The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1915 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1915

Stronghurst Graphic, Sept.23, 1915

FREE LECTURE: The Christian Science Society of Biggsville announce a free lecture by George Shaw Cook of Chicago and cordially invites the public to be present on Sept. 28th at the High School Auditorium. Mr. Cook is a member of the Board of Lectureship of the mother church, the First Church of Christ Scientist in Boston, Mass.

THE HORSE DIED: C.C.Painter, who is the proprietor of the Oak View Stock Farm southwest of Stronghurst, lost his fine 4 year-old Belgian Stallion, Invincible, by death. The animal took sick some time Thursday night and died Friday evening. Indigestion was given as the cause by the veterinarians who were called to attend him. Invincible was a superb specimen of horse flesh, a beautiful roan color and conceded by horsemen to be one of the best Belgian stallions ever imported to this country. Mr. Painter carried $1000 in insurance on the horse.

"HENPECKED HENRY" Halton Powell's "Henpecked Henry," one of the most famous musical comedies ever produced on the American stage, is to be the attraction at the Stronghurst Opera House next Saturday night. Its coming is in keeping with the efforts of the house management to present a series of the highest class of attractions this season. The play interprets the troubles of a married man whose principal effort in life is to side step troubles with his wife. Manager J.F.McMillan offers free admission to the performance to all men who will confess that their wives are "Boss of the Ranch."

DIES IN THE NIGHT: C.C.Painter who is the proprietor of the Oak View Stock Farm southwest of Stronghurst, lost his fine 4 year old imported Belgian stallion, Invincible, by death last Friday. The animal took sick in the night and died the next morning. Indigestion was given as the cause of the horse's death by the veterinarians who were attending him.

Invincible was a superb specimen of horse flesh, a beautiful roan and conceded by horsemen to be one of the best Belgian stallions ever imported to this country. Mr. Painter carried $1000 insurance on the horse. (This was serious business! A valuable stud died, a source of ongoing income gone.)

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Almer Negley has been dangerously ill at his home south of town but is reported better at present. Burlington merchants are said to be contributing liberally toward a fund for building a permanent road across the Mississippi River bottom to connect with the east end of the proposed new wagon bridge. Mrs. Ida People expects to go to Raritan next week with a line of her millinery goods. (I'm sure all housewives in that area sought further information for the exact date as a hat defined a lady's social and economic status.) Ray Nortstrom is the new clerk at the Perry Hardware Store. Miss Blanche Cook of Winfield, Kan. is visiting at the Thomas Dodds home south of town.

Misses Nellie Bowen and Harriet Salter are attending Brown's College at Galesburg. Earl Brokaw, Max Sanderson, Clarence Hartquist and Chas. Heisler, Jr. attended the state fair in Springfield.

Home made dainties (delicacies) for sale at Morgan's office by the 5th and 6th grades of Stronghurst school. Get full enjoyment from your outing or vacation by taking a Kodak with you. A full line of Eastman Kodak's and supplies at Lazar's. Halton Powell's merry musical comedy, "Henpecked Henry" will be seen at the Stronghurst Opera House. Every report speaks of the show as the hit of all times in a laughter way. The play introduces a chorus of shapely girls and abounds in comic situations built naturally and will entertain all classes of theater goers. (An ad in this same paper shows a photo of nine young ladies attired in knee length dresses exposing a great deal of leg for 1915 times. Probably a little risque for Stronghurst.) John Mudd left for Chicago where he will join his brother Rex in attending the veterinary school. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Evans are expected to arrive from Emerson, Iowa, to visit his mother, Mrs. Sarah Evans. The Christian Sunday School is planning a picnic at Lake Fort Saturday. All members please meet at the church at 8:45 with well filled baskets.

The dreaded foot and mouth disease made its appearance near Blandinsville last week and 6 head of cattle and 60 head of hogs on the Ralph Grisby farm and 34 head of cattle and 142 head of hogs belonging to Harmon O'Gren on the Geo. Huston farm have been slaughtered by order of authorities. A strict quarantine has been established and church, Sunday school, picture shows and all other public meeting have been ordered discontinued.

The cement bridge west of Mrs. S.Y.Evans caved in and the road will be closed until next spring. Alda Hamburg ran a hair pin in her head while playing at school. Miss Ethel Brokaw, teacher at Maple Grove, held a bake sale at Stronghurst to get money for some books for the school; the total made was $5.10. (Teaching school in 1915 had its challenges and one must certainly be versatility.)

In Lomax the local ball team crossed bats with Gladstone resulting in a score of 7 to 1 in favor of the home team. W.Q.Crane, Postmaster, attended the Postmaster's convention at Streator, Ill. Clerk Lee Porter was in charge of the office. John & Willis Dowell families of Carman area attended reunion at the John Fryer home in Gladstone.

MEDIA MEANDERINGS: Mrs. D. W. McCartney passed away after a lingering illness of several years; interment was in the Kirkwood Cemetery. The teachers and pupils of the 8th grade of the public school entertained the board, faculty and students of the Academy and also the public school board in the public school assembly hall. Clarence Campbell, who has as been doctoring in a sanitarium in Colorado, returned home not much improved; he is in critical condition.