The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1915
Stronghurst Graphic, Feb. 4, 1915
MARRIED IN STYLE: On Wednesday evening, Jan. 27th the "Maple Drive" home two and one-half miles south of town was the scene of the wedding Clelie Emily, only daughter of O. W. Beckett, to Clarence E. Combites.
Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, fifty guests responded to the invitation issued and promptly at eight o'clock, Mrs. John Peasley took her place at the piano and to the strains of Lohengrins wedding march, the bridal couple, unattended, wended their way to the southwest corner of the parlor where Rev. Bear of Dallas City, after a short but impressive ceremony, presented to the assembled guests Mr. and Mrs. Combites. The bride was very handsome in a dainty gown of white Crepe Meteor trimmed with chiffon and lace while the groom wore the conventional black.
Immediately after the ceremony a delicious three course wedding supper was served by Mrs. Balsley of Dallas City, caterer, most ably assisted by Mrs. Ethel Chandler, the Misses Orpha Veech, Dorothy Bainter, Maxine Lovitt, and Irene Bear, acting as waiters, the first four mentioned being cousins of the bride. Another interesting feature, at least to the unmarried guests, was a large Bride's Cake beneath whose snowy surface was hidden the mystic ring, imbued, so'twas said, with the power of foretelling who the next bride or groom might be. Miss Orpha Veech secured the much coveted prize, thus allaying any fears which she might have entertained in regard to her future.
The room was very prettily decorated with smilax and carnations, the color scheme being green and white. Mr. and Mrs. Combines were the recipients of many handsome and useful presents among them being a Haviland China dinner set, a gift from the uncles, aunts and cousins of the bride.
Guests from a distance were Charles Beckett of Carrollton, Mo., Mrs. Isaac Bothorff and Mrs. Mary Nevius of Golden, Colorado... The couple will make their home with the bride's father where the groom will engage in farming.
1890 Graphic: This issue gave a snapshot picture of the town since its 10 year existence. A careful census ascertained the following facts: number of dwelling in town, 57; number of business houses, 25; number of children under six years of age, 44; number of persons between 6-21 years, 82; number of heads of families, 66; number not classed as members of families, 22; entire population 290. Twenty-five business houses were in existence and in 1890 the following were still in operation: Harter Drugstore; T. J. Hunter, furniture; J. H. Baker, harness; and the State Bank.
QUARANTINE SITUATION: Mr. O. Augsperger, a U.S. veterinary inspector, has been making his headquarters in Stronghurst for several days past while he makes a final inspection to ascertain if conditions will admit of the raising of the "exposed area" quarantine now in force in Henderson County for foot and mouth disease. If he finds no new cases and instructions in regard to "cleaning up" in the place where the disease had obtained a foothold have been and are being carried, out, he will recommend that it be lifted. Mr. Augsperger received word from Governor Dunn that until further notice the holding of public sales in the county within 10 miles of an infected herd or premises was prohibited. He stated that conditions looked very favorable for the raising of the quarantine in this county.
GALBRAITH-SWANSON VOWS: Mr. Raymond Galbraith of Gladstone and Miss Ellen Swanson, daughter of Mrs. Anna Swanson, were united in marriage on Jan. 28 at the Swedish Lutheran parsonage by Rev. W. P. Anderson. The ceremony was witnessed by Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson, the latter being a sister of the bride.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: The ladies of the Stronghurst M. E. Church will hold their next tea in the basement parlors of the church. Those serving will be Mrs. Gilliland, Mrs. James Brewer, Mrs. John Salter, Mrs. C. N. Salter, Mrs. Henderson, and Mrs. Fordyce.
At a meeting of the county court held in Oquawka a petition for the levy of additional $25,000 to complete the work in Drainage District No.1 was ordered by Judge Murphy of Monmouth. This brings the total cost of the construction of this drainage district up to $233,000.
Ex-Sheriff Robert McDill has received an appointment through civil service commission as a guard in the immigration service and will be stationed on the Canadian line between Spokane and Tacoma, Wash. R. A. McKeown and family have moved into Stronghurst from their farm 3 miles south of town and are living in the Ivins property on the corner of Elizabeth and Dixson Streets. Chas. Huggins and family will locate on the McKeown farm.
Ed Parish created a lot of excitement last Friday evening by running amuck upon the streets of Stronghurst flourishing a revolver and uttering dire threats against "the English." He later made an attempt upon the life of his brother-in-law, Tom Morgan, in the Beardsley clothing store. On Monday, Ed plead guilty before W. E. Hurd to the charge of disorderly conduct and carrying concealed weapons and was fined $25 and costs.
DEATH OF HAROLD KROW: Harold Krow, a son of Mr. and Mrs. John Krow of Olena died at the family home of membranous croup. He was born Feb. 6, 1907, making him a little less than 8 years old at the time of his death. He is survived by his father and mother and 7 brothers and sisters, namely: Mary, Ruth, Margie, James, Rena, Francis and John. Funeral services were conducted at the home with interment in the Olena Cemetery.