The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1915
Stronghurst Graphic, Feb. 18, 1915
BELGIAN RELIEF FUND: Mr. Ralph Butler, secretary of the local committee, has received a letter acknowledging the receipt of a check for $299.78, the amount raised locally. (Names of those who gave are printed in this same issue. If you desire to know who donated, go to the local library and read the microfilm for the above date.) The letter stated that the money would purchase yellow corn and that 20 carloads loads of that grain were now being negotiated for shipment to the starving Belgians. In addition, the Chicago committee had sent 11 cars of bacon, 4 cars of lard, 8 cars of pea beans, 2 cars of peas and 7 cars of flour.(A war was in progress in Europe.)
WEDDING BELLS: Miss Rosa Hoffeditz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Hoffeditz, and Mr. Henry Peterson of Ft.Madison were married Feb.16th in the Catholic church at that city. The groom is a section foreman on the Santa Fe.
1890 GRAPHIC: T. J. Hunter, Stronghurst's furniture dealer, had just purchased a hearse from R. Everett & Son of Kirkwood. (Mr. Hunter, obviously, was also the funeral director for that time period.)
At an enthusiastic meeting of old soldiers arrangements for the organization of a G.A.R post to be named in honor of Geo. W. Evans were completed, and money enough to secure a charter raised.
The question of a district school and a high school for Stronghurst was discussed at a public meeting and a committee of five were appointed to solicit funds for adding a room to be used for a high school. Isaac West, an industrious and useful citizen of Olena, died there at age 46 years.
FRANK BARNEY DIES: Frank Barney died at his home in Stronghurst where he had been lying partially paralyzed and in a semi-conscious condition for nearly a week prior to his death. Last fall while working in the timber Frank was badly hurt by being stuck by a large limb from a tree which he was felling. The worst injuries were in the spine and although he was afterwards able to get about, it was from the effect of the spinal injuries that he finally succumbed. Short services were conducted at the home and interment made in the village cemetery.
By this death five children, the oldest being but twelve years of age and the youngest not yet two, are left as orphans, the mother having died only a few weeks ago. The sad condition in which these little ones are left is somewhat mitigated by the fact that the mother and father carried life insurance policies aggregating the sum of $3000.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: C. H. Curry was over in Missouri buying cattle to feed. R. W. Rankin of Lakewood, N. Mexico, states that the most of the land which he owns there will become part of a big irrigation reservoir and that he will probably be obliged to relinquish it. If so he and his family will return to Illinois.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Powell of the west country are the happy parents of a fine 10 lb. girl. Lloyd Jones of Lomax, son of I. N. Jones, is organizing a class of piano music and expects to be at the J. F. Mains residence on Friday and Saturdays of each week to give instruction.
Ex-sheriff McDill has accepted a position under the government as a guard along the Canadian-Washington border. M. E. Beardsley was in attendance at a banquet held by the officials of the Silver Lake Hunting and Fishing Club at their new clubhouse 2 miles north of Carman.
Mr. Beardsley is the Vice-President of the club. John Brook, the 8 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Brook of the southeast neighborhood, was kicked in the face by a horse which he was leading to water. The little fellow had four teeth knocked out and was rendered unconscious by the blow, remaining in that condition for several hours. He is now getting along nicely.
Many friends and relatives met at the home of Mrs. Nancy Graham of Gladstone to remind her of her 81st birthday. Mr. Fred Rehling of Carman has accepted a position as cashier in the Lomax bank; he will have a public sale at his home east of town on Feb.19th.
Mr. and Mrs. George Fort of Olena have been quite sick with LaGrippe. Mrs. Burrell has been staying with them. Fred Johnson is now at his father's home having returned from Topeka, Kansas, where he was in the hospital. He had some foreign substance removed from his eye which was lodged there while answering a telephone message in the Stronghurst depot, where he is employed as a telegrapher.