The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1916
Stronghurst Graphic, July 6, 1916
STRIKES OIL NEAR BIGGSVILLE: Thebelief long held by a number of people that oil in paying quantities existed in Biggsville territory has apparently been confirmed. L.H. Hanna and Harry Fair of Monmouth and Fred Gibson of Kirkwood leased about 1500 acres of land in that vicinity some time ago and began drilling a well on the Nan Jamison farm on the outskirts of the village.
Last Saturday at a dept of 500 feet, oil in what is believed to be paying quantities was struck and arrangements for the drilling of other wells in the territory have been made. Mr. J.Y. Whiteman and other Biggsville citizens have been active in getting work started in this field and it is now freely predicted that their efforts will result in the development of one of the best paying fields in the state.
1891 GRAPHIC: Ira Putney and C.E.Fort were in Chicago looking into the butter and cheese manufacturing proposition to ascertain what were the chances for establishing a factory in Stronghurst. John Simonson was in Chicago having an eye treated for a growth which was forming on the eye ball. Wm. Spiker had just purchased a residence property in the east part of the village and was preparing to move here from Blandinsville.
J. F. Main of Mercer County had just been chosen the principal of the Media Academy. Mrs. Charles Curry was taking magnetic treatment in Burlington. (This was the new fad medical treatment of the day.) Miss Carrie Harbinson had just been victorious in a suit brought against the directors of the Salter's Grove school for back wages as a teacher. The Stronghurst Driving Association was organized with a number of prominent horsemen of the county attending.
***OBITUARY***MRS. SAMUEL DUNCAN: Mrs. Bessie Duncan died due to a complication of troubles at the Burlington Hospital Saturday morning at 7 o'clock. The remains were brought to her home that afternoon and the funeral held there Monday afternoon with burial in the Biggsville Cemetery.
Bessie Milligan was born near Olena, Ill., Sept. 30, 1887. She united in marriage to Samuel E.Duncan and to them were born five children with two dying in infancy. She is survived by her husband, three children, an aged father and mother and six brothers and sisters. She was the first of the seven Milligan children to be taken away. Mrs. Duncan had been a member os the U.P.Church since the age of 15.
***CHARLES GRASSMILLER*** Mr. Grassmiller, who had been very low, passed away Monday afternoon. About a year ago he stepped on a rusty nail, casing blood poison from which he never recovered. He lived on a farm east of Oquawka for a number of years before moving to town. He leaves to mourn his loss four children, namely, Mrs. Archie Kinkaid of Monmouth, Ed Grassmiller of Rozetta, and Sam and Viola at home. Mrs. Grassmiller died about a year ago.
***GEORGE A.CURRY***From the Litchfield, Nebr. Monitor: "Another of our old friends and neighbors has passed away, leaving a trail behind him that is broad, open and honest. A man highly respected by all was George Albert Curry. He was born in Henderson County, Illinois, Feb.25, 1855. He departed this life June 29th, 1916, being 61 years, 3 months and 21 days old and leaves to mourn his wife and two sons, Wilber M. of Litchfield, Neb.; Russell W. of Linscott, Nebr.; Frederick R., the eldest son, having preceded his father to the better land when twelve years of age at Quitman, Mo.
Two brother, John W. Curry of Elkins, New Mexico and Marion Curry of Clearmont, Mo. Four sisters, Mrs. Bell Jaquins of Melrose, Oregon; Mrs. Sarah Marshall of Red Oak, Ia.; Mrs.
Dollie Stewart of Red Oak, Iowa; and Mrs. Emeline Hagwood of Arcadia, Nebr. Seven grandchildren and a host of relatives and friends." Mr. Curry was a member of the Masonic order having transferred from Loup City A.F.& A.M. to Litchfield Lodge No. 278 O.F. &A.M. Burial was in the Gray Cemetery."
***MRS. GEORGE GARRETT***Mrs. Alice Garrett, wife of George M.Garrett of Smithshire died at her home in that village on June 29th after a short illness. She was born in Fulton, Mo. in 1863 spending her early life there and coming to Illinois some thirty years ago when she and her husband settled on a farm near Media. From there they moved to Biggsville where they lived for seven years and then moved to Smithshire which has since been their home.
Besides the husband, three children are left to mourn her loss: Mrs. Arthur Pogue of Media; Reeder W. Garrett of Media; and Mrs. Frank Meek of Monmouth. Funeral services were held at the M.E.Church with the remains taken to Biggsville for burial.
QUIET FOURTH OF JULY: A safe and sane Fourth was spent by the citizens of Stronghurst who chose to remain in the village. Stores and business houses all closed early in the day and those who did not go to other towns spent the time quietly in their home or in other quiet retreats.
About the only noises to disturb the more than Sabbath quiet which brooded over the village was the occasional report of a "cannon cracker" or the rattling explosion of a pack of the smaller variety.
The motorcycle races at Galesburg drew quite a delegation from the village and vicinity while Dallas City, Burlington, Nauvoo, Colchester and perhaps one or two other towns attracted a few.
The show at the Air Dome in the evening furnished diversion for a good sized crowd.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: S.P. Gristy has been teaching in Chicago this past year. C. S. Forbes purchased four lots on Main St. adjoining the Forbes residential property on the east. The Tabor Lumber Co. of Nauvoo suffered the loss of their entire stock by fire on July 4th. Two drunken bums are supposed to have been responsible and are being held pending an investigation. W. A. Spears has just completed the erection of a large, new, up-to-date barn on his farm northeast of town. The structure is 40 by 60 feet, two stories high with a concrete floor basement. It will accommodate 18 head of horses and 7 head of cattle and has room for 60 tons of hay and 8,000 bushels of grain .R.S. Humphrey writing from Anson, Kansas, says that the wheat harvest is in full blast with a fair crop; the corn is looking fine, but the oats have been about ruined by the bugs. Gene Peasley, who is a traveling salesman for an adding and bookkeeping machine company, spent the 4th with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Peasley.