The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1915
Stronghurst Graphic, Aug. 19, 1915
CHAUTAUQUA IN FULL SWING: "The best one yet" is the almost universal comment concerning the Chautauqua now in progress. Although ticket sales were down, attendance so far indicates that financial success seems assured. So far the Chautauqua is proving to be a rich feast of things which inspire, instruct and entertain. The opening day crowd was larger than usual.
The musical portion of the six day event was opened by the talented Craven family, who delighted the audience by their wonderful versatility in both instrumental and vocal performance. Dr. McCrory of Pittsburg who holds a high place in the United Presbyterian Church Council, lectured blending wisdom, wit and sound philosophy while including religious and moral truth in his presentation.
"Daddy Grobecker and his band of Alpine Singers and Yodlers" captivated Tuesday's audience. Appearing in their picturesque native costumes and rendering their folk songs in their native tongue, which seems peculiarly adapted to true yodling for which the Tyroleans are famous, they had their audience with them every moment they were on stage.
William Lloyd Davis, the day's lecturer, gave readings from Kipling and later a discourse on community welfare. Mr. Davis' oratory is Gattling in order (rapid fire) and in his discussion of community needs and individual selfishness, he "hews to the line, let the chips fall where they may."
On Wednesday the Colonial Concert Co. composed of five young ladies rendered pleasing programs. Glenn Merry's lecture "Thirty Pieces of Silver" was a scholarly and instructive study on the social problems of the day. At night Miss Maud Willis held her audience under her spell giving a dramatic reading, "In the Vanguard."
This drama is one which strips war of its glamour and glitter and presents its horrifying aspects and wickedness in such a way as to disillusion those who would glorify militarism. (Remember, Europe was already fighting WWI.)
In the offing is the Brook company, a world famous musical organization and a lecture by Walter R. Poole, the Fiji Island missionary who will tell of his experience there.
One of the excellent features of this year's Chautauqua is the Junior work being conducted by Miss Edith Strickland Moodie.
The lessons taught on the playground and during the story hour will produce a lasting effect for the good in many lives.(Without radio, TV, or movies, the population depended on the Chautauqua to bring "culture" to the rural areas.
In talking with older citizens who remembered its appearance each year, I learned that it along with the IOOF Picnic were the highlights of the summer.)
CHICKEN AND CAKE SALE: The Martha Society of the Lutheran Church will hold a sale of dressed chickens, cake and cream puffs at the Park. (Guess that would be a little difficult today as few raise chickens.)
***OBITUARY***ISABEL STEVENSON GROSS-MAN: Mrs. Norman Grossman-42 years, 5 months and 6 days-of Media, Township passed away at the Wesley Hospital in Chicago on Aug.18th following an operation for gall stones performed July 20th. Her husband and a brother and sister, Miss Mary Stevenson, were at her beside when the final summons came.
Isabel Stevenson was born at Biggsville, March 4, 1873 and was the fourth child of William and Agnes Rainey Stevenson. Her early life was spent in this vicinity and on Sept.19, 1894 she married Norman Grossman of Media and since has made her home there.
She leaves to mourn beside the husband and parents four brothers and four sisters, namely: John, Will and James Stevenson of Biggsville; Samuel Stevenson of Gladstone; Mrs. Lizzie Bigger and Miss Mary Stevenson of Biggsville; Mrs. Mattie Detrick of Eldon, Iowa, and Mrs. Jennie Redfearn of Galesburg.
The deceased, having joined as a child, was a member of the Biggsville United Presbyterian Church . The remains were brought to Biggsville and taken to the Stevenson home in the west part of town. Funeral services will be held at the church with interment in the Biggsville Cemetery.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Mr. and Mrs. Archer Wells of Raritan have moved to town where he will be employed as a teacher this coming year. Mr. M. E. Beardsley played the part of host to a party of 15 people from this vicinity at the Silver Lake Club near Carman. A royal time spent in boating, fishing and feasting is reported by guests. James Crist, a former resident of the Raritan community, is now living at Wellington, Kans. The Roseville village board authorized securing proposals for sewer system plans.
The city of Monmouth is planning a big Military Tract Tractor demonstration. Politicians from all over the state will attend. Miss Eveyln Carothers, who is spending the summer in Boise, Idaho, was appointed to the State Board of Examiners for Teachers' certificates and has been serving in that capacity at the State House in the capital city. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Carothers.
Mrs. Della Yeomans of Biggsville, former superintendent of schools in this county, was awarded a cash prize of $500 by the Bon Ami Manufacturing Co. for offering the largest number of suggestions regarding the uses of Bon Ami. Mrs. Yeomans bested 25,000 other entrants to gain the grand prize. (How many today know what Bon Ami is?)
NARROWLY ESCAPES DEATH: Arthur Robbins, an auto salesman of Quincy and his driver, Russell Somons, had a narrow escape from death at Dallas City Friday evening when attempting to cross the Santa Fe tracks on Oak St.
A special train carrying a number of Santa Fe officials reached the crossing at the same moment the auto did. By turning sharply to one side and jumping, the occupants of the auto escaped injury. The machine, however, was struck by the private coach of the special train and completely demolished, some pieces being hurled a hundred feet.
OLENA OBSERVATIONS: The funeral of Mrs. Headley was held in the M. E. Church. John Hulet of St. Louis visited his sister, Mrs. Lizzie Fort.
Visiting in the neighborhood are Mrs. Ellis from Seattle, Wash., Mr. Will Fort of DeWitt., Neb.; Mrs. Dora Haislett of Yuma, Colo.; Mrs. Sayler and daughter of Des Moines, Ia.; and Mrs. Myrtle Evans and children from near Washington, Ia.