The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1915 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1915

Stronghurst Graphic, Jan. 14, 1915

BANKS ANNUAL MEETINGS: The State Bank held its meeting with an election which resulted in the selection of all of the old directors and bank officials: Directors-G. Henry Annegers, G.W.Chandler, Frank Crenshaw, C.H.Curry, Wm. Hartquist, J.E.Painter, J.W.Stine, J.H. Strodtman, W.C.Tubbs, C.H.Davis, Wm. Wilsher, Officers were as follows: Pres. Frank Crenshaw; 1st Vice Pres. G.W.Chandler, 2nd Vice Pres. H. Henry Annegers, Cashier C.R.Kaiser; and Asst. Cashier D. Prescott. Earnings were up to the average for the past few years notwithstanding the partial crop failure in this region.

The First National Bank of Stronghurst elected the old board of directors and officers too. Directors are as follows: L.M. Loomis, John Carothers, C.E.Peasley, Geo. Dixson, Del Dixson, A.A.Worthington, H.N. Vaughn, C.H. Davis. The old officers remained: Pres. C.E.Peasley, 1st Vice Pres. John C arothers, Cashier J.E.Amerman, and Ass't. Cashier J.F.McMillan. NEW BOND ISSUE: The village board passed a new waterworks bond ordinance with the only changes being the dates of issue and semi-annual interest maturity dates of the bonds. The question to be decided by voters is simply whether the need for the system still exists. We believe that the good sense and public spirit which the majority of the voters have shown on previous occasions will again manifest itself on Feb.6th. MARKET FOR EGGS & CREAM: The Stronghurst Egg Co. offers the following prices for strictly fresh laid eggs delivered to their place of business west of the Light Plant: large brown eggs..30 cents; Mixed eggs..31cents; White eggs..32cents; Packed eggs(over 10 days old)..29cents. Persons residing outside of Stronghurst may bring eggs to any railway station not over 50 miles distant and express them to us collect. Terms-spot cash.

The same company offers to pay the highest prices for cream. You will receive your money "on the spot." Moreover, you will have the advantage of selling through us to the largest and most liberal creamy in the world. Beautiful sets of China, the latest and best scientific discoveries regarding dairying, prizes for the most productive cow owned among our shippers- these are a few of the inducements we offer you. E.F.Putney, Mgr.

ON THE WRECKED TRAIN: Miss Maude Steffey was one of the passengers in a Rock Island train which was wrecked a short distance south of Fairfield, Ia., at about 12:15 a.m. While passing a small station, the train left the track, every car being derailed and only two wheels of the engine remaining on the rails. The chair car in which Maud was riding was thrown over on its side and the heavy Pullman sleeper which followed was thrown against the depot building. The rails were torn up for a long distance and Maud states that if the chair car had gone a few feet farther, one of the rails would have been driven through the floor and a number of people probably killed or injured. The fact that the cars were of heavy steel construction was all that prevented a wreck of a very serious nature.

Maud was on her way from Mayville, Mo., where she had been staying with relatives, to Knoxville, Ia. to visit her brother Arthur who is principal of the public school. The passengers on the ill-fated train were picked up by a fast California train which followed it and were taken to their destination.

***OBITUARIES*** Charles R. Barnett-Charles R. Barnett died at his home in Kirkwood, Ill. Wednesday of this week. The deceased was about 74 years of

age and had been a lifelong resident of Henderson and Warren Counties. Up until the year 1888 he lived in Henderson county on a farm one mile west of Smithshire. His wife was Sara A. Tinkham and she and the following children survive: Geo. W. Barnett of Stronghurst, Mrs. Cora A. Shaw of Monmouth, Mrs. Ida Dalton of Kirkwood, Chas. E. Barnett of Smithshire, and Mrs. Florence Bloom of Maysville, Mo. Funeral service will be held at the Kirkwood M.E.Church.

***MRS. JAMES HAZELWOOD***Mrs. James Hazelwood, an aged pioneer resident of Henderson County, died Tuesday evening at the family home in the extreme south end of the county, three-fourths of a mile east of Old Bedford Church. Funeral services were conducted at the home with interment in the Blandinsville Cemetery.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Mrs. Wilbur Daugherty of this place had the good fortune to win a Maxwell Roadster automobile in a drawing conducted by the merchants of David City, Neb. She has been staying with her father at that place while Wilbur travels for W.H.Perrine & Co. in Minnesota and South Dakota. J.W.Stine will hold a public sale of stock and farming implements on the farm 3 miles southwest of Stronghurst, which he recently sold to Tom Dodds. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crenshaw have been feasting on fresh salmon, their daughter Mrs. Ruby C. Bell having sent them by express from Seattle, Washington a 14 lb. speciman of that toothsome variety of the finny tribe caught in the waters of that far western state. Cornell Schenck, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Schenck of Raritan, was married at Viola, Kan., Jan.7th to Miss Myrtle E. Hare, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Hare of the latter named place. The newly wedded pair will make their home near Raritan.

UNITED STATES GOVT. LAND FREE: Under a special act of Congress the agricultural land of the United States Forest reserve of Arkansas can now be homesteaded in tracts not to exceed 160 acres to each person, free of cost.

1,000,000 acres free pasturage range where cattle, hogs and sheep fatten in eight months without grain. No overflow lands. Country very healthy and well watered with running streams. We select these agricultural lands, take applicants to lands and locate you. Send 25 cents for State map showing location of Reserve and copy of Special Act to A.V.Alexander, Locating Engineer, Little Rock, Ark.(Sounds like Heaven on Earth, but if they were so wonderful, why were they still available in 1915?)

AREA TOWNS: MEDIA-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Drainhave left for Pratt, Kansas, to spend the winter. Cyrus Tilley is in barber school in Chicago and after learning the trade expects to open a shop here.

The public school opened in the new building with the fullest attendance there has ever been. Dedicatory Exercises of the school house will be Jan.19th afternoon and evening. The free afternoon program will begin at 2p.m with readings by Miss Vera Graham of Kirkwood, vocal and instrumental music, and an address by Dr. T.H. McMichael of Monmouth College. Refreshments will be served from 4-7 pm.and a good evening program will consist of readings; music-violin, vocal and piano; movies; pantomimes and various other numbers. An admission fee of 25 cents will be charged with the proceeds applied on the piano fund. (What a bargain! Travel was limited and to have such a day planned in town certainly enlivened life.)

Mr. andMrs. Chas. Gibson and family have returned from Missouri with theirhousehold goods and are staying with Mr. and Mrs. David Gibson and Bert.(Another farmer thought he was buying acres of land similar to what he had farmed in Illinois but probably ended up in the hills of western Missouri where the soil is" strong"-meaning layers of rock with a coating of soil;good pasture but it would not raise Illinois corn.)

GLADSTONE-Miss Strunk of Burlington resigned her school and Elmer Pencecommenced teaching it. (Maybe the older boys needed a firmer hand.) Mrs.Taylor Galbraith is reported on the sick list and Frank Wetzel out on Chas.Kemp's place has pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. John Lox of West Burlingtonvisited their mother, Mrs. Nan Ellis.

CARMAN- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holford of Eldred, Ill. are visiting the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Dowell. Mr. and Mrs. John Dowell entertained relatives with a goose dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McKeown and daughter Ella of Olena attended the Royal Neighbors oyster supper. Mr. C.E.Cluff of Oklahoma was there too.

Mr. Will Crose and family have moved to Burlington. The remains of Stephen Holmes who died at the Burlington Hospital were brought here for a funeral conducted at the church by Rev. Barr King of Lomax. Mr. Holmes was 44 years old and leaves a wife and two little children.

Mr. Henry Coats is lying seriously ill at his home with no hopes for his recovery. (Such a notice may seem strange to us today, but it gave relatives and friends notice: come see the gentleman before he breathed his last or make your plans now to attend a funeral soon. The paper was produced once a week and there was no radio show which read obits; hence, one relied on such information to formulate the week ahead.)