The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1916 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1916

Stronghurst Graphic, Feb. 24, 1916

WANTED: ONE WIFE -From the Peoria, Ill., Daily Journal:"There's a real disciple of eugenics living all alone on a big farm near Stronghurst, Ill., and he wants a wife. He is Arthur Wilcox, 28, weighing 154, five feet, nine and three fourths inches tall, auburn hair, fair complexion, good disposition, and has (this is important, too) property worth $15,000.

Here's the sort of wife Arthur sees in his dreams after he comes alone from tilling the earth in the fields to make corn blossom forth or from administering to the gentle lowing kine, anywhere between 17 and 30, five feet, two to five feet four inches tall, weighing from 115 to 140 pounds and with a heart that would be true.

"I also want somebody that is O.K.," says Arthur in his letter received by Mayor Woodruff with the request that newspapers help find the bride.

He explained that he is lonesome and really needs a wife. It's figured that Arthur is something of a eugenics because he is so particular about size and quality of his wanted bride as well as his own description. "We want to get a bride that would match up," said the mayor. "I don't guarantee anything on this, but if he's sincere he needs help."

"If there is a Arthur Wilcox living all alone on a big farm near Stronghurst, we have never heard of him. If, however, there should be some one around here to whom the specifications as to age, height, weight, complexion, disposition and net financial worth applies, who is lonesome and pining for the companionship of some true-hearted member of the opposite sex of the age, height, weight and disposition mentioned, we don't see why he would pass up the public officials in his own vicinity and seek aid from the mayor of the city of Peoria in his quest.

We venture the assertion that the mayor of Stronghurst or of any other town in his own county could give Arthur some tips regarding the matter in hand as valuable as any he might receive through the executive officials of the bigger places.

We would even modestly suggest that within the territory covered by the Graphic's circulation there are doubtless a number of young ladies measuring up to the standard of eligibility which Arthur has set, who would be willing to take a half interest in Arthur's joys, sorrows and $15,000, if he could "deliver the goods" as far as his own description of himself is concerned.

We will just add that if the publication of this article in the Graphic should result in his realizing the fulfillment of his longings, we will expect him to pay the customary space rates.-Graphic staff. (Obviously, the man did not use his real name. Don't you bet the local coffee shop had fun with this! Perhaps, we should poll the modern day farmers at FS or the Broadway Cafe to see what qualifications they would list today?")

ORGANIZING A COMMUNITY CLUB: Last Saturday afternoon a meeting was held at Mrs. C.H.Davis's home in the interest of organizing a Stronghurst Community Club amongst the women. A general invitation was not given as this was simply a preliminary meeting held to discover if there was enough interest to warrant calling for a larger gathering.

Forty-five women in attendance moved that a committee be appointed to draft a constitution and by-laws for a Women's Club whose object would be to work for civic improvement, a Carnegie or some other kind of a library, a club room offering a waiting room conveniences and social acquaintances. The next meeting will be next Saturday afternoon in Harter's Hall where a constitution and by-laws will be presented.

This movement is an outgrowth of the work done by members of the King's Daughters Circle towards establishing in Stronghurst a municipal waiting room.

Forty women had subscribed to a fund for such a purpose, the amount being over $100. (They wanted a public restroom for themselves and a place to wait while their husband did business.)

PENDLETON-DIXON WEDDING: A pretty home wedding occurred Feb.16th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dixon nine miles northwest of Stronghurst when Mrs. Dixon's daughter, Miss Frances Pendleton, was united in marriage to Mr. James W. Dixon, the second son of Mr. and Mrs. John Dixon. Only members of the immediate families were present.

At five o'clock the sister of the groom, Miss Morma Dixon, took her place at the piano and to the strains of the wedding march, the bridal party descended the stairs and took their places before a beautiful bank of potted flowers in the southwest parlor.

Rev. Kenneth Anderson of the Stronghurst U.P. Church spoke the impressive words and pronounced the marriage vows.

Following the ceremony, the group moved to the dining room where a long table loaded with tempting viands of the farm awaited them. The bride wore a handsome gown of white silk crepe de chine while the groom was attired in a blue serge suit. Miss Pendleton is well known having attended the Stronghurst High School and her groom is an Illinois man having grown up on a farm in the Carman vicinity.

The only guest from a distance was an aunt of the groom, Mrs. A.C.Riebel of Chariton, Iowa. The happy couple will leave for Denmark, Iowa and will make their home on a farm near there.

WINS CORN CONTEST: At the annual Corn Show recently held by the Iowa State College at Ames, Iowa, Joe Ross, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.W.Ross won first prize, sweepstakes and championship ribbons on his single ear of corn exhibited. Over 129 entries competed between the two and four year program students. Joe is taking the two year course. The ear of corn was grown on the Edgar Lewis Seed Farm near Media and was elected by Joe as combining the points of merit required for an ideal ear of corn.

GRAPHIC 1891: Ira Putney had just opened up a new stock of goods in a new location. Chas. Heisler married Miss Lizzie McIntosh on Feb.17th, both of Hopper's Mills. James Atkinson had begun building the big Mayfield livery barn. The directors of the Stronghurst State Bank had given permission to Mr. Foote to build his new brick hardware store to the north side of their bank building

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Since G.W.Penny is retiring from the business, Mr. R.A.McKeown has formed a partnership with Mr. Wax and will continue business at the old stand under the name of Wax & McKeown. Warren Lyle Mudd, an infant and only son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mudd died at the home of his grandparents on Feb.22nd. Former resident George Wilkins, who had farmed for 15 years southeast of Stronghurst, committed suicide at the home of his brother, James in Addison, Pa.

Ella Parrish will open a new millinery shop soon. R.W. Upton reports the sale of 160 acres of land west of the Lester Miller farm to a Burlington firm who will more fully develop it such as what the Moir Brothers have done in the north part of the county. Robins and bluebirds have made their appearance, the first harbingers of spring. Miss Mabel Jones recently recovered from an attack of typhoid fever and will resume her studies at the high school.

Miss Sarah McElhinney taught the third and fourth grades for several days in absence of the regular teacher, Miss Vera Mudd, who was helping care for her brother Fred's little child. (See above.) The remains of Mike McDonough, the wood chopper who burned to death near Hopper were interred in the St. Patrick's chapel cemetery north of Raritan.

OLENA OBSERVATIONS: The weather is mild and the roads almost impassable. The home of Joel Marsden's is under quarantine as his daughter Audra has scarlet fever. One of the most social events of the new year was the masquerade social given by the young people's Bible Class at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Dowell Feb.14th. The costumes of some were handsome, others grotesque and the disguise so complete that the young ladies who may have desired to take advantages of the leap year were at a disadvantage, not knowing whether their advances were being made to a lady or gentleman. Light refreshments were served.

Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Leinbach opened their new home to the young people in honor of their daughter Miss Beulah's birthday. Bad roads prevented many from attending. The trustees of the M.E. congregation appointed Mrs. John Lant treasurer of the funds subscribed for the repairing of the church property taken over by this group. Please pay at your earliest convenience.

MEDIA MEANDERINGS: Arthur Pogue and family have moved to his farm one mile south of town which was vacated by George Hickman. A large crowd gathered at the Luther Lefler home to give them a farewell surprise as they will move to the Bev. Adair place soon. John Voorhees of Stronghurst shipped a car load of hogs from here to Chicago. The Wm. Liby sale was considered one of the best held in this section of the country.