The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1915
Stronghurst Graphic, Oct.14, 1915
RARITAN PIONEER DIES: Mrs. Margaret Kershaw Hageman who was one of the pioneer settlers of the Raritan country, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W.B.Rhodes at Monmouth at the age of 83 years. The deceased was born near Readington, N.J. March 7, 1832 and married Andrew Hageman in 1849. Together they came West and settled on the farm near Raritan later known as Prairie Park, the scene of many public gatherings of people of Henderson and Warren Counties in years gone by.
Twelve years after they settled at Raritan, the couple moved to Bushnell where Mr. Hageman founded the Bushnell Record, which he edited for several years. Later they returned to Raritan where Mr. Hageman died in 1898. Since that time Mrs. Hageman has made her home with her children: Mrs. Anna Van Dyke of Glendale, Calif.; Mrs. W.B.Rhodes and Frank Hageman of Monmouth.
Funeral services were held at the Rhodes home in Monmouth with burial in the Raritan Cemetery.
1890 Graphic W.J.McElhinney was building a new residence on his farm northeast of town. Bert Putney was nursing a mashed finger, the injury received in the shops at Ft.Madison where he was employed. Dallas City had just secured the location of the burg Carriage factory, having donated the land and a bonus of $5000. The members of the G.A.R.(Grand Army of the Republic-Civil War Veterans) were feeling good over the fact that the handsome silk flag presented to them by Mrs. John Evans floated over President Harrison when he was in Galesburg and he had noticed it. Chas. Green of Terre Haute had just lost a valuable fine trotting mare for which he had refused an offer of $2500 (a lot of money!!) Messrs. Kessler and Chant of West Point, Ill. had just purchased the W.C.Ivins hardware stock and were preparing to open for business.
MARRIED IN CARTHAGE: Arthur L. Loomis, a former Stronghurst boy and the son of L.M.Loomis of Dallas City, was married last week to Miss Florence Craig, only daughter of James R. Craig of that city. The bride was a classmate of the groom at Carthage College from which both graduated last year. Arthur is now the manager of the Black-Loomis Lumber Co. at Yates City.
WILL GRIND FOR A PRICE: Having installed a hydraulic cider press I am prepared to do custom work at the moderate rate of $1.00 per barrel and can soon reduce your apples to cider. Gather up the windfalls and culls and bring along the barrels to hold the juice that can be utilized in various ways, but is especially valuable for making apple butter, jelly and vinegar; also the new product, cider syrup. Will do custom work on Tuesday and Friday and on other days by special arrangements only. James Gibb, Biggsville.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Albert Kaiser and wife are now dwelling under their own vine and fig tree in the home formerly occupied by Mrs. Kate Johnson on Elizabeth Street. Every woman in this vicinity who is interested in establishing a ladies rest room in Stronghurst please be present at the First National Bank Saturday evening
On Monday evening about 200 members and friends of the M.E. church met in the church to welcome the new pastor, Rev. Jaggers and family. Mr. and Mrs. H.H.Rankin left for Hoosac, Mont. Where they will visit at the home of her sister. The greater part of the debt incurred in building the new parsonage of the Stronghurst U.P.Church was raised last Sabbath morning after the sermon by Dr. McMichael of Monmouth. Contributions ranged from $100 to $5 with a total of almost $1700 raised. It is hoped that the remaining balance of about $1000 will soon be obtained. Joe Hoffeditz, Ernest Foote and Clarence Kimmitt were arrested upon the complaint of Dave Moore, who charged them with breaking into the club house of the Stronghurst Hunting and Fishing Club near Carman. The boys plead guilty to the charge in Justice Morgan's court and were fine three dollars each and costs. Robert Wilson left for Quincy where he will take a course at the business college. Guy E. Smith of Bald Bluff will hold a public sale of 50 head of choice purebred Chester White swine. Miss Violet Lant of Olena neighborhood entertained a bunch of her schoolmates for her birthday at her home east of the village.
As a reminder of the pleasant event, her friends presented her with a gold locket and chain. Mr. Harry Clover of Denmark, Ia. visited in the area and took home with him his father, Marcullus Clover.
MEDIA MEANDERINGS: Cyrus Tilley has moved into Joe Smith's residence. The teachers who attended the 8th annual session of the Western Section of the State Teachers' Association were Mrs. Della Yeomans, Mr. E.C.Lukens, Misses Faree and Eurie Mathers and Miss Naomi Lukens. Mr. and Mrs. Lefler and Mr. and Mrs. Tobe French were land seekers in Wisconsin. The Rook Club was entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Park.