The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1916 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1916

Stronghurst Graphic, June 29, 1916:

WEDDING BELLS -Staley-Morrow: At the home of Mrs. Morrow of this city a quiet home wedding was celebrated June 28th at noon. Miss Marie Morrow, a charming young woman, was untied in holy matrimony to Mr. Ralph Staley of this city. He is a fine young man of good moral habits and is also a man of fine industrial quality. Mrs. Staley graduated at the high school this last session and is of good character, good habits and Ralph thinks of good taste. The bride wore a beautiful white dress and carried a most delightful bunch of pretty red roses. The groom wore handsome blue suit which very fittingly combined with the attire and flowers of the occasion.

The wedding was attended by Mr. Staley's people and the family of Mr. Chas.Bell and the Shippletts, and Mr. Ed Logan. Immediately following the ceremony a bountiful and tasty dinner was served after which the youngsters left and others with the bride and groom remained for pictures...

DEATH OF OTHO D. HAISLETT: Mr. C. H. Curry of this place received a telegram announcing the death of his half brother, Otho D. Haislett at a hospital in Leavenworth, Kan. where he was being treated for cancer. The news of Mr. Haislett's death did not come as a surprise as Mr. Curry had just returned from there where he had learned that his brother's case was hopeless. Mr. Haislett's home was in Thayer, Mo.; the remains will be sent to that city for interment.

1891 GRAPHIC: Jasper N.Reece, a citizen of Chicago, who spent his boyhood days on the farm of his uncle, Thomas Nichols near Stronghurst, had just been appointed Adjutant General of the Illinois National Guards. Dr. Krohn of Media married Miss Dora Staats of Raritan. Henry Voorhees of Raritan country dropped dead from heart disease at Media on June 29th. W. E. Hall, J. H. Strodtman and J. H. Hugenshuts purchased building lots in Stronghurst value totaling $1,000. Geo.Fort and John Knutstrom had been granted pension of $12 per month with back pay (veterans). The case of assault and battery in which J. F. Fisher of Terre Haute vs M. J. Stokes of same village was tried before Squire McElhinney and dismissed by him to the grand jury with the defendant Stokes placed under $300 bond.

The following business firms advertized in this issue: Stronghurst State Bank, S.T.Bryan, Ira Putney, Miller and Taylor, E. B.Campbell, Chas. Raymond, J. H.Baker, T. J. Hunter, A. E. Jones, W. F. Morey, I. F. Harter, S. Nevius, A. L. Beaver, Orr McQuown, Dunsworth Bros., W. E. Coquillette and Son, and Peter Lauritsen.

UNITED PRESBYTERIAN NEWS: Beautiful weather, a large attendance, an accession of 32 to the membership of the church, a record breaking number of communicants, and a large offering for missions made Sabbath, June 25th a communion occasion long to be remembered. Union Sabbath evening services are to continue throughout the summer having begun last Sabbath evening held in the M.E.Church. A good congregation, a good sermon by Rev. Mr. Jaggers, and a fine spirit of harmony made the first service a success. For the remainder of the summer the services will be held in the city park each Sabbath evening at 8 p.m.

OBITIUARITES***GEORGE A. CURRY DIES: Old friends and acquaintances in this vicinity will be surprised at the death on June 19th of George A.Curry living at Litchfield, Nebr. It is known that he had been in frail health for several months and that he had been taken to a hospital for treatment.

***JOHN HENRY STRODTMAN: John Henry Strodtman, one of the oldest and best known citizens of this section, died at his home near Decorra June 26th. He had been suffering from infirmities incidental to advanced age. He was taken seriously ill a week ago and gradually failed until the end came. Funeral services were conducted from his late home with interment in the Maple Grove Cemetery.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: The Y.P.C.U.Society of the U.P. Church will hold an ice cream and cake social in the village park on July 8th. Mr. Alvah Shook married Miss Lucy Meyer in Rock Island; both are of the Oquawka vicinity. Mr. Frank C.Abbey of Biggsville made formal announcement of his candidacy for the office of representative in the General Assembly.

Stronghurst Chautauqua will be held Aug.11-16th; make your plans to attend. Mr. Geo. W.Fisher, who recently disposed of his grocery business here to Allie Bruce has purchased the grocery business of Mr. Paul Bob at Roseville.

At the Alvah Anderson home near Decorra on June 22nd Rev. A. Jaggers married Harold Best of Bradford, Illinois and Miss Vernie L. Hammond of Ainsworth, Nebr. The Christian Church members of the classes of Loyal Bereans and Loyal Daughters are requested to meet at the church. The Loyal Sons will furnish conveyances to take the classes to a picnic; supper will be furnished by the young men.

(The list of Assessment for 1916 for Stronghurst is in this paper. As this is over half the time period to the next census gathering, the list might prove useful to prove residency of individuals.)

Amongst the recent transfers of real estate recorded at Oquawka was about $100,000 worth of town lots in Lomax from Wm. Love, trustee to M. G. Coleman, etal, trustees. The two big cottonwood trees which have guarded the entrance to the First National Bank in Stronghurst for many years fell victims to the march of civic improvement and the sidewalk on the west side of Broadway in the business section is now almost free from obstructions in the way of trees. Sheriff Knox came down from Oquawka and took J.R.Shaw back to the seat of justice with him on a charge of assault and battery preferred by Oscar Campbell. Shaw came back to Stronghurst the same evening, having given bond. Miss Roxella Staley who is attending the State Normal School at Macomb, came home to attend the marriage of her brother Ralph.

A property owner and citizen living in the east part of the village hereby informs parents and guardians of a number of young hoodlums who have been injuring his property and annoying his family by acts of rudeness and indecency that if they do not exercise a restraining influence in preventing a continuance of these acts he will feel justified in resorting to extreme measures in protecting his family from molestation.

The Stronghurst B.B. Club, which is composed of a number of business and professional men and farmers of this vicinity, enjoyed their annual outing at Clear Lake near Carman. There were 33 members of the club in attendance and they report a good time.

It was a fine day for fishing and we understand that this fact was not overlooked by a number of aspirants for political honors who were present. (The politicians showed up and were drumming up votes.)

Joe Baxter went to Burlington and enlisted in the Iowa state militia. In case Carranza persists in the course he has adopted toward our forces in Mexico, Joe will probably be one of those who will be sent to convince him of the error of his way. J.W.Stine reports that the sale of autos has been brisk lately. Within a few days he has sold cars as follows: A Ford each to Chas. Peterson, Tate Johnson, C.S.Forbes and Jas. Stuliff and an Overland O83 each to Sam Lant and Press Walker.

GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Will Galbraith is having his home painted up which makes it look like new. Mr. Dan Logan gave his house a new coat of paint; let the good work go on. I.F.Forward found seven skeletons while excavating for his new home.