The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1915 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1915

Stronghurst Graphic, January 7, 1915

1890 Graphic: The merchants in Stronghurst were engaged in a "sugar war" to the profit of the people of the community. Joseph King of Raritan community had just sold to Dixson and Wilsher a drove of 46 hogs averaging 435 lbs. each.

CULTURE IN TOWN: Lovers of good music were privileged to enjoy a rare treat at the U.P.Church where the Conservatory Players appeared in the second of the high school Lyceum course. This company is far above the average of lecture course entertainers and their work received many genuine expressions of approval from an audience which nearly filled the church. Mr. Baldy Strong in his Harry Lander impersonations, Scottish songs and bagpipe playing had the audience with him every moment. Mr. Coleman's versatility, displayed in his performances upon a large number of musical instruments occasioned the wonder and delight of his hearers while the artistic work of Miss Trott upon the violin and Miss Siewers in her operatic selections delighted everyone.

WHERE WERE YOU GEORGE? Three Decorra boys visited LaHarpe Christmas Eve. One of them found a fair charmer and accompanied her home in the East End leaving directions to his companions as to where he might be found when going home time came. At a late hour the East Enders were aroused by some one calling "George George!" and finally got a response from a house where they had called and inquired if Mr. Whittaker lived there. They were given a gruff "No!" Then they asked for directions to the gentleman's house and were told there was no Whittakers in LaHarpe. The answer that there were none was discomforting for the searchers for the lost George and they debated to know if they were in LaHarpe, had lost George, lost the Whittakers or were themselves lost. Just where or when they found George or themselves is not told . At another time George should mark the chart of his location more plainly.-The LaHarper (While this episode is veiled to us today, readers in 1915 knew exactly who was involved and their state of sobriety when the above happened. Locals probably could hardly wait until those involved showed their faces in Stronghurst to ask, "Where is George?")

(Oft times we read historical names and wonder "What were they really like?" "Did they love children? Did they flaunt their wealth? Did they inhabit the local jail often?" The following article, originally published to sell more papers, gives us a glimpse into the character of a noted woman of the past.

A GOOD PERSON: For a number of years, at about this season, it has been the custom of Mrs. Sarah Y. Evans of Decorra to call at the Graphic office and cheer the heart of the publisher by arranging to have the paper sent to a number of her relatives and friends in this and various other states. This year the condition of Mrs. Evan's health prevented her from making us a visit in person but she did not forget the Graphic nor the friends to whom she sends the paper. On Wednesday she sent us by the hand of Mrs. Alvah Anderson the where withal to renew the subscriptions of 19 present Graphic readers and to pay for one new subscription. These 20 copies will go to friends of Mrs. Evans in Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Washington, Idaho, and Canada. We doubt if there is a newspaper in the state which numbers amongst its supporters as staunch and true a friend as Mrs. Evans is to the Graphic, and we also doubt if there are many communities in the state in which resides a person of so kindly a nature and who does as much in a quiet and unostentatious way in helping to bring cheer and happiness into human hearts. (What a great Christmas gift a subscription to the present day Quill would be.)

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: E.H.Rand has sold his poultry, butter and egg plant at Pontoosuc, Il. to Newt C. Sikes of Durham. Mr. Rand will still retain his store and other interests at Pontoosuc. William Wickham of Wyoming, Ill. Purchased a young Polled Hereford bull from the herd of Ed Links. A well drilling outfit of the Sewell Well Co. of St.Louis arrived here, but the beginning work on the water supply well is being delayed, however, pending the action of the village board in regard to a new bond election. C.H.Curry accompanied his daughter Esther to Monmouth where she will return to college.

The Monmouth Atlas stated that the appraised value of animals slaughtered in Henderson County to check the spread of the hoof and mouth disease amounted to $16,765.87 and explained that the relative high value placed on the animals slain in comparison with those slain in other counties was owing to the fact that the pure blooded herd of A.J.Brent of Smithshire was included in the Henderson County appraisement. Nothing was said about the fine Polled Hereford herd of Mr. H.N. Vaughn of Stronghurst area which was no doubt more valuable than the Brent herd.

The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Gibbs, who lives north of Stronghurst, had the misfortune to fall and bite her tongue nearly off while playing about the house. A physician was called and it was found necessary to take several stitches in the injured member. The dedicatory services of the Media Public Schools will take place Jan.19th with Dr. McMichael, president of Monmouth College, delivering the address. Miss Vera Graham of Kirkwood will assist by doing some reading. In the evening an entertainment will be given.

Steve Holmes, whose home was two miles west of Hopper, died in the Burlington Hospital yesterday as the result of an accident which occurred something over a week ago. He was cleaning out an old shot gun and after heating the breech and as he thought, exploding all the charge of powder in the gun, applied his mouth to the muzzle and blew in the barrel. A second explosion occurred, resulting in terrible injuries to which he succumbed.

GLADSTONE: Miss Josephine Graham, the new post mistress, moved the post office from the John Ellison store into what was the barber shop; Mr. Ellison had been post master for a long time. Mr. Elmer Pence moved his barber shop across the street into a building he lately fixed up. Mr. Staats opened his new store, hoping to get his share of the trade.

OLENA: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dowell gave a farewell reception for Mr. and Mrs. Ed Carlson and family who are leaving for Minnesota. The home of Mr. Almond Gibson, who resides on the Clarence Richey farm east of the village, was saddened when the Angel of Death entered their home and took one of their twin boys, a babe of about three months. Interment was in the North Cemetery (Olena Cemetery). The school at Hopper is having an enforced vacation on account of illness of several of the children in the Waterman home which was pronounced by Dr. Bond as scarlet fever. County Supervisor, C.H. Curry, went down and placed the family under quarantine. The disease is in such a mild form that none of the children so far have been bedfast and all are hoping for their speedy recovery.

OBITUARY***JAMES H. McQUOWN DEAD: James H. McQuown, a former resident of Henderson County died at his home in Monmouth at the age of 85 years. As a salesman of nursery stock, Mr. McQuown during the later years of his life became known in most homes of this and adjoining counties. His early life was spent in the milling business near Biggsville and at Kirkwood. The family home for a long time was near South Henderson and it was in that cemetery that his remains were laid to rest. He is survived by a widow and two children: Scott B. McQuown and Mrs. J.H. Hogue, both of Monmouth.