The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1917
Stronghurst Graphic, August 23, 1917:
SCHOOL BEGINS SEPT.3rd: The Stronghurst schools will open their doors on Sept.3rd with the following teaching corps: Superintendent, W.S.Pope; principal of high school, Evelyn Carothers; 1st ass't., Kathryn McCollum; 2nd, ass't., Gertrude Clark; 1st and 2nd grades, Jean E. Anderson; 3rd and 4th grades, Lulu Kessler; 5th and 6th, Hortense Harbinson; 7th and 8th, Mrs. Ruth Wilson. As Miss Carothers is still in Canada taking care of her sick sister, there may be a change in the principalship of the high school.
The rest of the teachers engaged resume the positions held last year. In order to meet the growing demand for accommodation for classes caused by the increasing attendance, the northeast basement room of the school building has been fnished and fitted up during the summer for a class room.
1892 GRAPHIC: Rev. Flanders preached his farewell sermon as pastor of the Baptist Church; he will leave for theological school to finish his education for the ministry. Ten head of fine fat cattle which Oliver Chandler had driven to Decorra with a bunch of 51 head for shipment to Chicago died from heat and lack of water after arriving at the stock yards at the shipping point.
Mrs. Sarah Hart, an aged lady living north of Terre Haute, met a terrible death on the evening of Aug.19th. In attempting to get out of a buggy she fell in such a manner that her head was caught between the axle of the buggy and the spring while her feet were caught in a wheel. The horse attached to the buggy started to run and the unfortunate woman was dragged for some distance before she became liberated. Her back was broken, a terrible gash cut in her forehead and nearly all of her ribs broken. She lived for about an hour. She was an aunt of Mrs. Sarah Morgan of that place.
LOCAL AND AREA HAPPENINGS: Hon. Richmond Pearson Hobson, Spanish War hero, Alabama Congressman and prominent national character, brought Stronghurst's most successful Chautauqua assembly to a close. Members of the Farmers' Grain and Mdse. Co. working in connection with the business men of the village are planning a big community picnic to be held Sept. 7th. A farewell reception for the men of the community who have been called to the colors is being arranged for Aug.31st.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Watson expect to move their new farm home in Iowa soon. They received a letter from their son Ernest stating that he had passed all the examinations and had been accepted as a member of the Aviation Signal Corps in the army. Their youngest son Tom, who has been stationed at Rock Island with Co. "H" has been transferred to Springfield, Ill. and expects to be sent to Texas for training previous to going to Europe.
Sam Mathers marketed a hog in Chicago which weighed 800 lbs. and brought $130.00. E.F.Alexander, formerly of Raritan, is now manager of a company store at Monarch, Wyo. Bert Putney, who went from here to Michigan, is now stationed at Hoboken, New Jersey. The seventh annual Harvest Home Picnic and Soldiers Reunion will be held at Biggsville. The Hon. J.M.Pace of Macomb has been secured as the speaker for the first day and the Hon. Charles Adkins of Springfield will speak the second day. The famous Orchard City Band of Burlington will furnish music for the occasion. Frank Silsbee is visiting here after an absence of 12 years.
For the last six or more Frank has been located in Los Angeles, Cal., where he publishes an oil trade journal.