The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1915
Stronghurst Graphic Oct. 28, 1915
SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION: The annual Henderson County Sunday School Convention met in the Media U.P. Church Tuesday and Wednesday of last week. All townships were represented the total enrollment of 80 delegates and officers attended. Miss Stooker of Chicago, the State worker, gave faithful, efficient, inspiring help. The main subject discussed Tuesday morning was the "Needs of Our Schools" The Elementary work was given by Miss Stooker and Mrs. Worthington. Cooperation at this level begins in the home with the life of the child.
Needed are consecrated parents and leaders who will help secure these little ones for the Cradle Roll, watch, encourage and guide them through the Beginners, Primary and Junior classes. Children need to be taught their lessons out of the Bible, not out of the lesson leaves or quarterlies. Ask them to bringtheir Bibles and then open them and use them. Give them questions and let them find the answers out of the Bible...
The Secondary Division takes the child from 12 years to 20 years or the"teen" age. If the children have the right beginning in elementary work,the teachers would hold them up to this classification. Class organization begins at the age of 13 years. Let them have their own class officers and committees. Have them choose a president who will conduct the opening exercises before turning students over to a teacher...
The Adult Division was given by Mr. A.B.Shook of Smithshire. Needs found here were organized classes, consecrated workers, monthly meetings, caring for the sick by visits and by sending flowers, and care and visit the elderly. The pastor should be helpful and united with the teacher.
Miss Jean Spears of Media told of the needs of general management of the school. Bible study was conducted by Rev. Blount of Biggsville and Miss Stooker suggested equipment and methods of teaching.
Tuesday afternoon three conferences were held: Officers, Teachers'Organization, Securing and Training Teachers, and Graded Organization...Securing officers and teachers in secondary work was led by Mrs. N.Q. Welch. Under this Mrs. Charles Whiteman gave "Class, School and Community Organization. "Leadership in Teen Age Classes" was beautifully given by Miss Mary Kyle of Biggsville. The evening song service was led by W. J. McElhinney of Stronghurst and two splendid address, "Missions" by Rev. Sam McKeown, Liberia, Africa and "The Community's Challenge to the Sunday School" by Miss Stooker instructed the group.
Miss Emma Marshall, corresponding secretary, reported a decrease of 27 members and an increase of $8.00 in finances. A motion was made to vote $51.00 to the state association...Miss Carol Brent, a pupil in the Media Academy, read a paper on the "Teen Age Girl" and Eddie Carner read a paper on the "Teen Age Boy."
Wednesday afternoon three 10 minute papers were read. (This is a long detailed article about what was said by whom. The importance to us today is to know that this convention was a very important event in county life in 1915.)
ACQUIRES FAME AS ACTRESS: Miss Ethel Kirkpatrick, a former Stronghurst girl who under the stage name of Ethel Kirk, has attained celebrity status as a vaudeville star. Miss Kirk and her partner, Billy Fogarty, recently filled an engagement in a Seattle theater. Kirk and Fogarty would be a hard combination to beat so the paper reports. Ethel's hobby is gowns and beautiful toilet accessories. Her dressing room looks like a boudoir and that's saying a good deal as dressing rooms go. One of her beautiful gowns "nearly completed by Paul Poret before he was called to the front"(World War I) as Billy says, "is worth seeing."
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Those attending the Horse Show included ex-Congressman James McKinney of Aledo and a goodly number of members of the newspaper profession: Bert E. Pinkerton and Mr. Marshall of the Monmouth Daily Atlas, Fred Moore of the Henderson County Progress, Phil Rowley of the Biggsville Clipper, and Editor Barnes of the Raritan Reporter. The Burlington Hawkeye sent a representative too.
A deal was closed by which Wm Wilsher disposed of his farm five miles southwest of Stronghurst to Hugh Smith, a former resident of this vicinity now living in Iowa. The consideration was $150 per acre. J. F. McMillan left Saturday evening on a trip to the Pacific coast. He expected to take the northern route going by way of Seattle where he had arranged to join Dale Davis, who is now touring the West. The young men expect to visit the Exposition at San Francisco and others of interest on the coast.
M. E. Beardsley, N.E.Curry and Bert Putney outfitted for a hunting and camping expedition started for the Mississippi River bottoms. They expect to have a week or two of rare sport. If any of their friends should find themselves in a famishing condition near their camp, the boys will undoubtedly rescue them from the pangs of hunger, even if Nat has to sacrifice some of his live decoys for that purpose.
The young men's class of the M.E.Sunday School will hold a husking bee on Saturday evening. The members of R.W.Upton's and Miss Hazel Kirby's classes of the U.P. Sabbath School with a number of their young friends held a weenie roast and marshmallow party in the Penny pasture north of town.
Dr. Hurdle, the dentist who practiced his profession in Stronghurst several years ago, died last Sunday at West point from an overdose of poison taken either accidentally or with suicidal intent. He recently moved from LaHarpe to West Point. Ralph Painter, who has extensive farming interest in Canada, left for there to look after the threshing of his big wheat crop.
Oscar Campbell's oil wagon team while left unattended near the village pump house made a dash west on Main St. and after running a block collided with several rigs standing at the hitching rack. A carriage belonging to Frank Gustafson north of the opera house was badly demolished and a buggy belonging to Clyde Murray was considerably damaged.
Cyril Good of Carman left for Canada. Mr. Julius Danielson has returned from Abingdon; while there, he rented a 240 acre farm. Mrs. J.W.Tilley of Media died at her home of stomach cancer.