The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1915 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1915

Stronghurst Graphic, May 6, 1915

MYSTERIOUSLY DISAPPEARED: Considerable solicitude on the part of the relatives and friends of Waldo Johnson was occasioned by his sudden disappearance on Wednesday of last week. After his absence of a day or two, efforts began to locate him and relatives and acquaintances made a number of trips to various cities in the state in the course of the search. Later it was learned that he had been located at Streator, Ill and that there is no longer any cause for apprehension as to his still being alive.

1890 GRAPHIC: D. H. Walker and family arrived from Upper Sandusky, Ohio and taken up residence in Stronghurst. S. T. Bryan of Burlington opened a photograph gallery in the village. A man by the name of Adcock, living near Larchland, was assaulted and knocked insensible by two men Sunday evening, may 4th and robbed of $1300 in money which he was carrying on his person.. President Manvel of the Santa Fe passed through town on a special train which made the run from Ft.Madison at the rate of 60 miles per hour. Two special trains consisting of 50 cars of agricultural machinery accompanied by a brass band, passed through here on the 8th of May.

DAVIER WILL CASE: Judge Grier rendered a decision in the Davier will case under which the city of LaHarpe wins the $20,000 left by Miss Mary Davier for the purpose of maintaining a hospital. The will is being contested by Jos. Davier, her nephew who claims she brought him to this country from France to care for her and was to inherit her property in return. The case will be appealed.

THERE THEY GO: Roy Willard of Raritan was quite badly injured in a runaway accident in Stronghurst Tuesday evening. He was driving a team belonging to Lee Gearheart of Raritan which were attached to a closed carriage. Fred Wilson was in the vehicle with Willard. Near the railroad depot the horses took fright and turning suddenly, overturned the carriage throwing both the occupants out. Willard's head was badly gashed by coming in contact with the broken glass of the carriage front and he sustained a partial dislocation of one shoulder. Wilson was also quite badly cut and bruised in the mix-up.

The horses ran south through Broadway at a terrific clip dragging the vehicle until they reached the park. Here they ran into a post and tore themselves loose, one horse taking the road leading west and the other going east. They both ran two or three miles before they were stopped. The carriage was completely wrecked. Willard remained in town over night and had his injuries dressed by Dr. Marshall, but was able to return to Raritan with the team the next day.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Miss Marjorie Thompson of Stronghurst has been employed as a teacher in the primary room of the Oquawka public school for the next school year. Dr.'s Harter, Marshall, Bond and Lauver attended the meeting of the Henderson County Medical Association at Lomax. Miss Bessie Dobbs left for Niles, Kan. to visit her brother James.

Ground was broken on Tuesday for the new parsonage building for the Stronghurst U. P. Church. An epidemic of jaundice seems to be prevalent amongst the younger element of the population of the village.

Jos. Hicks took his departure for Rutledge, Mo., where he intends making his home. The European war pictures drew a large crowd out to the Lyric last Saturday evening and all seemed to be highly pleased with the show. (World War I was in full swing even though the United States had not entered the fray.)

Little Marie Fordyce underwent an operation for appendicitis Tuesday night at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fordyce. The surgical work was in charge of Dr. Percy of Galesburg who with his assistant came down at the request of the attending physician, Dr. Harter. The patient is reported as having passed the ordeal nicely and her rapid recovery is hoped for.

Dr. Gay of Wichita visited friends in Terre Haute. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Crownover, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Myers, Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Penny, Mrs. W. H. Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Myers and the Misses Nanetta Myers, Ruth Negley, Anna Berkshire and Ethel Jenkins went to Nauvoo to attended the district meeting of the Rebekah lodge. (The foregoing list places these individuals in the Henderson County area during this time period and also gives the researcher another source of information, the Rebekah Lodge.)

In Gladstone the sick list included Vera Burrell who had taken very ill with possible typhoid fever at the home of her sister Mrs. Tom Logan. Also, Mrs. Samuel Galbraith is improving slowly after a siege of pneumonia which is remarkable considering her age, 85 years.

In Media at the town meeting, Mr. J. J. Mathers succeeded Mr. C. R. Pendarvis as treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wilson have moved into the tenant house on Mr. C. G. Richey's farm. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hazen are rejoicing over the arrival of a new blacksmith which came last Saturday night. (Sounds like a new son joined the family.)

In Olena news from the Burlington paper reports the marriage of Chalmer Perdue of Olena to Miss Pearl Hunt of the Raritan vicinity on May 3rd. Several students from the Hopper School and the Evans School went to Gladstone to take the final exam. (Eighth graders had to pass a test at the county level given by the Supt. of Schools.)

Charles Watson and family now ride in a fine new touring car. Mrs. James McDermitt, who went to winter with her daughter Mrs. George Evans of Oakland, Iowa, is now visiting her daughter, Mrs. U. S. Burrell. Mrs. Com. Evans and daughter have become residents of Olena while the Almond Gibson family has moved to Burlington.

Around Olena quite a number of the farmers down on "Easy" street are spraying their orchards and are hoping for a better quality of fruit. (This must have been a new practice as the tone of this comment implies they had to have extra money on which to "take a chance" on a better crop.)

A young son is reported at the Waterman home in Hopper. This neighborhood is quite well canvassed as there are two wagons coming here weekly from Media, one buying poultry and eggs and the other supplying groceries for produce and cash and we now have a grocery wagon from the new store in Gladstone which promises doing a good business. (The original Schwann man?)We think this trade rightly belongs to Stronghurst, but they haven't gone after it and the other fellows have. See?