The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1916 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1916

Stronghurst Graphic, Oct. 19, 1916

WAR CASUALTY: SOMEWHERE IN France a Stronghurst boy has given his life on the battlefield fighting with the Allies. A telegram was received by Mrs. J.H.Foote from Canada, containing the intelligence of the death of her son Roy, who recently enlisted in the English Army.

The particulars are not known as the telegram merely said "killed in action" and gave the description as follows: Roy C.Foote, Private, No. 1006850, 13th platoon, No.4, Co. 68th Overseas Battalion, Canadian Contingent, on active service in France, age 25.

Roy had been in Canada for the last four or five years and had taken a homestead there. He had enlisted in the army last spring and left for the front in France the latter part of April. Family and friends are awaiting further word.

SAVE THE ALBANIANS: While the people of the United States have been sending $30,000,000 dollars' worth of relief to Europe and Turkey, 200,000 women and children in Albania have died of starvation. While each woman and child in Belgium has had plenty to eat, women and children in Albania have gnawed at the carcasses of dead horses in the streets.

William Willard Howard of New York who has returned from his third trip to this hunger zone predicts that the entire population of Albania will die of famine and pestilence unless helped. He said, "I have appealed for help in high places; I have begged a crust of bread of those who have given millions to Belgium, Poland, Armenia and Syria. I have begged in vain." (This is a long articles appealing for help from the ordinary American citizen. Even today, that appeal is remembered: A 90 year old lady still feels guilty if she leaves food on her plate for as a child she was admonished with "the Albanian are starving.")

1891 GRAPHIC: A passenger train on the Burlington Road was wrecked at Monmouth on Oct.20th causing the death of the engineer and four of the passengers and the injury of others. Jeff Kirby of this county had an arm taken off near the elbow. Wm.Spiker family had just moved to Stronghurst from the LaHarpe neighborhood. Mention is made of a "new metal" called aluminum, which was being used in the manufacture of a well known make of stoves. Wm. Gillispie and Freeman Doak were held up on the river bottom while returning from Burlington one evening and robbed of a small sum of money and a gold watch. George Butler family returned from Jackson County, Kansas and J.M.Johnson family were making arrangements to move to Dodge City, Iowa.

OLENA OBSERVATIONS: On Wednesday evening the Olena M.E.congregation gave a reception at their church for Rev. and Mrs. Blout. H.S.Lant, master of ceremonies spoke of the congregations appreciation of past services and welcomed them back to the community. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Detrick have all been called to the village by the critical condition of their father. Mrs. S.T.Evans is critical at her home near Decorra. Quite a number from the village went to Burlington in hopes of getting a "peep" at Vice President Marshall.

LECTURE SERIES: At a meeting of the guarantors and committee in charge of the arrangements for the Stronghurst Lecture Course at the M.E.Church, it was decided to make the price of season tickets for the five numbers course, $1.00 for adults and 75 cents for children between the ages of 10 and 15.

In view that the season's course is one of the highest priced courses ever given here, the exceptionally low price for season tickets should insure the patronage of the entire community. The first number given at the U.P.Church will be an entertainment by Ray Newton, the Mystic Entertainer, who specializes in modern magic. The other numbers are two lectures, one by Dr. John A. Gray, the celebrated New York preacher and humanitarian and the other by Dr. E.B.Rogers, the noted sociologist of Springfield, Ill. and two musical numbers, one by the Varallo-Gross Orchestra Co. and the other by Jean and Ord Bobannen, famous musical entertainers. Price for singe admission is to be 35 cents for adults and 20 cents for children between 10 and 15 years of age.

RAIN SPOILS HORSE SHOW: A drizzling rain which set in last evening and continued throughout the night spoiled the prospect for a large attendance at the 5th Annual Henderson County Horse Show at Stronghurst. As most of the horses entered are already here, the show will probably be held.

RESIGNS PASTORATE: Rev. C.H.Shipplett has resigned his pastorate at the Christian church. It is with genuine regret by the entire community that the news was received. Both Mr. and Mrs. Shipplett have entered heartily into the social life of the people and have been actively trying to better the community. They will have the best wishes of all for success and happiness in whatever they may decided to do in the future. (This was an extremely active couple who worked the scouts, joined into community entertainments, etc.)

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: S.H.Peasley from Ft.Collins, Colo. arrived in town to visit home folks. The young ladies of the "Overcomers" class in the U .P. Sabbath School are planning to give an "Immigrant Pageant"on Nov. 3rd. Mrs. Fred Mudd, who has been spending several weeks in a cottage near the lake at Chicago in hopes of recuperating her failing health, was brought home; we regret to state that the benefit she received was not as great as was hoped for. Clyde Murray, who has been engaged in work in Penn. for a telephone construction company, has returned to his home north of Stronghurst. LaHarpe is to hold its first Horse and Corn Show Thursday and Friday of next week. The merchants have raised between $400 and $500 for expenses and hope for a successful affair. Mr. Wm. Wright was surprised by a visit from his sister, Miss Maggie Wright of Penn. whom he had not seen for a number of years.

CARMAN CONCERNS: The revival meeting will continue all week and possibly longer. Miss Fern Dowell entertained Miss Mildred Lambright and Miss Gladys Gittings of Dallas City. Some of four little boys at school are quite enthusiastic over the coming election. Those that haven't pins to represent Wilson or Hughes have tattooed their arms with ink "vote for Hughes." So we think we have quite a few republican voters down here and we certainly will get a republican president. (Wrong, Wilson won.) G.W. Howell and A.C.Babcook and sons attended the football game at Dallas City between Dallas and Hamilton. The game was won by the Dallas boys and so Stronghurst had better practice up a little bit before Thursday. Miss Elzina Dixon went to Dallas City where she is having dental work done by Dr. Shain. Mrs. F.C.Crane went to Chicago for a few days shopping.