The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1916
Stronghurst Graphic, Sept. 28, 1916
MEDIA MEANDERINGS: Mrs. J.F. Meloan is enjoying a visit from her father and mother from Missouri. Miss Mildred Rankin has gone to Mt. Carroll to attend school. Miss Jean Spears is teaching in the north end of the county. Revival meeting will begin next Monday at the United Presbyterian church in charge of the lawyer evangelist, Rev. Neil Stewart of Tarkio, Mo. Carl V.Day of Monmouth will have charge of the singing. A number of cottage prayer meetings are being held in town and country preparatory to the evangelistic meetings; a great deal of interest has been shown.
Supt. A.L.Beall returned from Springfield where he had spent the previous ten days acting as assistant superintendent of the boys' State Fair school. W.C.Winders has opened up a restaurant and bakery in the building west of Terry's store. He will also handle fresh and cured meats.
GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: A shipment of lumber arrived and is being hauled to the new lumber yard. Wednesday evening about six o'clock, George Knox, Bid Kelly, Alex Nelson, Dusta Rhoades and Dick Kelly were returning from Burlington in Mr. Knox' car. About a half mile north of the John Arnold place across the river, there is a sharp turn in the road and here the car skidded into the ditch where it over turned, pinning the occupants beneath it. Fortunately, some other cars came along in a few moments and the victims of the accident were freed. Mr. Knox was badly bruised but able to continue his journey home. Dick Kelly was the most seriously injured; he was taken in J.Y.Whiteman's car to the St.Francis Hospital in Burlington while other members of the party were taken to their homes in the Ralph Galbraith car.
Mr. Frank Hulett sprung a surprise one everyone here when he appeared with a lady whom he introduced to his friends as Mrs. Hulett. He has been with his company at Springfield preparing to go to the Mexican border. Best wishes of all will be given to the couple. Mrs. Nancy Ellis is quite ill at her home. Ray Cadle has gone to Michigan to take a course in electricity in which he is already quite proficient. Mr. George Sandy has moved from the Baker farm west of town to Mrs. Anna Sabin's farm north of town. Mrs. Cora Knudstrom(spelling as appears in paper) has sold her house and lots to Mrs. Sarah Furnald of Oquawka who will move into the same soon.
OLENA OBSERVATIONS: Health of the community is quite good except for a few chronic cases. Mrs. Allen Booten, who has been in very poor health, is currently being treated by Dr. Emerson of Lomax. Mr. Ralph Stanley is moving to Gladstone where he will take charge of the lumber yard. Mrs. John Lant recently received notice of the death of her brother, C.W.Downs, a veteran of the Civil War at the Soldiers Home Hospital at Boise, Idaho. He was 75 years of age and had served in Co.G 118th Illinois Infantry. The funeral was held at the chapel and burial was in "Silent Camp" in Morris Hill Cemetery. Miss Burrell began a term of school in the village. A few from here attended the Globe Trotters Tour in Stronghurst and say it was the "swellest " thing ever given there.
25TH ANNIVERSARY OF SWEDISH EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH: The 25th anniversary of the Lutheran Church of Stronghurst was celebrated Sept. 19-21 with 12 pastors and two theological students as guests of the congregation. Tuesday evening the church history was given by the pastor, Rev. W.P. Anderson: The congregation was organized Jan.11, 1891 with 33 charger members: Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Larson, Mr. and Mrs. Bengt? Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Gust Hendrickson, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Furnell, Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Glad, Mr. and Mrs. Gust Youngstrom, Mr. and Mrs. Gust Strand, Charles Nelson, Anton Isaacson, Peter Johnson, Gust Johnson, Axel Gustafson, Anton Anderson, August Johnson, Frank Gustafson, Claus Carlson, Andrew Butler, August Danielson, Peter Johnson and Charles Lind.
Of the 33 charger members, nine are still members and more or less active in the work of the church. The church at present has an enrollment 195 members...(This is a long article detailing the celebration.)
W.C.T.U. COMES TO TOWN: Miss Louise Hollister, national organizer for the Women's Christian Temperance Union visited Stronghurst and addressed a fairly good audience at the M.E.Church. A local W.C.T.U. chapter was organized with President-Mrs. C.H.Shiplett; Recording Sec.-Mrs. J.S.Gilliland; Corresponding Sec.-Mrs. J.W.Rankin; and Treas.-Mrs. C.H.Davis. Arrangements have been made to hold meeting at the ladies' municipal restrooms. All interested are urged to attend.
1891 Graphic: F.N. Brelsford left to move to Erie, Kans. Miss Minnie Johnson, organist for the Swedish Lutheran congregation was given a fine gold watch and $5 by members gathered at the Johnson home. Al McGee of Terre Haute had two fingers blown off and received a bad wound in the breast when a dynamite cartridge which he was trying to drive out of a piece of wood exploded. The first exhibition of "bonanza plowing" in this section of the country was given on the Wyatt Stanley farm southeast of the village when a steam traction engine pulling four 14 inch plows was put to work.
ELEVATOR DEAL CLOSED: The recently organized Farmers Grain and Mdse. Co. of Stronghurst and the W.H.Perrine & Co. of Chicago closed a deal with the purchase by the former from the latter of the elevator here and Decorra together with other real estate owned by the Perrine Co. here including lots and the feed mill property north of the railroad on Broadway.
THEY WERE WEDDED IN IOWA: On Tuesday evening Sept.19th Mr. Oscar Beckett wed Mrs. Olive Randall, the happy event occurring in Burlington at the parsonage of the M.E.Church; they were unattended...The congregation of the Stronghurst M.E.Church of which the groom is a member, tendered them a reception at the church with 125 in attendance.
FIRST FOOTBALL GAME: The opening football game of the series scheduled to be played this season with the high school teams of surrounding towns was won from Blandinsville by the local high school team on Dixson field by a touch down made by Steffey in the last few minutes of the last quarter of the second half of the game.
A large crowd were on hand to see the game and at times manifested its approval and disapproval of the tactics employed by the players in a rather emphatic manner. A regrettable feature of the occasion was the open gambling upon the result, which was indulged in by some local "sports" and some visitors. If this is allowed to continue throughout the season, the advantage which might be derived from the sport will be lost. We suggest that in the future the management see to it that steps are taken to suppress gambling on the football fields. Open violation of the law is to be deplored at any time, but when it occurs in connection with high school athletics, it should emphatically condemned by all right thinking people.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: The local county Republican Committee has arranged for a candidates' tour of the county this week The committee having the Cemetery Gate Fund wish to announce that the Comedy Drama, "Our Boarding House," will be presented by home folk at the Opera House. At present $391.32 is in the fund and they are hoping to raise it to $558.90. (John Fordyce's letter from Pennsylvania telling of his visit is in this issue. ) The Methodist Conference has returned Rev. Jaggers to the Stronghurst field for another year. George Hoffeditz left for Lexington, Illinois to visit a half brother whom he has not seen for 40 years.
Andrew J. Davis was stricken with a severe case of appendicitis and was hurried to Galesburg on the train. He was operated upon at the hospital and is reported as on the road to recovery. His case was said by the operating surgeon to be an unusual one as the appendix was enlarged to almost four times the normal size and was attached to the intestines throughout almost its entire length. Glenn McElhinney is attending Monmouth College.
Four Stronghurst young men strayed from the desert into the oasis located at Nauvoo last Saturday and drank too freely of the stuff that made Nauvoo "famous." They then became noisy and were arrested and placed in the calaboose. Later, one was fined $10.00 and costs, which was paid. They wandered back into the desert, sad but wiser boys öNauvoo Rustler
Scoutmaster Rev. K.R.Anderson took his troop of boy scouts out on a hike to "Foot Prints Farm" southwest of town. Camp was pitched in the timber along Honey Creek where the night was spent and in the morning breakfast was prepared and served in true campers' style. T.C.Knutstrom recently purchased from Perry Cooper the lots on Broadway occupied by the old Reynolds blacksmith shop and is now engaged in tearing down that building preparatory to the erection of a modern brick garage 50 x 30 feet in size. Mr. T.D.Steffey has the contract for the erection of the new building.