The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1916 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1916

Stronghurst Graphic, March 16, 1916

WHAT A CONTEST! What promised to be a quiet and tame primary for the nomination of candidates for village offices developed into a contest which brought out the largest vote ever cast here on a similar occasion. As it frequently occurs, previous to the expiration of the time for the filing of candidates names with the village clerk, there was scarcely enough interest shown to make it possible to have printed ballots. The Citizens' ballot had sufficient candidates but the Independents had only two names filed for village trustees and none for clerk.

On Monday morning hand bills were freely distributed in the name of "We the people" containing the names of a complete set of candidates for the offices to be filled and with instructions to voters to be sure and write the said names in on the Citizens' ballot. Judging from the wording of the bill, it appeared that "we the people" had suddenly become aroused to the grave danger of the cause of justice and economy suffering a set back unless two of the candidates whose names had been certified as candidates upon the citizens ticket were defeated.

The earnest appeal of the guardian of the village's interests somehow failed to strike a responsive chord in the breast of the electorate and when the battle of the ballots was over it was found that the printed Citizens ticket as well as the printed Independent ticket had won by a large majority.

1891 GRAPHIC: Dr. H.B. Harter arrived in town from Oneida, Kan. March 18th to take up a residence here with his family. John McKee of Biggsville had just been engaged by the Stronghurst Town Site Co. to assist in its real estate business. W.P.Morey sold his grocery stock to S.H. Ryan of Vicitoria, Ill. and was preparing to engage in carpentering with James Atkinson. Miss Carrie Harbinson had been hired to teach the Salter's Grove School. Cyrus Parsons had obtained a judgment against the Santa Fe for $119 for killing a team of horses at a crossing west of town.

The Henderson County Fair Grounds (Biggsville?) were being advertised to be sold at public auction.

FOR SALE OR RENT: 80 acres, 5 room house and good barn 2 1/2 miles northeast of Carman. Some plow land, mostly pasture. Small orchard, some hog tight bottom land, balance sandy loam. All suitable for alfalfa, sudan grass, cow peas, sweet clover and other legumes. Price $3200. Terms, Rent $2 per acres (cash basis). A.A.Runge, Carman, Ill., few acres of melons will pay the rent.

COMBINATION SALE: C.C.Douglass and D.A. Whiteman will hold a Combination Public Sale at the Sam Holmes livery barn in Biggsville March 21st. Their offering will consist of 26 head of horses; 5 mulch cows; 4 young bulls; one two year old and three yearlings; one set of double harness; one new buggy; one pony trap(covering for a horse); 2 steel wheel farm wagons and numerous other articles.

CARMAN CONCERNS: The school is still closed as several new cases of measles are reported. Rhoda, the five year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G.W.Howell, who has just recovered from the measles, has pneumonia now.

The scarlet fever quarantine of the Joel Marsden home of Olena has been lifted. James Pendry and family have left Olena for their farm in this area. James Good and his best girl motored to Monmouth Sunday. Joe Mowers of Lomax has sold his property here to J.B. Huppert; Earl expects to start a barber shop in the near future.

The late J. C. Crane farm two miles south of Carman was sold to Edward Babcook with the exception of 10 acres sold to his widow. James DeHauge suffered a stroke of paralysis at the Geo. DeWein home where he and his wife had been spending the day. He was taken to the Burlington hospital.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Pearl Drain and family have moved from the burned house on the Ed Stine farm to Arthur McKeown's place south of town. Charles Marshall returned home after many weeks in the Galesburg Hospital.

A 8 room tenant house belonging to Ed Stine burned on his farm 4 miles south of here. The building was occupied by Eillston Lillard and family who managed to save most of their household goods. Cause of the blaze is unknown unless it originated from a spark from the chimney. Insurance of $2,500 was carried, but this will only partially cover the loss. (Did two houses burn or did Pearl Drain live with the Eillston Lillard family?)

Nancy Findley, youngest daughter of Dr. and Mrs. R.I.FINDLEY, sustained a serious accident which might have caused her the loss of an eye. She was walking from one room to another when she suddenly tripped on a rug and fell, knocking her head against the door while a pencil which she held in her hand ran into the corner just beneath her eye, making a deep wound and breaking off the lead, which remained there. A doctor was called and as much of the lead removed as possible, but the wound was left open in order to drain the remaining lead. She is doing nicely and no serious after effects are expected.

A.L.Russler is home from Joliet where he is employed as a guard at the state penitentiary. Frank Johnson bought the Nichols farm of 160 acres, two miles west of town. Robert Milligan of Ivesdale, formerly assistant cashier of a bank at this place, has re-organized it with a capital of $50,000 and is now the cashier. Mr. Bert Johnson is serving on the jury for the McBride murder trial in Oquawka. Perry Cooper sold to T.C. Knutstrom the two lots and blacksmith shop located just north of the Sutliff livery barn on Broadway.

Mrs. Charles Curry suffered a broken arm while riding in their auto. Mr. and Mrs. Curry had been to Olena and were returning by a different road when they came to a culvert which had been washed out and they did not anticipate as the roads were excellent. (Not always the case in this era of dirt roads.) Mr. Curry who was driving, shut off the power, but the car was still in motion and the jar threw Mrs. Curry from one side of the car to the other and in doing so caused the break in her arm and other bruises.

GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Arthur Jacobs was united in marriage to Nettie Kemp in Burlington. They went to housekeeping the same day on a farm west of town. Mr. Whitney of Chicago is the new 3rd track man at the depot here. August Jacobs and Irma Moling were married in Burlington Saturday.

TERRE HAUTE TALES: J.A.Bryan has his cars loaded and will leave for Canada Tuesday. Albert Negley is shelling corn for C.S.Gittings. The bazaar held at the school Saturday evening was well attended and netted $20.

OLENA OBSERVATIONS: Mr. Arthur Dowell and family are now located in Kansas and Mr. Dalton and family have moved to the farm they vacated. Mr. Bert Burrell and family have moved to one of the Joe White farms and will be employed by him. The two boards of trustees of the Olena congregations signed up the final papers for the exchange of churches and church properties. The M.E.congregation are now busily engaged in putting a new roof on the church taken over.

As the church building will have to be papered throughout, quite a number have made application to do the work.

Mrs. Joe Browning took her infant to a physician who pronounced the ailment as measles. Quite a number from here attended "The Birth of a Nation" either at Burlington or Galesburg and expressed themselves as getting their money's worth. (This is a classic silent film.)

Jesse Hicks purchased a span of well broke mules of Oscar Marshall and in a few hours Oscar had purchased a younger span of Mr. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Marshall are caring for a 10th daughter who arrived at their home quite recently.

MEDIA MEANDERINGS: Mrs. Chas. Randall who was operated on some three or four weeks ago for gall stones in the Galesburg hospital, passed away there. The funeral was held at the U.P. Church with interment in Salter's Grove Cemetery.

OBITUARY***MRS. CHARLES RANDALL*** Mary Shook was born about two miles north of Media 49 years ago lacking one day. While a young lady she was converted and has since been a firm believer in Her Savior since. She was united in marriage to Chas. Randall and to this union six children were born with one dying in infancy. Those surviving are her husband, mother-Mrs. Mary Shook, and children: Mrs. Iva Alexander, Fleeda, Laura, Page, James and two step children, Harry and Mrs. Carrie Lashbrok.

OQUAWKA OCCURRENCES: John Goempler is the owner of a new Ford car bought from Charles Fair. At the meeting of the M. E. Church Sunday School board the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Supt-W. H. Webt; Assit. Supt-Mrs. H. N. Patterson; Sec-Miss Marie Fliege; Treas-Clifford Delabar; Organist-Mrs. Allan Howard; Asst organist-Mrs. H. N. Patterson; Supt. of Home Dept-Mrs. Horton Green;

Supt. Primary Dept-Mrs. Edith Epps; Supt Cradle roll-Miss Ida Park; Missionary Supt-Mrs. H.N.Patterson; Missionary Treas-Mrs. Eber Thomas; Primary Secy and Treas-Mrs. B.J.Rozell; Chairman of Youth's Companion Committee-Mrs. Patterson; Chairman flower committee-Mrs. Maude Ives; Chairman charity committee-Mrs. Wm. Fliege.

Teachers for classes

No.1-G.H.Campbell; 2-Mrs. W. Stubbs; 3. Mrs. Turner and John Peterson; 4. Mrs. Patterson. Other teachers will be appointed later. (The importance of the listing is the appearance of names proving that these people were a vital part of the community. The list also shows how important religion/the church community was in the lives of the 1916 town.)

The civics class of the high school was excused Monday afternoon to attend the murder trial of James McBride to see how a jury is selected.

Elden McCranen died at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Lois Snare, of heart trouble. Mrs. Raus Cooper is quite ill with tonsillitis and Mrs. Allan Howard taught the high room in her absence. Glen Haskins and family, William Dillon and family, Cecil Huss and family moved their household goods to a point in Iowa where the former will be foreman of a button factory and the others will work under him.

Four jurors were selected for the McBride murder trial: Ben Pershin, C. L. Johnson, Henry Horn and O.P.Colegrove; they were accepted by both sides. The regular panel was exhausted and a special call was issued for 50 men to appear on Wednesday.

LOMAX LINGERINGS: Bud Lovitt is loading his car for Canada on the Santa Fe. Allen Breen and Ralph King departed for the West last week. (Many from Henderson County left seeking their fortune with cheaper farmland that would produce good crops.) The funeral of James Baxter, Sr., a former citizen of Lomax, was held at the Christian Church. The deceased was 80 years 10 months of age, passing away at the home of a daughter in Little Rock, Ark. He leaves seven children, the wife and two children preceding him, to mourn his departure.