The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1916
Stronghurst Graphic, June 22, 1916 1891
ROBERT HODSON DIES: Robert Hodson, Oquawka's pioneer merchant and one of Henderson County's best known men, died last Sunday evening, June 18th. He was 86 years of age and had been a resident of Oquawka since 1856 when he established the grocery and general merchandise business there. It has continued for 60 years.He had took critically ill Friday afternoon of acute indigestion and was taken to the Burlington Hospital by his niece, Mrs. Alex Moir of that city. An operation followed and it was found that he was suffering from inflammation of the bowels.
He was born in Yorkshire, England in 1830, came to America in 1838 with his mother, who settled in Pennsylvania. His father came to this country a little later and the family then moved to Indiana, Ohio, Texas, Illinois and Wisconsin. Mr. Hodson drove overland from Wisconsin to California in 1852 and after spending 4 years seeking a fortune in the gold fields, returned east and settled in Oquawka. Mr. Hodson's wife, Adaline Phelps of Oquawka, died in 1914. Two children were born to this union, both dead for a number of years. The deceased was the president of the First State Bank of Oquawka and a faithful member of the Presbyterian Church. Funeral services were held at his late residence. (Former Sumner Phelps Home) Interment was in the Oquawka Cemetery.
1891 GRAPHIC: The Illinois legislature had just passed a bill granting women a right to vote in school elections. R.B.Miller was building a residence on West Main St. The Stronghurst Town Site Co. had just begun to sale lots in the 2nd addition to the village. Chas. Cortelyou suffered a broken jaw and the loss of six teeth by being kicked in the face by a horse; Albert Hult, a farm hand on the Geo. Pearce farm, suffered a similar accident on the same day. A subscription for the building of a creamery in the village was begun hoping to secure capitalization of $5,000. W.H.Penny lost a fine imported Percheron mare for which just a few days previously he had refused an offer of $1,000.
BUSINESS CHANGE: By a deal closed by Mr. G.C.Keener his interest in Keener Bros. Was sold to Mr. S.G.Lawless of Liberty, Ill. and hereafter the business will be conducted under the name of Keener-Lawless Co. It will be run by Mr. Lewis Keller of Liberty in connection with Willis Keener. Mr. G.C.Keener will remove his family to a farm recently acquired in southern Adams County.
8th GRADE COMMENCEMENT: Commencement exercises for pupils of the 7th and 8th grade of Henderson County were held at the U.P. Church in connection with the teacher's institute. The church was filled to overflowing. The main feature was the address by Prof. W.P.Drew of Knox College on the topic: "How to be Rich." Supt. Beall distributed diplomas to 190 pupils who had successfully passed the final examination in their grade. The audience enjoyed a number of solos sang by Chas. Fort.
STRONGHURST LIBRARY OPENS: The books at the Municipal Waiting room will be ready for circulation Saturday afternoon, June 24th at 2 p.m. The library will be open every Wednesday and Saturday afternoons from 2-5:30 and every Saturday night from 5-10:30 pm.
Books in the general library have been obtained from the Illinois Library Extension Commission in Springfield and from Stronghurst people. A new set of books from the commission will be sent every three months; these are loaned free of charge for two weeks and can be renewed. Books in the rental library have been obtained by gifts and by purchase of the Women's Club.
These will be loaned for 2 cents a day with the minimum charge being 6 cents. These are books not easily obtained from the public libraries as they are mostly very recent fiction. The object of the rental library is to make the general library self supporting. (What follows is a list of books from the rental library; for example: Heats Content by Barbour, The Star Rover by Jack London, Penelopes Post Scripts by K.D.Wiggin, Book of Nature Myths by F.Holbrook, and many more.)
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: The stork visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hicks and left them another young son. Douglas Steffey was down at Basco forming the acquaintance of his new granddaughter, Katherine Myrle Winters, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Winters. Gear Putney has a position in a railroad office in Kansas City. Dixson has both round and square hen coops. (I wonder which kind is best?) Dallas City is arranging a public celebration of Independence Day. Very beautiful and appropriate Children's Day exercises were conducted in the U.P.Church last Sabbath morning; the floral decorations were unusually elaborate and pleasing. James Marshall recently was appointed rural mail carrier on route No.3 out of Stronghurst in place of J.R.Shaw, who resigned his duties. The Burlington Hawkeye states that there have been 132 arrests in that city during the five months of 1916, which was the average number for one month during the time the city had saloons.
Attorney H.B.Safford of Monmouth stopped in town on his way to attend the sale of land belonging to the late Wm Livermore's estate at Raritan. The farm, consisting of 80 acres situated a mile east of Raritan, was purchased by the widow at $162.50 per acre.
The jubilant manner with which some of the big newspapers of the country welcome the prospect of war between this country and Mexico is not calculated to add to our reputation as a peace loving nation. If our neighbors on the south make it impossible for us to adopt any other alternative, we should meet the issue unflinchingly and without hesitation; serious matteröaltogether too serious to be treated in the flippant spirit adopted by a portion of the metropolitan press.
Plans are under way for the organization of a company of "Boy Scouts" from Stronghurst and vicinity with Rev. K.R.Anderson as Scout Master. Press Walker is the happy possessor of a new model 83 Overland car purchased from the Stronghurst Motor Co.
OQUAWKA OCCURRENCES: Abraham Boyd passed away at the soldiers' hospital at Quincy; funeral was held from the home with interment in the Oquawka Cemetery. Miss Bessie Radmacher and John Meyer were united in marriage by Rev. Holmes. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meyer of Oquawka and is a highly respected, successful farmer. The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Ramacher east of town. They went on a honeymoon trip to Chicago and will reside on the groom's farm east of town. Harry Stenzel is dirving a new Ford runabout. James Pearson of Rozetta is diriving a new Overland machine.
CARMAN CONCERNS: Mr. Ray Stimpson and wife were called to Lomax by the sudden death of Mrs. Stimpson's father, Mr. Clark Sines. Mr. and Mrs. William Dixon attended the nurses graduation exercises in Iowa City where their eldest daughter, Miss Lena, was one of the 422 graduates. Miss Ora Kemp entertained 12 of her girl friends at her grandmother's home, Mrs. Robt. Gillis, in honor of her 16th birthday. One of the feature of the evening was a mock wedding; a nice supper was served.
GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Mrs. Elmer Pence and Mrs. Ida Philabaum attended teachers institute in Stronghurst. Mr. Bert Ditto moved to Oquawka from Willard Graham's house. Miss Blanche Duvall came home from Iowa City, Iowa, where she graduated from the state university of Iowa after three years of hard study. Mr. I.F.Forward is soon to build a new home; he has started work on the cellar and while digging workmen found what they think are skeletons of Indians.
LOMAX LINGERINGS: Frank Rosel, the third track operator at the Santa Fe depot, left for Dodge City, Kansas, wehre he will spend his vacation with relatives. Royer Vaughan has returned home from Knox College to spend his vacation. T.J.Walling of the Star Foundry Co. is in Minneapolis on business. Clark Seins,(spelling of this name in the paper varies as to Sines, Seins, and on the tombstone in the cemetery as Siens) an old Civil War veteran and respected citizen, passed away at his home June 16th. He leaves the widow and then children. Funeral services were held by W.T.King at the Chirstian Church with interment in the Crane Cemetery.