The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1913
by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic, March 27, 1913
GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: The new state bank is soon to be opened here in Chas. Hedges's new store building; I.C. Forward is to be the cashier.
Mary Beck had a paralytic stroke, having got up to build the fire when her brother, Robert, came in and spoke to her and she could not speak. Soon he saw she was going to fall so he caught her, put her to bed and called Dr. Ditto. She is some better and her many friends hope for her recovery.
A meeting will be held by Henderson and Warren counties, preliminary to forming a permanent crop improvement organization; there will be a lecture and a dinner will be served by the M.E. church ladies.
LOMAX LINGERINGS: The storm of Sunday night was certainly something to be remembered. No serious damage was done, but some of the buildings were overturned, but all are living and glad of it. Mr. Love is in Burlington today. The frame work for the new real estate building was all torn down; that gives the workmen some extra work to do.
The little six months old baby girl of Frank Hallaway and wife of White City met with what might have been a fatal accident. The little one had been left lying on a bed made of chairs behind the heating stove. The mother went to one of the neighbors on an errand and when she returned, she found the little one laying on the floor in flames. Its hip was badly burned and one foot, which was terrible for a little one to suffer. With care the patient is doing nicely.
Dude Coontz and Lewis Eckhardt changed houses last week. Our New City force is working day and night getting the Booster edition out.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Quite a storm passed through town Sabbath night. It was in the nature of a cyclone. The Methodist church was raised off its foundation, the cupola was twisted. The roof was blown off of Wm. Rankin's barn south of town. The telephones are all out of shape and big trees are uprooted, fences blown down, and things torn up generally.
Earl Trumball returned from California. Dr. King of the Presbyterian Church gave an illustrated lecture Thursday night. He showed about 100 pictures of China which he had taken while on his trip last year through the Orient; he spent about two months in China.
DECORRA DRIBBLING: Several buildings were blown down by the storm Sunday night; Fred Fitz's wood house and his smokehouse were blown about three hundred feet.
George Siegworth and Miss Myrtle Cherry were married at the home of her parents Thursday evening.
Delbert Kemp went to Chillicothe to take the examination to be an operator on the Santa Fe. Chris Apt started teaching after a two weeks vacation on account of the measles.
The Kings Daughters of Decorra will hold their anniversary at Mina Annegers.
OLENA OBSERVATIONS: Miss Ellen Finney of Kansas City arrived at Stronghurst Friday afternoon with the body of her deceased mother and was met there by friends and brought to the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Dean, a sister of Mrs. Finney. Funeral services were held at the United Presbyterian Church and interment was in the cemetery east of the village.
FINNEY: Margaret Gibson, the daughter of John and Anna Gibson, was born in Sangamon Co., Ill., June 11, 1830, and passed away at her home in Kansas City on March 15, 1913, aged 82 yrs., 9 months, and 4 days. She was united in marriage to Wm. Finney in 1850. To this union two daughters were born, one dying in young girlhood and the other, Miss Ellen, who for many years has been her mother's constant companion. She is also survived by one sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Dean of Olena, two brothers, James Gibson of West Burlington, Ia., and Steven Gibson of Wichita, Kansas. She united with the United Presbyterian church many years ago and died in that faith.
March 27, 1913 A MODEL STORE BUILDING: M.E.Beardsley & Co. are now at home in their new quarters and have what is undoubtedly one of the finest rooms for the clothing business to be found in this part of the state. The firm not only has a large, airy and convenient room, but they have also added considerably to their equipment in the shape of display wall cases for clothing, show cases, and other appliances for the exhibition of the merchandise. The two large enclosed show windows are as fine as any thing to be seen in the large cities; and when lighted up at night with their many electric lamps made an attractive and beautiful sight.
The inclement weather interfered somewhat with the attendance at the opening but a large number of people passed in and out of the doors and expressed their admiration of the building and stock displayed. All visitors received souvenirs of the occasion. (What a wonderÑelectric lights! This is the Wilson Insurance Agency building today.)
CLAIMED BY THE BLIZZARD: Word received is to the effect that Mrs. Foote and Tunis, who are living on a claim in Colorado for two years, suffered the loss of all their horses excepting colts in a blizzard which swept that country on March 14th. Some of the horses were valuable and Tunis estimates the loss at $2000. The calamity leaves them almost helpless as far as starting the spring work is concerned and unless friends come to their aid, the outlook for the future is dark in the extreme. A fund for their relief has been started at the State Bank of Stronghurst.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Just arrived a carload of the best quality granulated sugar. Until April 10th the price is $4.90 cash per 100 lbs.-A.E.Jones, Dixson has just received a carload of Staver buggies in the latest style of finish and upholstering. The M.E. people enjoyed a congregational dinner in the recently completed basement parlors of the church. Material is being hauled on the ground for a new bungalow which Mrs. E.A.Kessler will have built on her lots on South Broadway in Dixson's addition. Both Arthur Steffey and Miss Della Brokaw, who are students at Northwestern University, are visiting home folks.
The atmosphere of Stronghurst' "east ward" must be conducive to the development of judicial minds as there are no less than five candidates named from that section of the village upon the Stronghurst and Media Township ballots for the office of Justice of the Peace. Combings made into switches and puffs. One stem $1.50, three stem $2. All waste hair removed Mrs. C.F.Brewer. (Hairpieces were style.) The roads have been well nigh impassable for the last day or two.
The Lomax Herald came out with a 20 page booster edition printed on fine paper and handsomely illustrated with views of present and future scenes in the "New City." Also setting forth the wonderful opportunities now awaiting investors and others there. (This is Mr. Love's real estate venture to make Lomax an industrial city. Smith and Lionberger will cover all this and show pictures in their forthcoming book on Lomax.)