The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1916 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1916

Stronghurst Graphic, March 23, 1916

FORT-NEW POSTMASTER: President Wilson sent to the U.S.Senate for confirmation the name of C. E. Fort as postmaster at Stronghurst for the four years following the expiration of the term of J. F. Mains, the incumbent. Mr. Mains' term will end on the 24th of April. The new appointee is one of the community's best known citizens and enjoys a very extensive acquaintance. Although a farmer and stockman by occupation , he has been closely identified with the business interests of the village since its organization, having been a large shipper of livestock.

He has always been more or less active in the democratic party in the county and township and the appointment no doubt comes in a measure as the reward for faithful party service.

When Mr. Mains turn the office over to his successor, he will have completed a period of 16 years continuous service as postmaster as his first commission received from President McKinley, dating from July 1900...

FIRE AT MATZKA HOME: A defective flue in the house owned and occupied by Mrs. Matzka and family on East Main St. was the cause of a fire which broke out in the attic of the building last Monday morning at about 8:30. The fire alarm brought the firemen quickly to the scene.

In short order a lead of hose was attached to the hydrant on the corner a half block west of the house and a good stream was soon playing on the fire.

Although the whole north side of the roof was ablaze, the deluge of water, which was poured upon the flames, subdued them within a few minutes.

The damage to the structure will probably amount to somewhere near $100 and is covered by insurance. This was the first opportunity which the firemen have had to test the efficiency of the fire protection system since its installation last summer and the ease with which they were enabled to handle the fire demonstrated beyond a doubt the value of the system.

1891 GRAPHIC: Simon P. Nevius passed away at his home in Stronghurst March 19, 1891 at the age of 65 years. The Brown-Holley murder trial closed with the conviction of Barnum and William Brown. A movement in the north end of the county to organize a new voting precinct to be known as Fall Creek was under way.

Much sickness was in the community with doctors visiting 30 patients a day. A county Farmers Alliance had been organized with the following officers: J.W.Brook, Pres.; W.H.Marsden, V-Pres.; Frank Porter, Sec.; O.H. Russell, Lecturer; and Robert Pence, Treas.

***OBITUARY-BENJAMIN PHILIP BLINCOE*** Benjamin Philip Blincoe was born at Canton, Henderson County, Kentucky on May 1, 1833. He departed this life at the home of his daughter, Mrs. James Humphrey at Terre Haute, Ill. on March 14, 1916, age 82 years 10 months and 14 days. He was married to Miss Lucinda E. Mitchell Oct. 22, 1860 at St. Francisville, Mo.

To this union was born two children. He is survived by an only daughter, 12 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. The only son died eleven years ago, March 14, 1905 and his wife preceded him in 1913.

He went to Missouri in 1848 where the greater part of his life was spent and came to Illinois in 1912. He was a member of the Baptist Church, but in later years attended the Methodist.

Funeral services were conducted in the home with interment in the Terre Haute Cemetery.

SURPRISE WEDDING: Township supervisor Walter R. Dobbin and Miss Ora Bruner surprised their many friends of this vicinity by slipping away to Galesburg where they were joined in wedlock by Rev. G.E.McKinley, pastor of the Galesburg Congregational Church. The ceremony, which was performed in the pastor's parlor was witnessed by Dr. I .F. Harter and the stenographer of the officiating clergy. The next morning the happy couple left on a brief wedding trip to Elgin and Chicago.

Both bride and groom are well known in this section, the groom having spent his whole life in this vicinity, being the eldest son of David Dobbin and has for a number of years been connected in his father extensive farming operations. The bride is a former Sabetha, Kan., girl who has made her home with relatives here for several years. She is a sister of Mrs. W. F. Allison.

WORSHIP TOGETHER: The M. E. and U. P. churches dismissed their services last Sabbath evening and joined the Christian Church where an excellent discourse was given by the new pastor, Elder Shipplett. The spirit of harmony and Christian fellowship was in evidence and the services appealed to the large audience.

OLENA STORE: I have again engaged in the mercantile business in Olena and have a well-selected stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE which I will be pleased to have the people of the vicinity call and inspect. Can also furnish goods not kept in stock in a short time on order.öMrs. L.B.Allen

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Allie Bruce will visit relatives in Missouri. A new order of hats just received at Ella Parish's.(Big news back then as women were judged by the hats they wore.) A car load of mules consigned to A.J.Davis arrived and will be offered for sale to farmers in this locality. A.J. {Davis and Fred Fitz were on the Chicago market with a six carloads of fat cattle.

Ben Matzka started on his return trip to Canada and was accompanied by young 'Dutch' Hoffeditz who will work for him this coming season. Hedge posts for sale at the J.B.Watson farm. Inquire of Frank Pearson. Mrs. C.H. McLain who was ill from pneumonia this past winter has suffered a relapse and is in serious condition again.

Amongst the hogs delivered to the stockyards by E.E. Mark was one which tipped the scales at 750 lbs. Mr. L.A.Wilson says that this is the heaviest hog received since he has had charge of weighing at the yards.

The animal brought over $60. Dixson has both round and square hen coops. (Which was the best?) Gerald Fort was in Louisiana looking after business interests. Miss Rosalie Smith is employed as night operator at the telephone office. Ben Mudd is moving his family's household goods into town.

About 50 young people enjoyed a pleasant social dance at Harter's hall. A five piece orchestra from Ft. Madison furnished the music. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rockel left for Freedom, Mont., where he has located a homestead claim of a half section of land and they plan to make their future home.

T.N.Hardin sold his residence on North Broadway to Mr. John Nordstrom. Mr. Hardin is negotiating for the purchase of lots in the south part of town upon which he will erect for his family a new home of strictly modern construction. Mr. Nordstrom, who is already a large holder of residential properties will no doubt rent out this property.

The Lyric Theatre patrons had the privilege last Saturday afternoon and evening of seeing Hall Cain's masterpiece "The Christian" presented in motion pictures. Eight reels are required and two hours time consumed in presenting this play, which is of absorbing interest.

The a ¦ttendance justified the expressed belief of the management that the people here would accord a liberal patronage to the better class of moving picture plays and Mr. Beardsley has announced his intention of giving them the opportunity in the future of seeing a number of high class productions which are usually given in large cities.

Charles Fort who is attending Monmouth College spent the weekend with home folks. Mrs. Fred Griffiths is in Blandinsville helping care for her brother, Henry Curry, who was injured quite seriously by a barn door falling on him.

GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Mrs. Lillian Bryans came and shipped her household goods to Burlington where she resides. Taylor Galbraith is shelling corn and putting it in cars to ship. O.O.Ogle is shipping and loading corn too. C.E.Babcook drew the 10th set of dishes at Chas. Hedges store. (Oft times merchants would give prizes to lure customers and this is probably such õan occurrence.)

Ferdinand Morse recently collected a substantial damage from Terry & Lewis under the employers liability act. John Markman moved from the river bottoms to the Clyde Galbraith house.

The ladies of the Loyal Moose Lodge of Burlington came and were entertained by Mrs. Orph Duvall, Minnie Ahlburg and Ada Logan in Bryans hall which was decorated. An elegant banquet was served.

OQUAWKA OCCURRENCES: Clifford Essex, who was operated on in the Burlington Hospital for appendicitis three weeks ago, came home very much improved. Mrs. S.S.McCartney is quite ill at the Fred Sandstrom home north of town.

L.H. Hand was taken suddenly worse Wednesday morning and passed away in a few hours. Some six weeks ago he was compelled to quit work by öa disease that baffled medical skill and was taken to St.Luke's Hospital in Chicago where everything possible was done for him, but without avail. He was brought home about two weeks ago and seemed to improve and was able to enjoy the home coming of his children.

From the beginning to the end of his illness he suffered little pain and surrounded by his family and in the home he loved; he closed his eyes and past from earth's labors. Lewis H. Hand was born in Mt. Gilead, Ohio May 24, 1848. He came with his parents to Oquawka in 1851 where he has lived ever since. He united in marriage to Miss Lulu Bigelow Sept. 30, 1874.

To them three children were born: Helen, Hattie and Esther, all of whom were with him during his last illness- Mrs. Helen Davenport and Mrs. Hattie Scott coming from Portland Ore. to be at his bedside.

Two brothers also survive: George of Oquawka and Walter of Dansbury, Iowa. Mr. Hand when a mere boy entered the employ of Robert Hodson. In this business house he has held various positions and of late years much of the management of affairs has been committed to him. His continuous service for 53 years best tells the story of the confidence and esteem in which he was held by his employer...Mr. Hand's connection with the Presbyterian Church began as a little boy in the Sunday School.

At his death he was an elder in the church and a member truly interested its welfare. The funeral was held in the Presbyterian Church by a personal friend, Dr. McMichael of Monmouth.

MEDIA MEANDERINGS: Mrs. W.S.White has been quite sick but is improving. Mrs. W.A.Spears had a stroke of facial paralysis. Chas. Pogue accompanied a shipment of hogs to Chicago. The Bowling family, who have been living east of town, are moving to Gladstone. A.L.Beall purchased a Ford auto and is now learning to manipulate it. Joe Campbell has gone to Arkansas for work.

LOMAX LINGERINGS: W.Q.Crane will go to Peoria for treatment this week. The death of the venerable citizen and soldier of the Civil War, John Bell, occurred Sunday after a brief illness of pneumonia. Jasper Logan will become a citizen of the town, deciding to give up the farm completely. He has bought the G.W.Shanks property in the west end. W.T.King has sold his home to Rawleigh Wyatt. Mr. King will occupy the Freeland property.