The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1916 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1916

Stronghurst Graphic, April 20, 1916

CATTLE KILLED: A terrific storm of wind, rain, hail and lightning swept over this section last evening at about 11 o'clock leaving destruction in its wake in many places.

Perhaps, the most serious loss occasioned was at the Wm. Hartquist farm two miles north of town, where a large cattle barn 120 x 60 ft. constructed of heavy timbers and containing many tons of hay, was blown down, catching some 60 head of more of cattle beneath it.

As the barn is situated across the road from the house and a considerable distance from it, the family were unaware that it had been wrecked until this morning when the men went out to attend to the stock.

Aid was quickly summoned by telephone to help remove the debris of the wrecked building and liberate the imprisoned cattle which had escaped death. A number of men from town, including two veterinarians, went out to render what assistance they might offer.

The toll stands at 11 dead animals and 3 others so badly crippled as to make their recovery doubtful.

The noise made by the storm was such as to cause the hearts of many in the village to quake and it was feared that the morning would reveal much damage.

Luckily, such was not the case. The big corn crib near the Perrine & Co. Elevator was completely overturned, what was previously the floor of the structure now constituting the roof. The crib, which was 122 x 12 ft. in size, contained about 100 bushels of corn.

Numerous cases of lesser damage were inflicted in various places in the surrounding country. A tremendous downpour of rain and hail, and vivid flashes of lighting marked the progress of the storm which spent the greater part of its fury within a period of about 15 minutes.

BACK TO DUTY ON THE SEA: Theron Hardin, son of J. E. Hardin, departed for Seattle, Wash., where he will again join the crew of the U.S.Cable Ship Burnside. Theron has a position in the steward's department and brought home with him a collection of menu cards showing the kind of meals Uncle Sam provides for the employees in his service.

Almost everything conceivable in the line of substantial food and delicacies may be found and probably few hotels in the country offer food and service of higher quality.

The Burnside belongs in the same class with U.S.Army transports and is under the control of the war department and not the Navy. The crew is largely civilians and not enlisted men.

Thereon says the cable engineer on the ship whose name is Winters, is a grandson of the engineer who superintended the laying of the first Atlantic cable. Thereon will take back a present to him of what is said to be a small section of that cable which Mr. W.C.Regan of Stronghurst has had in his possession for a number of years, it having come down to him through older members of the family.

ELECTION RESULTS: Probably a record vote was cast when three members of the village board of trustees and a village clerk were chosen. With no open issue at stake, it became apparent that an organized movement was under way to "get the goats" individual and collectively of the Citizens ticket candidates, who were all with the exception of the candidate for clerk, members of the present board.

A number of autos were kept busy throughout the day hauling voters to the polls and when the hour for closing arrived, 365 persons had passed in and out of the curtained booths.

When votes were counted, it was found that the Citizens ticket had all been caught under a deep drift and that the "Independents" had won the canter.

Results-for Trustee: Daughtery, Milliken, McElhinney; for village Clerk:Gilliland. (Women and Men's votes were tallied separately in the report.)


Incident #1 What might have proved a very serious accident was narrowly averted last evening when Dr. Salter and John Mudd were coming into town from the east when Dr. Salter accidently crashed his Ford into the rig driven by Miss Beulah Fisher, who was just turning into the Mink driveway to let Lillian, one of her pupils who rides with her to school, out at her home.

Dr. Salter miscalculated the distance between the rear of the buggy and his car, thus causing a complete over turning of the rig, spilling both teacher and pupil out with nothing more than a bad scare and shake up while the horse, after kicking loose from the buggy and turning a somersault, escaped with only a few scratches about the mouth. The only damage done was to the harness and buggy which Mr. Salter took at once to the shop for repairs.

Incident#2 While Tom Morgan and Robert Wilson were on an auto trip in the country near Roseville, they met a rig in which Mrs. Grace Smith and her sister, Mrs. Curry, were riding. The horse took fright and overturned the rig and Mrs. Curry received some severe bruises about the head and shoulders. (If we put that in 2002 terms a big lawsuit would follow in both cases.)

GOES TO WATERTOWN (East Moline): County Judge Murphy of Warren County conducted an inquiry regarding the mental condition of Mr. Gus Peterson of Stronghurst. A commission consisting of Drs. Harter and Marshall examined Mr. Peterson and found the patient to be suffering from a derangement of mind taking the form of melancholia; he was adjudged to be a demented person and ordered committed to the insane hospital at Watertown, IL.

In accordance to this decree Mr. Peterson was taken there being accompanied by Mrs. Peterson and Dr. Harter.

Several weeks ago Mr. Peterson was operated upon at a Galesburg hospital for an abscess in his head and while this was probably not the sole cause of his mental aberration; it no doubt served to aggravate a tendency to melancholy to which he was predisposed.

Tom Williams of Stronghurst had been acting rather queerly of late and was taken to Oquawka where a lunacy commission passed on his case and decided that he was a subject for the insane hospital. He, accordingly, was taken by Sheriff Knox to the state institution at Watertown.

MARRIED IN OLENA: Swen Anton Swanson, a prosperous young farmer of Essex, Iowa, and Anna Matilda Johnson, a sister of Axel Johnson of the Olena neighborhood, were untied in marriage at the home of the bride's brother April 12th at 12 o'clock by Rev. W.P.Anderson of the Stronghurst Lutheran Church. Only a few of the immediate relatives and friends of the bride and groom were present.

The bride was attended by Miss Lenia Swanson, a sister of the groom, while Clarence Hartquist of this place acted as best man for the groom. A four course dinner was served following the ceremony.

After the bridal party had been photographed, the happy couple departed for Gladstone where they took an evening train for Essex, Iowa, their future home.

MUNICIPAL WAITING ROOM OPEN: The opening of the Municipal Waiting Room proved a decided success. During the afternoon and evening 88 persons registered and were served light refreshments consisting of frappe and wafers. At all hours those present seemed to enjoy themselves. The rest room is tastefully and comfortably furnished and is open during the week to all ladies whether members of the community Women's Club or not.

This should prove quite a convenience to many and especially to those ladies from the country who occasionally have a few minutes to wait for family members before starting home.

(Mary Hoffeditz remembers stopping here with her mother while her father concluded his business in town. She said that it was superbly furnished with at brocade settee given by J.W.Brook.)

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: See Panama hats at the Hutchings Millinery. A.C.Yaley has the misfortune to loose a horse which he valued at $600.

On her way to Idaho Mrs. Arch McKelvie and son of Monmouth stopped over at the home of her sister, Mrs. Joe Flatley; the Flatleys recently moved into the home vacated by Newt Hardin who now lives on the Trimmer place.

The Misses Estalline Cooper, Marie St.Ledger, Grace, Gertrude and Bertha Chard, Maida Galbraith and Ruby Staley of Smithshire came down with their music teacher, Mrs. W. C. Ivins and returned Friday.

Mrs. Ivins goes there twice a week for a music class. Arthur Swanson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Swanson who reside on the Bruen farm southwest of Stronghurst, was painfully injured by being bitten in the face by a horse which he was about to feed. He approached the manger with a basket of corn when the animal made a vicious lunge at him grabbing his nose between its teeth and badly lacerating that member.

The big program put on at the Lyric Theatre attracted large audiences. The Waddell Concert Co. proved to be an attraction of unusual merit. The Paramount feature films and the band and orchestra music, all given in connection with the concert, made up a program of unusual length and quality. Mr. Beardsley informs us that he has completed arrangements where by he will be able to show Paramount service films two nights in each week hereafter. (The big time movies are coming to town!)

Mrs. Henry Strodtman is quite ill at her home west of town. J.I.Wolfe has leased five acres from the farm belonging to O.J. Sanderson and is busily engaged setting out strawberry plants. He is an experienced fruit raiser so Stronghurst will likely be well supplied with berries in the future.

***OBITUARY***MARGARET INGERSON: Margaret Stevens was born in Tunkhannock, Wyoming County, Pa., March 16, 1840 and died April 12, 1916 being 76 years and 26 days old. She moved with her parents at an early age to New Boston, Mercer Co., Illinois, where she resided during her young womanhood.

On Jan. 20, 1870 she married Wm. Ingerson and they lived for a short time at New Boston, spending the reminder of their lives in Henderson County. Her husband preceded her in death 26 years ago. One child was born to this union, namely, Robt. Ingerson of this place. She also has two brothers: John and Edward Stevens of New Boston and two sisters-Mrs. Jane Earl of Grand Detour, Ill., and Mrs. Mary Light of Lebanon, Pa.

At an early age she united with the M.E.Church of which she was a consistent and loyal member...

GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Frank Porter shipped a fine car of hogs to Chicago. Quite a contest developed in the school election for trustee between David Cook and George Sandy with Mr. Cook winning 101 to 48. Miss Fannie Galbraith won a very nice gold watch in the Henderson County Journal contest of which she is very proud. Mrs. Will Galbraith purchased the Cunningham house for $500 and will move her goods into it soon.

Miss Gladys Gray is the teacher at the Pogue School north of town and it is now a standard school. At the first of September it was in a state that it could have been easily condemned, but through the energetic efforts of Miss Gray with the aide of directors work was done. Little Wilda Galbraith is recovering from a severe attack of measles

NEW OF THE COUNTY MEDIA: In Media Mr. James Callow has built a garage preparatory to purchasing an automobile. Mr. Wm. Winders is moving into the house vacated by George Drain family. Messers. D. S. Frye, Aron Ericson, Dan Leinbach and Cleve Hickman are shelling and delivering corn to the elevator.

CARMAN-Mrs. Com Evans of Olena is spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. James Pendry to help while the family suffers with measles. Mr. Fred Clover (de mail man) is enjoying his vacation and G.W.Howell is acting as his substitute.

Mr. Bert Bundy had the misfortune to have one of his hands caught in a buzz saw, one of his fingers being badly torn. Mr. Edward Babcook and family are moving to their farm south of town. A telegram received by Mrs. James DeHague notified her that her husband had died at Watertown where he was taken some weeks ago for treatment.

Rhoda Marsden is the proud possessor of a new piano.

OQUAWKA-Ed Louck, Thomas Streets, Pat Henderson, Guy Frick and Hod Ogle all of Keithsburg, attended the dance Thursday night. T.C.Allen left for the Burlington Hospital where he will receive treatment for throat trouble. Ralph Carns had the misfortune to stumble and fall into his machine at the button factory and received a badly cut hand. Austin Kelly left for Omaha where he will buy cattle.

LOMAX-John Daugherty, Jr. and family moved to Burlington where he has a position with Gamble & Waggoner Co. The district school election was hotly contest with M.W.Young winning a full term and Thomas Clover a part term.

Merlin Daugherty, oldest son of Ola Daugherty, broke his leg above the knee while jumping rope at school. Harry Sparrow has moved to the Swigert farm north of town. James Farquhar of the Old Folks I.O.O.F. Home at Mattoon is visiting in town.

***OBITUARY*** LEVI DALTON was born north of Dahinda, Aug.24, 1850 and died at St. Mary's Hospital in Galesburg April 10, 1916 of LaGrippe and complications. He leaves to mourn the following children: Mrs. Ida LeMastress of Elmwood, Ill.; Mrs. Dora Kemp of Galesburg; Lewis and Frank and Elmer of Carman, Ill., 13 grandchildren and one great grandchild. His wife preceded him five years ago in February. Since that time he has made his home with his daughter, Mrs. Kemp.