The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1916
Oct.26, 1916
OQUAWKA OCCURRENCES: Riley Noble bought the Robt. Hodson store and expects to start a grocery store soon. James Chapin of Kansas is back visiting friends. Mrs. Atty. Nolan had the misfortune to fall down the back door steps at her house recently, tearing a ligament loose in her left arm, which is very painful. J.J.Barnes attended court in Rock Island. Mr. and Mrs. Richmond of Knoxville are visiting at the Runyon home south of town.
LOMAX LINGERINGS: Carl C. Countryman gave the lecture at the Christian Church which was well patronized. Mrs. Mary Kirby has been visiting her son, Dr. D.D.Kirby of Peoria and returned home last week. Fred Rehling's are moving to the Lowry farm. Mr. Lowry will move to Dallas City where he has purchased property. James Freeland is on the sick list.
GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Mr. Sam Stevenson has been riding around the past few days in a fine new car which he recently purchased. Mr. John Fryrear went to Tennessee, called there by the serious illness of a brother. Miss Laura Milligan is teaching school near Little York. Duncan and Stotts had a car load of potatoes here, which went like wild fire. Mrs. Robt.Galbraith and children visited the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Green Fryrear at Oquawka. Russell Cadel who has been at St.Francis Hospital in Burlington is suffering from typhoid fever and will return home soon.. Sand and gravel for some new cement walks have been hauled to town and the work will be done this fall if the weather does not get too cold for that kind of work.
The ladies of the Gladstone M.E.Church will serve dinner election day at the home now occupied by I.F.Forward. Mrs. Anna Sabin and children will start for Denver, Colo. to care for the children of her sister, who recently died, and to keep house for the father.
HORSE SHOW WENT ON: Despite the rain that fell at frequent intervals during the day and that the roads were heavy with mud precluding the attendance of many, the fifth annual Henderson County Horse Show was held here last Thursday. It was not carried out in strict accordance with pre-arranged plans. When it was found that the conditions would be such as to make it practically impossible for the spectators to view the show with a reasonable degree of comfort, the idea of charging an admission to the ball park was abandoned.
So far as the exhibitors were concerned there was nothing lacking toward making this the best show ever given . Almost every class had been filled with entries representing the best to be found in the way of horseflesh in Western Illinois. The judging by M.M. Fetterson of Ames, Iowa and Math. Huston of Blandinsville did not begin until after the noon hour. The grand parade of exhibits had to be omitted on account of the condition of the streets. (Long list of winners and prizes follows in this article.)
LARGE REGISTRATION: According to the lists made out by the election board and hung up at the post office and the women's rest room in the village, about an equal number of men and women voters in Stronghurst precinct registered. The lists show that 417 men of voting age and 413 women are registered and the board believes some have been missed and that the final tally will be 850 voters.
This means that with all of the legal voters availing themselves of the privilege of franchise and voting continuously one at a time during the hours the polls are open, only 12 seconds could be allowed each voter for casting his or her ballot. There are many indications that the women will to a large extent take advantage of this their first opportunity of voting for a president of the United States. The final date for registration is Tuesday, Oct.31st.
***OBITUARY***JOSEPH B.PHILHOWER: Joseph B. Philhower, an aged and much respected citizen of Raritan passed away at his home following a paralytic stroke. He was the owner of a fine farm two miles east of Raritan on which he resided until a few years ago when he moved into the village. He is survived by his wife and by one son, A.T. Philhower who lives three miles east of Stronghurst(Will Rankin farm) and by one daughter, Mrs. W.H.VanArsdale, living three miles south of Raritan. He was a member of the Raritan Baptist Church where funeral services will be held.
1890 GRAPHIC: The 25th anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. I.T.Pogue was celebrated by a large gathering of neighbors and friends at their home near Media. The size of the Graphic was increased from a 7 column sheet to that of an 8. Newton Marshall had just purchased the David Gillis farm northwest of town for $60 per acres. Preparations were being made to re-organize the old Olena Vigilance Committee with a view of suppressing the petty thievery, hold- ups and other manifestations of lawlessness evidenced in the vicinity. Gear Putney was holding down a job as Santa Fe agent at Ponemah, Ill.
LOCAL AND AREA The 15th annual sale of standard bred trotting mares, colts and drivers will be held by Nathaniel Bruen at his Forest Park Breeding Farm southwest of Stronghurst. Mr. Bruen has established a reputation for honorable treatment of all patrons of his annual sales and his offering this year consists of finely bred animals adapted for speed, road or breeding purposes.
Miss Hattie Bowen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Bowen of this place married Mr. Arthur E. Bakewell at Cheyenne, Wyo. The happy couple will be living there. The annual Husking Bee and Oyster Supper will be held Oct.31st in the basement of the Methodist Church. Miss Vera Philhower, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.T.Philhower married R.W.Mathers of Media in Burlington Oct.18th. The ceremony was witnessed by the parents of the bride.
Mr. Warren Upton of Sidney, Montana, is a guest at the home of his uncle, R.W.Upton. The storms of the past week have brought the ducks down from the north in unusual numbers and the Henderson County river bottoms have been one Mecca for a number of our local sportsmen for several days. Bert Russler is amongst the locals spending a few days at the Clear Lake Club house near Carman. With four or five new residences and business buildings in the course of erection or completion in the village in addition to an unusual amount of repairing, painting, etc., all of our local mechanics are working full time and demand has had to be made upon outside places for workmen to supply the demand. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Apt of Terre Haute are the proud parents of a fine baby girl. The stockholders of the Raritan Union Bank held their annual meeting and declared a dividend of 15 per cent. Oscar Ballou and family have moved from Terre Haute to one of Ed Stine's farms southeast of Stronghurst and will help with corn harvest.
Mrs. George Cole of Mexico City, Mexico, where her husband is engaged in the manufacturing business, is a visitor at the home of her brother Mr. G.W.Worley. A man in Carthage is buying up sets of false teeth for the platinum they contain. Broken electric light bulbs are also in demand for the metal in them. Mrs. Dana Finch of Mount Pleasant recently under went an operation for the removal of an infected kidney at a Galesburg hospital; she is recuperating at the home of her mother-in-law, Mrs. Finch, south of town.
The winners of the prizes of one dollar each offered by the First National Bank to the child guessing nearest to the amount of money the bank had on display in its window and to the one writing the best article on the subject of the monies of the United States were Jack Regan who guessed within 30 cents as to the amount on money on displayöactual amount was $1,330.93 and Stella Marshall who is a pupil in the 7th grade and whose article was a model in neatness and accuracy of statements regarding our currency.