The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1915
Stronghurst Graphic, Nov. 11, 1915
FARMERS' INSTITUTE INSTRUCTIVE: The people of Henderson County were afforded the opportunity of benefitting themselves by the acquisition of much useful knowledge along the lines of agriculture and domestic science by listening to recognized experts on these subjects at locations throughout the county. As attendance was light it was decided to return to the old plan of having but one or two meeting per year in some centrally located place or places.
At Stronghurst the domestic science lectures by Mrs. H. L. McMurry were held in the M. E. Church basement. Hon. Frank I. Mann talked to farmers in the auditorium room of the church on the subject of "Soil Fertility." The value of limestone in increasing productiveness of some soils especially those of a sandy nature and its availability at a minimum price were pointed out to the group.
In the evening after a short preliminary program of vocal and instrumental music and reading by local talent, Dr. R.S.Rogers of the University of Illinois delivered an eloquent and inspiring lecture upon the need of educated men and women awakening to the opportunities for service.
In connection with the institute at Media was also the fall teachers' institute. A poultry show also served as an attraction bringing together the largest crowds of the week's meeting. Hon. F. I. Blair, State Supt of Schools, gave an eloquent address entitled "The American Melting Pot" and Dr. Rogers spoke on "Education-Making a Living or Making a Life."
On Saturday Miss Newburn of the State University spoke on "The Farm Home"" and was followed by a lecture on poultry by Prof. Barto of the University. In the afternoon Prof. Tilton of the University gave a lecture illustrated by lantern slides on the subject of landscape gardening.
MEDICAL SOCIETY: The Henderson County Medical Society held their annual meeting in Harter's Hall electing as officers the following: W. J. Emerson, Lomax, Pres.; E. E. Bond, Stronghurst, V-Pres.; I. F. Harter, Stronghurst, Sec.-Treas.; J. P. Riggs, Media, Delegate for two years; H. V. Prescott, Dallas City, alternate; A.E.Lauver, Stronghurst, censor to fill vacancy; J. P. Riggs, Media, censor of three years.
DROPS DEAD: F. M. Bonham, former editor of the Table Grove, Ill. Herald, dropped dead of heart failure in front of a garage in his home town. Previously, he had been a resident of Raritan, Ill. before taking up the newspaper business in Table Grove and was connected at that time with the Raritan Bulletin. His wife, who survives, is a daughter of the late C. V. D. Spader of Raritan. Mr. Bonham was about 70 years of age.
SIMONSON-CARMACK: It has been reported to this paper on good authority that Harold Simonson, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Simonson of the Raritan neighborhood, was married yesterday to Miss Eva Carmack of Blandinsville.
(The editor had to find his news wherever he could and that meant relying on creditable sources and hoping that they were correct.)
BAZAR AND SUPPER: The ladies of the Raritan Reformed Church will hold a Parcel Post Sale and bazaar at the Raritan Opera House Saturday evening with supper being served at 6 p.m.
(Anyone know what a "parcel post sale" is?
Virginia Ross
Gladstone IL 61437
LANT REAL ESTATE SALE: the public sale of the real estate of the late J.B.Lant estate was held in Stronghurst Thursday afternoon and attracted a large number of people. The farm composing the southeast quarter of Section 34 in township 10-5 was purchased on her bid of $80.50 per acre by Mr. Lant's widow, Mrs. Era Lant. The residence property in Stronghurst on the corner of Nichols and commercial St. was bought by Miss Galbraith of Gladstone for $2050.00. On Tuesday Mrs. Lant sold the farm in Section 34 to Mr. J.W.Stine of Stronghurst; we do not know the consideration.
1890 GRAPHIC: The discovery of crude petroleum in what was believed to be paying quantities in the northwest corner of Hancock County across the river from Ft.Madison was creating considerable stir. John Simonson had gone to Belmont, Ia. to enter the employ of a cattle company. The question of putting street lamps along the streets leading to the churches in the village was being agitated by some of the young people. On Nov. 6th about 100 relatives, friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bowen surprised the couple at their home 3 ¸ miles south of Stronghurst and celebrated their 39th anniversary. Mr. John Stine on behalf of those present presented Mr. and Mrs. Bowen with a fine china set, a comfortable couch and other presents. The Rev. Strickle was conducting revival meetings at the U.P.Church. Simon Nevius had just purchased the W.A.Baldwin restaurant stock and Mr. Baldwin had entered the employ of R.C.Henry, the grain and lumber man.
MAHNESMITH-SMITH WEDDING: Earl Mahnesmith, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Mahnesmith of Stronghurst and Miss Maude Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Smith of Basco, Ill. were united in marriage Nov.3rd at 10:30 a.m. by the pastor of the M.E.Church in Carthage, Il, the ceremony being performed at the parsonage. No witnesses were present excepting the members of the officiating clergyman's family. The groom has spent the greater part of his life in Stronghurst, although he has been employed within the last few years in various railroad offices in this state as operator. He is presently associated with his father in the restaurant business here. His bride has been one of the popular young ladies of the Basco where her father maintains a meat market..
FIRE IN ROSEVILLE: The lumber yard, office and sheds of the Terry Lumber Co. at Roseville were destroyed last Saturday evening by a fire which broke out at about 7 o'clock. The grounds and buildings belonged to Pratt & Pratt of Roseville and they estimate their loss at considerably more than the insurance carried which was $1500; The Terry Lumber Co., whose headquarters are in Galesburg, placed the value of the lumber and other material at between $25,000 and $30,000 and it is fairly covered by insurance. The fire is supposed to have originated from sparks from a passing locomotive.
PIONEER DIES: Samuel R. Lutton who taught school in Henderson County at various points for an almost continuous period of 30 years succeeding his arrival from Pennsylvania in 1883, died at Fort Wayne, Ind. from cancer. He was a man of genial disposition and numbered a wide circle of friends in this county.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: John Bruen of Colorado has been visiting his mother, Mrs. Era Lant. Miss Marjorie Sparr of Roseville was the guest of her friend Miss Beulah Fisher for several days. "My telephone being more of a nuisance than a necessity-have removed same until further notice. Foster Lazear" (What would he think of it today? With telemarkers, etc. All of us at some time would thoroughly agree with Mr. Lazear, but probably none of us would take such drastic measures.) Mr. A. Mains received some painful bruises when he missed his footing and fell on a stairway in the Anderson residence where he has a room. Loren VanDorn of Raritan had half the great toe of one of his feet cut off by coming in contact with the rolling cutter of a sulky plow with which he was working on the Edgar Lewis farm near Media.
The Stronghurst High School football team went to Blandinsville last Saturday afternoon and played the home team. The harrowing details of the struggle have not been submitted, but we learned the score was 52 to 0 in favor of B'ville. The Stronghurst Township Highway Commissioners have bought of Mr. Geo. Dixson an I.H.C.Titntractor. Lewis Cavins of the east country was also a recent purchaser of a Mogul tractor and is prepared to conduct his farming operations in an up-to-date manner. Attorney James of Carthage assisted by Attorney Ivins of this place were awarded a judgment of $125 in Squire Morgan's court for legal services rendered the new city of Lomax.
The Lomax Town Co. was represented by Judge Robinson of Oquawka. K. E.Yoakam was in Chicago purchasing new goods to add to his jewelry line. Dr. Kyle of Biggsville will preach next Sabbath at the Olena U.P.Church.
The commission recently appointed by Monmouth Presbytery to have oversight of matters pertaining to the disbanding of the church organization will meet with the congregation at that time. Charles Worrell and family of Dallas City moved to the Nat Bruen farm southwest of Stronghurst. E. I.Wichersham, one of the best known and most highly respected citizens of Roseville, for many years a leading merchant of the village, died suddenly at his home as the result of an appopletic stroke. Mr. Wickersham was a native of Henderson County having been born near Oquawka in 1845. Dr. Frans has sold his residence property on Mary St. to Miss Emma Marshall who intends moving into the village from the farm northwest of Stronghurst. Near Gladstone Mr. and Mrs. Sam Duncan's son of about 8 years got run over with a load of corn, breaking both of his legs or crushing them.
LOMAX LINGERINGS: Chas. Rockel who has been proving up on a claim in Montana for the past two year returned home to spend the winter. Mr. Theodore Eckhardt and Miss Lottie Jolly were untied in marriage at the home of the groom's parents. Ledyda and Co. of Burlington did monument work at the Shaw Cemetery. The Emerson block is almost completed. Mr. and Mrs. Ulysses More of Lomax and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore have returned home from Kansas City where they attended their oldest brother Willis and wife's golden wedding anniversary.