The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1913
by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic, April 17, 1913
BOY CORN CONTEST: The Henderson Co. Farmers' Institute will give enough home bred seed corn for planting one acre to any boy in the county between 10 and 19 years old. They boy who raises the most bushels on his acre will be given a cash prize of $20, second $10, third $5 and fourth $2.50. The best ten ears selected from this acre and exhibited at the Teachers' and Farmers' Institute at Oquawka next December will be awarded each premium as follows: First $10, second $5, third $2.50 and fourth $1.
MICHAL DEAN PASSES AWAY: Michal Dean, a highly esteemed resident of Swan Creek Township, Warren County, where he had lived for the last 57 years, died at his home at the age of 97 years, 4 months and 21 days. The deceased was the father of Mrs. Mary Dixson and is survived by 5 other daughters and 2 sons. He is also survived by the aged wife to whom he was married over 71 years ago. Mr. Dean was the head of five living generations and his living descendants number eight children, nineteen grandchildren, eighteen great grand children and two great, great grandchildren. Funeral services were held at the home and the remains were interred in Point Pleasant Cemetery.
SURPRISED AT MARRIAGE: The many friends of Miss Minnie Dobbin, daughter of David Dobbin of Stronghurst, were completely surprised when the news was circulated early this week that she had been quietly married on the Saturday afternoon previous at Fort Madison, Ia., to Mr. Jesse V. Hise. Miss Dobbin, it seems, had not taken even her most intimate friends into her secret and when she left on the afternoon train for Ft. Madison, no one knew the object of the journey. The Fort Madison Evening Democrat of April 14th had the following account of the wedding:
"Mr. Jesse V. Hise of Wyaconda, Mo. and Miss Minnie Dobbin of Stronghurst, Ill., were united in marriage by Justice Joseph Buckler at his office at 4:30 p.m. Saturday, April 12, 1913. The attendants were Geo. Denning and Dallas MCannon of this city. The groom is a prominent young farmer of near Wyaconda and the bride is the daughter of a prominent family of near Stronghurst. They will make their home on a farm near Wyaconda..."
LIKE THEIR NEW HOME: R.C.Emmett, now the yard foreman for the A.T.&S.F.R.R. at Las Vegas, New. Mexico, has 27 Mexican laborers and 4 other foremen working under him. He says he has about 8 miles of track and over 300 switches to look after and that he enjoys the work and is rapidly regaining his health. As evidence, he states that he now tips the beam at 142 lbs. whereas he weighed but 117 lbs. when he left Illinois. He says that his wife and children, who joined him a few weeks ago, are also delighted with the country and climate. Bob thinks Las Vegas is an ideal town in which to live, says that they have band concerts in the park every evening and baseball every afternoon, also that they are within easy distance of the famous Hot Springs.( Living near this health resort was important to the citizen of the early 1900's as most people thought that "taking the waters" would cure all ills.) He says that the country is looking fine and that green "garden sass" is now a staple article of diet.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Get some mixed millet for your chickens from Dixson.
After an absence of four months spent visiting his mother in his native Sweden, Julius Danielson returned to Stronghurst. He brought the editor copies of the Ocean Times, a daily publication printed at sea on the steamship Baltic and edited by the Marconi Companies.
Oquawka Township voted on a township high school and the proposition carried by a majority of 36 votes. The walls of the new Morgan building on Broadway are beginning to rise.
Chas. Wheeling has been passing through a siege of pneumonia the last two weeks. C. H. Davis has broken ground for the erection of a new dwelling house on the street running east from his residence where he recently purchased some lots from C. E. Peterson.
Ernie Spiker came over from Burlington to work at his trade of house painting. After an absence of four years spent in Scotts Bluff, Neb., where he has a position in a clothing store, H. M. Lovitt is back in town visiting home folks.
T. Jeff Mooney, who was recently elected as janitor of the public school building in LaHarpe, has been arrested on the charge of selling intoxicating liquors to a couple of schools boys. The La Harpe Times intimates that the arrest may result in disclosures which will implicate some other citizens of the town who occupy high places in social and business circles. (ScandalÑtoday a paper would not dare to publish such an accusation.)
Wm. McIntire was exhibiting a strange water fowl which his son, Willis, had shot that morning in a pond on the place they occupy north of town. It was finally decided that it was a Great Northern Diver or Loon, an aquatic bird rarely found in this latitude. The plumage was beautiful and in size, it was about equal to the ordinary wild goose.
Dave Ragan came in from Stamford, Conn. on his annual vacation from his duties as a member of the fire department of that city. The Willing Workers of the U.P.Church will hold their regular dime social at the home of Mrs. L.E. Pogue. All ladies of the community are invited.
After a brief trial of the kind of work the village furnishes those who have fines to work out, Dick Barney who was assessed $90 and costs for being drunk and disorderly, concluded that the job was not to his liking and went on a strike. There seemed to be nothing to do but let him "lie it out" in the village calaboose and while the authorities were wrestling with the broad problem, some one came to their aid and simplified matters by smashing the lock of the bastile and allowing the prisoner to escape. Officials do not seem to be inclined to spend much money for telegrams in their efforts to locate the fugitive.
MEDIA MEANDERINGS: Some of the children in town are having, what is thought, to be the measles. Tilers are laying tile from the town well to the west end of town to drain the low section around the town well.
Miss Lucile Rankin, who was taken suddenly ill a couple of weeks ago, is reported as recovering slowly. At first thought to be appendicitis it was afterward found to be abscess on the kidneys and an operation would not be necessary. The town board is having a number of shade trees set out in town. In Gladstone diphtheria came be found at the homes of Mr. Meere's and Mr. Treehorn.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Dr. C. M. Wright of Paris, Ill. has been here teaching the care of horses. The Biggsville Gun Club are planning a big shoot here with some professional shots being on hand for the occasion. Chas. Whitman of Hanna, N. Dakota, has been visiting his brother Fred. The Thimble Club will meet at Mrs. H.T.Jackson's home. The Arcadian Society of the high school gave an entertainment, "The New Woman."
OLENA OBSERVATIONS: Several cases of measles in a light form are in the village. Dan, the third son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Burrell, has been very critically ill with appendicitis, but is now convalescing.
Mr. John Swanson is quite ill and is thinking of going to the hospital for treatment. Miss Barnett will close her school in the Marshall district Wednesday; Miss Kane will close her school in the Hopper district on Thursday; both have seven month terms.
H. S. Lant, who had previously passed a very creditable examination in the Civil Service, was called to Chicago by the chief clerk of railway mail service and qualified as a mail clerk and will be called to duty as his services are needed.