The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1915
Stronghurst Graphic, Oct. 7, 1915
CIRCUIT COURT NEWS, Judge Waggoner presiding: Chas. Peasley of Stronghurst was appointed foreman of the grand jury and under his efficient guidance the business of that inquisitorial body was dispatched with promptness. A bill for murder was returned against Edward McBride who shot and killed his partner, Albert Akers near Carman.
In the case of W. Newton against W.T.Love, the verdict was for the plaintiff, who was awarded $14.71. Judgments against Mr. Love as trustee were also awarded in the case of John Vegter and Emily J. Cushman for $67.80 and $168.75. In the case of Chas. M. Lant and others against Eva W. Lant, bill to set aside the will of the late J.B.Lant, the bill was dismissed by complainant.
1890 GRAPHIC: Wm. Wilshire and Ed Fort were in Kansas City buying cattle. Jos. Dixson had just bought a shipment of cattle from Iowa. The presence of President Harrison at Galesburg where he laid the corner stone of the new Knox College Alumni building drew a large crowd from Stronghurst. A ten year old brother of Louis Bagles died at his home near Gladstone from blood poisoning resulting from a barb wire scratch on one of his limbs. Louis, who was but 13 years of age, was himself recovering from the effects of the amputation of an arm crushed by being run over by a Santa Fe train a short time before. The Germans in Burlington had just held a big celebration at which Gov. Boles was the principal speaker and which drew a large attendance from Henderson County.
BLANDINSVILLE SWAMPS FOOTBALL TEAM: with only one experienced football player on the squad the Stronghurst High School football team met the fast Blandinsville eleven on the grounds of the latter and experienced defeat to the tune of 45 to 0. The winning team won on straight football in which the forward pass was used effectively for good gains as the local boys were unaccustomed to the game and took some time to figure out how to break up
the play. Steffey was responsible for a large part of the ground gained by Stronghurst although Herndon was successful in negotiating a 25 yard run on a fake play just at the end of the first half. Eugene Wilson made some pretty tackles at right end. Fumbling and inexperience were responsible for a large part of the Blandinsville score.
OPINION OF THE TIMES: We once heard a minister of the Gospel say that women were as capable as men for "receiving intellect." It would seem that the same might now be said of Chicago mayors as compared with the executive officers of other cities and villages in this state. Mayor William Hale Thompson has made the discovery that there is a state law which prohibits saloons from opening their doors for business on the Sabbath day; and he has also learned, by making diligent inquiry, that this law cannot be nullified by city ordinances granting saloon keepers the right to open on that day "Verily the word doth move."
(This brief article expresses several opinions of the times: 1. Women are bright and capable of learning-much different from the Victorian idea that women were to be sheltered and admired; 2. Small town folk understand how life is to be lived and now a Chicago mayor is capable of realizing the evils of liquor; and 3. Temperance must be supported both legally as well as morally.)
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Mr. and Mrs. Otis White are rejoicing over the arrival of a fine baby boy at their home Oct. 2nd. A.E. Roberts, Frank Johnson and Wm. Nolan have recently purchased new Maxwell autos through the Stine and Vaughn agency. Parties from Kirkwood have rented the upstairs rooms of the Hollingsworth building and will start a tailoring establishment there. (The building is now owned by Delmar Jacob.) Monmouth's big Tractor Demonstration and Fall Festival opens next Tuesday and will continue for five days. M.J.Green, the school supply man, sold 65 desks and other supplies to the directors of two districts between Berwick and Roseville in Warren County. These districts have recently erected new school buildings which are among the finest country schools in the county, being equipped with basements and up-to-date heating and lighting facilities.
A citizen of the north ward while under the inspiration of John Barleycorn proceeded last Sunday morning to terrorize the occupants of his home and the neighborhood in general. Marshal Francen was summoned and took the offender in charge. After 24 hours of confinement in the village lockup, there being no disposition on the part of those who had made the complaint to push charge, he was given his liberty. (The calaboose was located a little west and south of the old Nutrena feed store on the alley.)
MEDIA MEANDERINGS: Rev. Yarnell of Wisconsin moved into the parsonage and is now the pastor of the United Presbyterian congregation. Little Arthur Terry had a narrow escape from what might have proved a very serious accident. He was sitting in the buggy while the team was being hitched to it and the team started before any one got in to drive and ran up through town. It was only through the greatest efforts of two or three men that it was stopped. Of course, little Arthur was unconscious of the danger and said he had a fine ride. Mr. Bagles and family have moved to Biggsville. A picnic will be held next Saturday given by the Sabbath schools of both churches in Weaver's Grove if weather permits or at the Academy basement otherwise. Misses Lulu Kessler and Omah Lukens entertained the Rook Club. Al Justice who has lived the past summer near Lomax is moving into O.P.Colgrove's tenant house.
CARMAN CONCERNS: Mr. and Mrs. George Goff expect to move to Nebraska in the near future. A.C.Babcook is building quite an addition to his house-five rooms and a bath. Mr. Frank Moore is the carpenter. Mr. Earl Bennington of Dallas City and Miss Para Pendry of Carman were quietly married in Burlington Oct.2nd. They left immediately for a visit at St.Louis. Tues being the 56th birthday anniversary of Mrs. Alice Crane, the Royal Neighbors lodge of which she is a member, planned a surprise on her by going to her beautiful home with well-filled baskets and helped her celebrate the occasion.