The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1916 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1916

Stronghurst Graphic, Feb. 17, 1916

BURNED TO DEATH: A man supposed to be Mike McDonough from Jacksonville, Ill., was burned to death in a fire which destroyed a house on the old G.W.Hurd place one mile south of Hopper, now owned by Lee Millar of Monmouth. McDonough was one of a gang of five wood choppers who was employed by Mr. Miller during the winter and engaged in clearing off some timber land.

Four of the men, including McDonough, were boarding in the house which burned while one of the men, a man supposedly named Bond, was "batching" in the old shack close to Hopper.

The tragedy seems to have come as a sequel to a drunken debauch in which the men had been engaged and which covered several days. On this account the circumstances surrounding the affair have not been very clearly revealed, the men themselves being the only ones able to shed any light upon the subject.

The fire seems to have occurred some time between 5 and 6 o'clock Monday evening and some two hours or more afterwards the three survivors made their appearance in Hopper and went to the shack occupied by Bond. County officials in Oquawka were notified and Sheriff Knox and Coroner

Kauffman left for the scene of the tragedy. They found the partially consumed body of the victim lying between the frame work of an iron bed and the outer wall.

The companions testified that the fire was occasioned by the explosion of a gasoline stove on which they were preparing supper and that the flames spread so quickly that they had no chance to rescue McDonough who was asleep on the floor in another room although they made some efforts to do so.

The fact that one of the men had received some severe burns seemed to lend some plausibility to the story.

After hearing the testimony of the men, it was thought it best that the jury with hold its verdict until further evidence could be secured. The sheriff, however, decided that he was warranted in taking the four men into custody and they were placed under arrest and taken to the county jail.

Tuesday morning the sheriff, coroner and state's attorney revisited the scene but were unable to learn anything of any consequence. Undertaker Regan went that same day and gathered up the charred remains of the victim and brought them to Stronghurst where they are being held pending the possible arrival of some word from relatives who are said to be living in Springfield. The legs and arms of the victim had been almost entirely consumed by the flames, only the charred remains of the trunk and head being left.

County officials are making diligent efforts to learn something of the previous history of the dead man's companions, who, with the exception of Bond, appear to be strangers to every one in this vicinity.

The latter has been working for Mr. Miller on his land near Hopper for the past 8-10 months and has the reputation of being a decidedly tough character.

1891 GRAPHIC: Wm. T. Sherman, the last of the three great generals of the Civil War died on Feb.14th. Icy sidewalks were making it difficult for pedestrians to get about the streets of the village.

Alfred Turnquist of Terre Haute had just purchased a residence from Frank Cooksie. The new opera house was opened to the public on the evening of Feb.12th with the Craw-Comedy Co. presenting " The Lightning Rod Agent."

A two day Farmers' Institute was opened on the evening of the 12th with speakers being W. A.M.Crouch, W.T.Weir, Jaques Voorhees and Thos. McClanahan. Geo. T. Pearce was elected president for the ensuing year and J.F.Mains secretary. Hunt Pollock and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Pollock, had just purchased property in the village. The village was enjoying a real estate boom and looking to great things in the future.

VILLAGE BOARD MINUTES: The Stronghurst village board met with Pres. W.C.Ivins presiding. Present were trustees Davis, Kershaw, Hicks, Stine and Dixson and Clerk Lazear. Minutes were read and approved and bills were paid. The board voted to assess a yearly fee of $15 of the Stronghurst Telephone Co. for special franchise privileges. Manager Beardsley of the Lyric Theatre requested that special police powers be granted to someone for the purpose of maintaining order in that establishment. The board so approved. They decided to buy 400 feet of fire hose and pay half the cost of a new hose cart from the Crane Co. of Chicago.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Fifty-four converts were baptized at the Raritan Baptist Church as the result of the recent revival. The grain business here has been seriously hampered by a shortages of cars.

The big crib at the elevator is again full with ear corn waiting to be shelled, but there are no cars to transport it away. A Sunday School Institute is to be held at the Abingdon M.E.Church. A gospel team from Monmouth College occupied the pulpit at the U.P.Church; each gave a short talk.

The young son of Fred Mudd is ill from an attack of infantile paralysis at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mudd south of town.

He was in a very critical condition but it is hoped now that he will recover. A.L.Russler has obtained an appointment as a guard at the Illinois State penitentiary at Joliet. Mrs. C.R.A. Marshall visited her husband in the Galesburg hospital. Charley's many friends will be glad to know that his condition has taken a favorable turn and is showing decided improvement.

Miss Marjorie Thompson is teaching the primary room in Oquawka. C.C.Collins sold his residence in the east part of the village to Charles Huggins who intends moving to Basco, Ill to engage in business.

The exchange of church properties of the Olena U.P. and M.E. churches has been prevented by legal complications arising from some irregularity in the M.E. organization preventing passing of the title to their property.

MEDIA MEANDERINGS: Messers Chas. Pogue and Robert Clark purchased some horses at the sale in Galesburg. Dr. and Mrs. J.F.Meloan spent the week in Chicago laying in a supply of goods for his branch store in Raritan. Harold Richey secured a position as clerk in the men's furnishing department in O.T.Johnson's in Galesburg. Mrs. E.S. Mathers is quite sick from a fall received several days ago.

CARMAN CONCERNS: Allen Breen, who lives on the Crane farm south of town, will have a public sale. A crew of workmen are busy putting in telegraph poles for the C.B.& Q. The Royal Neighbors enjoyed a bob sled ride going to the home of Mrs. Albert Porter where they enjoyed an oyster supper. Mark Bradway who was so terribly burned by a kerosene explosion died at the Burlington Hospital. He had started to build a fire and poured kerosene on live coals and it exploded. He leaves a wife (formerly Inez Davis of Denmark, Ia.) And three small children besides father and two brothers.

GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Frank Forward has a fine position in Moline. Mr. George Galbraith and family have moved here from Nebraska and will occupy the old Samuel Galbraith farm south of town. Charles Hearndon, one of the U.S.naval boys, was home on furlough for a short time.

OQUAWKA OCCURRENCES: John Markman of Gladstone expects to move to Oquawka where he will take charge of the Standard Oil business. Dr. Allan of Kirkwood was called to see Chas. Grassmiller's infected leg.

Dr. George Chickering of Kirkwood was in town to see his father, Henry Chickering who is very ill. Mrs. Ella Gordon died Thursday afternoon from pneumonia. Charlie Wheeling, Herman Matzka, and Harry Clark of Stronghurst and John Helton of Rozetta attended the dance Friday night.