The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1916 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1916

Stronghurst Graphic: Aug.24, 1916

HYSTERICAL NEIGHBORS: The Monmouth Daily Atlas person who wrote the Wednesday article concerning the infantile paralysis situation in Stronghurst evidently was under the influence of a super-heated imagination. There is no "fever heat of excitement" here so far as anyone has observed and there has been no thought of having the town closed to outsiders.

The family in which the one case developed lives in an isolated spot more than a mile from the village and all members are under a strict quarantine. There is not even much of a possibility that the schools will not be allowed to open next Monday morning; the school board is considering the matter, but unless new developments arise, the schools will open on Aug. 28th. Under the authorization of the attending physician we state that the other members of the Peterson family who were ill are making rapid recovery and that no symptoms of infantile paralysis are apparent.

1891 GRAPHIC: I.T.Pogue was nominated for the office of county commissioner of Henderson County at a republican convention. W.W.Gillispie leased the meat market of J. Kirby. The Old Soldiers Reunion held here was successful. The first race meeting of the Driving Park Association was held with the first race being a two year old trot to pace for a purse of $100. It was won by Hutchinson and Wiegand's colt, "Black Speck." An elegant floral wreath prepared by the ladies of Stronghurst went to the winner in addition to the first prize money. Mrs. Luther Rankin was thrown from a car and sustained terrible bruises and a broken rib while returning from the reunion with Mr. Rankin.

ROBBERY IN BIGGSVILLE: A.N. Elder, the night man at the C.B.&Q.R.R. office at Biggsville was held up at about 3 o'clock by two men who at the point of a revolver forced him to let them into office where they robbed the cash drawer of $30 and then made their getaway. Mr. Elder at once notified the Burlington officials and also county officials at Oquawka. Machinery for the capture of the bad men was soon set in motion. A call sent to Monmouth for the police blood hounds brought them to the scene in an automobile.

They picked up the trail at the depot and followed it for two miles east where they seemed to loose it. It is supposed that the pair boarded an east bound freight train at this point and that they left the train at Monmouth. As officials have a good description of the men, hopes are entertained that they may yet be rounded up.

OBITUARY***JOSEPH MATHERS***Joseph J. Mathers was born in Jasper County, Iowa, Oct.5, 1871, the third son of Samuel and Catherine Mathers When quite young, his parents moved to Henderson County where he has lived ever since expect two years when he lived near Morning Sun, Iowa. When a boy he united with the Walnut Grove United Presbyterian Church. He was married to Miss Florence Bacon on Aug.15, 1894. To this union was born one daughter, Gladys Josephine. Soon after his marriage he united with the Methodist Church. During his last illness he under went an operation and revived long enough to know and bid his wife good bye and then passed away on Aug.14th at the Monmouth Hospital. He also leaves to mourn, his father and four brothers. Services were held in Media M.E.Church.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Miss Esther Curry will be one of the Monmouth College representatives to the annual summer conference of the Y.W.C.A. at Lake Geneva, Wis. She expects to visit friends in Chicago for several days following the event before returning home. Mr. and Mrs. M.E.Beardsley and family took their departure for Tulsa, Okla. Where they will visit the home of Mr. Beardsley's brothers, Charles and Earl. Several of the town's business men attended the fair at Burlington last Friday and finished up the day's pleasure with a long auto ride by moonlight. They arrived at the ferry at Burlington too late to catch the last boat to Illinois and as they did not care to remain in the city over night, decided to make the auto trip homeward by way of Fort Madison arriving in Stronghurst in the "wee small" hours the next morning.

The Graphic editor, while waiting at Lomax for a train to Burlington, paid a visit to the offices of the Lomax Town Co. and the Lomax Herald. At the former place we found two men busily engaged in opening a huge stack of letters just received on the morning's mail and extracting money orders, checks and currency, which before we left had grown into a pile reaching toward the ceiling. We were informed that the harvesting process which we were witnessing had been in operation for several weeks and that it was the result of the publicity campaign recently inaugurated by Mr. Love for securing a town promotion fund of $500,000.

The opinion was confidently expressed that the full amount of the shares in the fund would soon be subscribed and paid for. At the Herald office we found the force preparing to get out the weekly edition of the paper and apparently full of confidence regarding the future of the town as well as of the Herald. C.M. Bell and family visited at the Geo. McLain home near Kirkwood.

Ladies! Hot weather makes talcum powder a necessity. Our line of standard talcum in quite complete with the best at 25 cents per canöLazear's (Before air conditioning, ladies tried their best not to appear to sweat. Talcum was used liberally in this endeavor.) C.H.Davis and family accompanied by Mrs. Johnson of Carman spent a few days camping on Campbell's Island. The Stronghurst Camp Fire Girls enjoyed a slumber party at the home of their Guardian, Mrs. Shipplett.

In the morning the girls went on a hike and prepared a camp fire breakfast. The Lincoln Chautauqua deficit for Dallas City this season will amount to about $400, but has not cooled the ardor of the local committee for a return engagement next year.

Near Gladstone Floyd Brainard had the misfortune to break his leg while hauling grain to the thrashing machine at the Chas. Kemp place. The load up set and in the fall Floyd's leg was broken just above the ankle.