The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1916
Stronghurst Graphic, Dec.14, 1916
***OBITUARY***PEARL LEINBACH: After several weeks of intense suffering what is supposed to have been an abscess in the brain, Pearl Leinbach passed away at his home on the John Marshall farm west of Stronghurst.
The deceased was 39 years, 2 months and 12 days old. He was the son of Benjamin and Lou (Charter) Leinbach and was born at Marysville, Mo. He came with his parents to Henderson County, Illinois, when 3 years of age and spent practically all of his life in the locality.
On Dec.1st 1898 he was married to Miss Clara D. Shick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shick of Stronghurst and to this union eight children were born, five girls and three boys. The eldest of the children is 17 years and the youngest 4. Mr. Leinbach is also survived by his father, Benjamin Leinbach of Prescott, Wash., and by three sisters and three brothers, namely, Mrs. Lulu Dobbs of Brown's Valley, Minn., Mrs. Susie Peck of Greenfield, Iowa, Mrs. Robt. Emmett of New Mexico, Frank Leinbach of Blandinsville, Ill., James Leinbach of Prescott, Wash., and Jack Leinbach of Walla Walla, Wash.
The deceased was a member of Stronghurst Camp of Modern Woodmen...The funeral will be held in the Stronghurst M.E.Church with interment in the village cemetery.
1895 GRAPHIC: The two mysterious outlaws were still engaged in holding up and robbing travelers on the river bottom road near the East Burlington ferry and apparently no effort was being made to apprehend them.
Orr McQuown had just returned from Western Iowa where he invested in an 80 acre farm near Hawthorn. Jos. Dixson had just opened a new up-to-date meat market on Main St. one door east of the opera house. Messrs. Miller and Taylor purchased the Ira Putney stock of merchandise and had the same transferred to their own store in the opera house building.
The directors of the Horse Fair Association had appointed H.B.Harter and A.B.Conkling as caretakers of the Driving Park with the privilege of leasing stalls to parties desiring to use the track for training purposes.(Harness racing was the local sport of choice for many.) A.B.Brooks had introduced gas from the new gas well on his farm into his home for culinary purposes. (His wife used it to cook.)
DIES FROM SCARLET FEVER: Madeline Mudd, the 4 year old and youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mudd, died from scarlet fever at their home on the McMurray farm, four and a half miles southwest of Stronghurst.
In accordance with the strict regulations regarding the burial of victims of diseases of this character, there was no public funeral over the remains which were tenderly laid to rest in the Stronghurst Cemetery.
The two other children, both girls, have also contracted the disease and the younger of the two is convalescing while the older is in the first stage of the malady. A strict quarantine of the home is being maintained and it is hoped there will be no further outbreak.
***OBITUARY***Oquawka Mrs. Frances Smith: Mrs. Smith passed away at her home Saturday morning from cancer. She had been ill for more than a year and was an uncomplaining sufferer. She was well known here where was a member of the M. E. Church and had run a boarding house for a number of years.
She leave one brother and one grand daughter, Mrs. Francis Rice of Los Angles, Cal., to mourn her departure. Funeral services were held at the home with interment in the Oquawka Cemetery.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Russell Enwall and Jud Wetterling took a day off and went hunting. When evening came they found that the net result of the day's sport was 40 rabbits and one goose, all bagged on the C. W. Wetterling farm of 160 acres.
W. J. McKeown spent a couple of days in Toledo, Ohio, as the guest of the Willys-Overland Automobile Co. at their great convention of dealers in Overland cars. Miss Mary Morgan left on the Santa Fe for Los Animas, Colo. in response to a telegram stating that her sister, Mrs. Magie McKinley, was in a serious condition and was to undergo an operation in Pueblo.
GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Mr. Edgar Gray is riding around in a new automobile, a five passenger car which he recently purchased. The village board has employed a marshal to help preserve the peace and order of the village and look after some of its other interests. Willis Law, who has been section foremen here for a long time, resigned his position. He was replaced by Mr. Fisher from Moulton, Iowa. Thomas Gray and family moved from their farm north of town to Monmouth.
LOMAX LINGERINGS: Miss Byrd Harvey is having dental work done. Miss Gladys Porter is the possessor of a new piano. The 50th wedding anniversaries of J.L.Paul and wife and John Daughtery, Sr. and wife were celebrate here on Dec. 6th. Bert Wyatt who is patient at Burlington Hospital, is reported able to be about the building of a wheel chair and will probably return home about Christmas.
CARMAN CONCERNS: Mrs. Maggie Reibel and son of Chariton, Ia. spent last week with her brother, Tom Dixon and family. A Box supper will be held at the M.W.A.Hall with the proceeds to go toward church expenses. Ladies please bring boxes; there will also be a bazaar. Messrs James Good and Dewey Trainor left for St.Louis where they have work with the surveyors who went from here a few weeks ago.
Mrs. Earl Hupert entertained the Tango Club at her home Thursday afternoon. Those present were Mesdames Arnold, Sheldon, Mead and Miss Ivy Trainor of Carman and Mesdames George Eno and Baum of Burlington. A very pleasant afternoon was spent after which a dainty lunch was served.
BIRTH CERTIFICATES: The state board of health has arranged to send to the mother of every child whose birth is recorded in Illinois a handsomely engraved certificate of birth accompanied by a copy of the booklet "Our Babies; How to Keep Them Well and Happy."