurst speaking of the flag and its significance...At the close of the exercises a procession led by the Boy Scouts was formed to march to the water tower for the flag raising. They were followed by the band and then the soldier boys who bore the flag...The flag was raised to the top of the pole to a cheer which told of the pent-up enthusiasm of those witnessing the event. After music by the band, B.G.Widney lead the assemblage in the pledge to the flag and all joined in singing the national anthem.

Ladies of the local chapter of the Red Cross gave a banquet at the rooms of the association in honor of the soldiers at which toasts and responses were given with W.C. Ivins acting as toastmaster. J.F.Mains spoke of exemptions, Mrs. I.F.Harter presented the ideas of mothers-their hopes, their fears and their pride in the young men, B.G.Widney compared military service today to that of his father in the Civil War and Rex Hicks, home from Annapolis, responded with a cheerful view of prospective service and livened up the occasion with good stories regarding his experiences at the Naval Academy.

To complete the day's events a crowd assembled at the park after supper and indulged in a genuine romp in which games of various kinds were played and participated in by old and young alike. Refreshments were served and the day gave those going overseas pleasant recollections to take with them.

1892 GRAPHIC: The famous pugilist, John L. Sullivan, was vanquished in a twenty-four round fight with the new slugger, Corbett, at New Orleans. G.E.Warner, a former Stronghurst businessman, and Miss Gertie Mendenhall of Dallas City were married at the home of bride on Aug. 31st. A race meet in which some of the fast trotters and pacers from this part of the county were participants was held at the Santa Fe Driving Park. The village school opened with 126 student enrolled. George Curry, one of the best known men of Henderson County, died at his home in Olena on Sept.5 following a stroke of apoplexy which he suffered early in the afternoon of that day. The deceased was the father of Mr. C.H.Curry of this place.

***OBITUARY***LUTHER OGDEN: Mr. Ogden, who was taken to St. Mary's Hospital in Galesburg several weeks ago for treatment, passed away there on Sept.2nd. The physicians gave uraemia as the immediate cause of his death. He had been in failing health for some time but did not give up work until a few weeks ago when he became practically helpless. The deceased was 57 years of age and had lived in Stronghurst for some time where he worked as a teamster and day laborer. He was married about 35 years ago to Miss Mary Lynch of the Raritan neighborhood. She died Aug.2, 1913. The deceased is survived by his son Charles of this place and a daughter, Mrs. Ada Miller of St. Joseph, Mo., also by three brothers: Lafe of Washington State, Doug of Lincoln, Neb. and Will of Stronghurst. Funeral services were conducted at the deceased's home with interment in the village cemetery.

HENDERSON COUNTY MEN TO CAMP DODGE Four Henderson County men have already been called to enter the training camp of the new National Army situated at Des Moines, Iowa. These men, who expected to leave Wednesday evening, are Dean Whiteman and Louis Wiegand of Biggsville and Lynn Galbraith and Harry Warner of Gladstone. The remainder of the men from the county who were certified by the district board are J.R.Salmons of Bald Bluff; Frank Bertram, Dallas City; Elmer Zang, Raritan; William H. Meyer, Stronghurst and Alfred G. Noble of Oquawka.

LOCAL AND AREA HAPPENINGS: Mr. and Mrs. A.E.Jones visited relatives at Swan Creek. Dudley Billups recently purchased the Bob Shaw place and will move there soon. Bert Johnson left for Canada where he will look after the farming interests of Andrew Davis. Mrs. Nellie Cornwall of Chicago visited her mother, Mrs. Katherine Ross. Miss Ethel Brokaw expects to enroll in Monmouth College for the coming year. A farm belonging to Mrs. Ben Mudd has been sold to Ed Stine. It is one of the best pieces of land in the county and joins Mr. Stine's on the east.

Several cases of whooping cough are reported amongst the children of the village and measures for the prevention of the spread of the disease have been taken. Mr. and Mrs. H.H.Rankin left for Great Falls, Montana.

They have not decided whether to spend the winter there or go on to California. A barn belonging to J.W.Coghill on what is generally known as the Geo.

Wilkins farm in the neighborhood southeast of town was truck by lightning and completely destroyed. Mr. Earl Grey, who lived on the farm, lost a valuable horse, feed, harness and some machinery. The loss was partially covered by insurance. Last year two Stronghurst young ladies taught schools in the Decorra neighborhood and through special efforts of Santa Fe Agent James Flatley, the Supt. ordered train No.17 which reaches Stronghurst at 7:30 in the morning to stop at Decorra five days a week.

Since this is a very heavy train composed of several mail cars and a couple of day coaches, the stop was not particularly enjoyed by the train men and No. 17 through a limited train was "dubbed" by some of the crew as the "school Ma'am's special." When the school year closed, the "special" quit stopping at Decorra and recently since three Stronghurst young ladies are teaching in that neighborhood again the very obliging Supt. has again ordered the train to stop five days in the week. The young ladies are profuse in their praise of the superintendent but insist that he at some time in his early career must have been a school teacher.

Mr. Thomas Marshall of Red Oak, Iowa and Mrs. Ella Coppage of Emerson, Iowa, are visiting relatives in the community and attending the Marshall-Richey reunion. Miss Vera Mudd has accepted a position in the schools in Little York. During the thunderstorm on Monday Allen Annegers had a large hay barn struck by lightning and burned. The soaking rains were accompanied by high winds and played havoc with the standing corn and the prospect now is that corn gathering this fall will be attended with much inconvenience.

GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Mr. Will Connor moved from Rozetta into the Lida Huss house. Theodore Galbraith, who has been very sick with typhoid fever, is now getting along nicely. The stork called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stevenson and left them a fine baby girl. Roscoe Nickles entered the depot at about 11 o'clock while the agent was out looking after a train and took $10 from the cash drawer. He was later taken into custody by Sheriff Knox and confessed the crime returning the money.

This did not save him, however, from jail and he is now an inmate of our county institution. Mr. and Mrs. Z.A.Poindexter and family visited the lady's mother, Mrs. Chas. Forward. The Poindexters have moved their household goods to Galesburg where they will make their new home. School opened with Prof. Blackstone of North Henderson as principal, Miss Alberta Wilson of Burlington as intermediate teacher; Miss Bessie Carmichael in the grammar room and Miss Lena Pence in the primary department. Mr. Albert R. Johnson and Miss Fay Cook were united in marriage at the Oquawka M.E.parsonage. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Cook, living just west of town.

CARMAN CONCERNS: The ladies of this place are busy sewing for the Red Cross. Several from here attended the free public recital at the Lomax Christian Church which was given by 21 of Miss Hazel Paul's pupils. Miss Paul has studied extensively with Martin Bruhl of Burlington and has been heard in public recitals at Guests Aeolian Hall with great success. Those taking part from here were Misses Julia Huppert and Rhoda Marsden.During the lightning storm Monday night Mr. Fred Clover, the mail man, lost his driving horse which was killed by lightning. Mrs. Fred Crane and son Frederick motored to Carthage to take in the fair. Mrs. A.L.Russler chaperoned a company of young ladies of Stronghurst at the river over Sunday. Mr. Paul Pendry expects to attend automobile school in Kansas City. School started with Earl Marsden as principal and Mrs. Arthur Griffiths, primary teacher. Mr. Will Stewart's new eight room house is almost completed on his farm north of town.

OLENA OBSERVATIONS: Charles Fisher of Hopper left for Chicago to enter training camp; he had previously enlisted in the U.S.Navy. Os Reynolds is quite sick with typhoid fever and rheumatism. Mr. Allen Prier visited his son Clarence of Des Moines, Ia., and attended the state fair. The village school opened with Miss Burrell the teacher. Miss Grace Marshall began her term of school in the Evans district. Miss Agnes Dalton and Miss Esther Johnson registered as students of Stronghurst High School.

OLENA OBSERVATIONS: The county commissioners report gave almost $500 to Olena poor and sick this past winter. Much of it was caused by quarantine placed on three or four homes where they claimed they had no other recourse but to receive county aid. Be this as it may, but what really made the tax payers "sit up and take notice" was the $78 claimed by two of the citizens for nursing, at least not stating who was nursed. This is surely setting a new record and may lead to many complications the coming winter.

Mr. Chalmer Perdue has purchased the Roscoe Deitrick property in the village and is making some improvements thereon preparatory to moving there in the spring.W.T.King of the Lomax neighborhood is plastering the Chas. Gustason dwelling near Terre Haute which is nearing completion.

MARRIED IN GALESBURG: Guy Hulet, son of Mrs. A.E.Francen of Stronghurst, and Miss Freda Johnson, who has made her home with the Ed Stine family for a number of years, were married at the Lutheran Church in Galesburg Aug. 22nd. The bride was attired in white silk chiffon and the groom in the usual black. They will begin housekeeping shortly on the H.N.Vaughn farm west of Stronghurst.