The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1913
by Virginia Ross
Stronghurst Graphic, May 1, 1913
HE'S TAKEN A WIFE: Plainfield, Ill. Mrs. Emma Herren and James H. Baxter secured a license to wed in Joliet yesterday afternoon and it is probable that they were married in that city. Neither of the contracting parties could be reached and the whole affairs seems to have been a quiet steal away on their many friends in Plainfield. Mr. Baxter, formerly of Stronghurst, has been employed as an engineer by the Kersten & Smiley Grain Co. for the past several months. Mrs. Herren has lived in Plainfield all her life and is well known to nearly every person.
TERRE HAUTE BLACKSMITH DIES: The people of Terre Haute were shocked by the sudden death of M. A. Peasley, the blacksmith of the village, who was well known throughout the vicinity. About 1:30 p.m. a blaze was discovered in the roof of Mr. Peasley's shop, evidently occasioned by a spark from the forge or from the chimney of a neighboring dwelling, falling upon the dry shingles. A ladder was procured and with the aid of a number of citizens who quickly gathered, the blaze was soon extinguished by means of a few buckets of water. After the fire was out, Mr. Peasley began to investigate the extent of the damage. He was lying face downward on the roof with his feet resting against the ladder where it projected above the eaves of the building and he remained in this position for quite a length of time without moving; some one suggested that he had fainted.
Dr. Huckins, whose office is close by the shop, and Elsworth Wetterling went up the ladder to the prostrate man and found that he was unconscious. He was carried down the ladder and into the doctors office where every effort was made to resuscitate him, but in vain. The spark of life apparently had been extinguished as suddenly as had the blaze, and word passed around that Mr. Peasley was dead.
The doctor gave it as his opinion that heart failure was the cause of his death, but whether occasioned by the excitement of the fire or not he was unable to say. Those congregated at the fire stated that Mr. Peasley gave no evidence of very great excitement, and that he was evidently as cool and collected as any one present. It is quite probable that the exertion used in combating the fire brought on the attack which ended his life. Mr. Peasley was the stepson of Mrs. Catherine Peasley of Burlington and has a large circle of relatives and friends. He is survived by a wife and two children, consisting of a son, Francis aged 19, and a daughter, Ada aged 16. Mr. Peasley was about 52 years of age.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Elder Jordan of the LaHarpe Christian Church delivered his lecture, "Christ or the Pope, Which?" at the Stronghurst Christian Church. The attendance was not large as there were other public gatherings in town the same evening. The Stronghurst Military Band has arranged to give open air concerts regularly each Saturday evening. These concerts proved immensely popular last season and the announcement that they will be resumed will be hailed with delight.
ADVERTISEMENT: Opened A Pantatorium We clean and press men's clothing, also ladies skirts, dust coats, etc. Work guaranteed. We will also dye your old frocks to look like new, also portieres (a curtain hanging across a doorway), etc. and guarantee satisfaction. Give us a trial.ÑMrs. J. D. Smith, Stronghurst, IL. (This ad gives us a glimpse of 1913 life: ladies, you didn't buy a new dress every season; you just had the old one dyed. Obviously, portieres were popular in dividing rooms and with the coming and going of occupants would become soiled. Imagine, having a cleaners in Stronghurst!)
Rose Comb Rhode Island Red eggs for hatching. Special price on incubator lots, $3.50 per hundredÑA. A. Worthington, Media, IL.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. George Boughten, who live on the Edgar Rankin place. A deal was closed which T. W. Moore sold his farm on which he resides, adjoining Stronghurst on the north, to W. J. McKeown. John Swanson, who has been under treatment at the Galesburg hospital for pernicious anemia, was brought home. His condition is not improved and the malady has rendered him entirely helpless. Representative Werts of this county has been appointed chairman of the important committee on Farm Drainage.
Mrs. A. R. Brooks went to Fort Madison, being called there by the death of Capt. Asa Woodward, a relative of the family and one of the best known citizens of that Iowa city. Capt. Woodward was connected with the steamboat service on the Mississippi River for many years and was very highly esteemed by a large number of friends and acquaintances. His death was hastened by the passing of a beloved daughter a few weeks ago.
Five train men running on the Santa Fe between Ft. Madison and Chillicothe, have been taken into custody by special officers of the company and lodged in the county jail at Peoria, charged with the wholesale robberies of cars of merchandise, covering a period of six months past.
PROHIBITION NOTE: The Booze Was Drowned-Louisville, Ky. One of the incidents in the recent flood which was not disastrous to the general public was the loss of millions of gallons of booze which floated down the Ohio River when the Rugby Distillery collapsed and its product went to swell the high waters. About 5,000 barrels of the redeye, valued at $250,000, went where it couldn't hurt anybody except the fishes.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Miss Lulu Kessler's condition does not improve materially, and the doctors have advised an operation for the removal of gall stones. The patient will probably be taken to a Chicago Hospital next week. Clarence Brewer, the son of the late Albert Brewer of this area, has been making his home with his mother, now Mrs. Broadnax of Milton, Ia. The next monthly tea given by the Ladies Aid Society of the M.E.Church will be in the basement parlors of the church. Those who will serve are Mrs. W.W.Ross, Mrs. M.G.Lovitt, Mrs. Florence Beckett and Miss Clelia Beckett. All ladies of the community are invited. Hermon L. Upton died at the home of his son, Joseph Upton, of Sidney, Montana. The deceased was 86 years of age. The interment will be at Grundy Center, Iowa, where the family formerly resided.
Dallas City has for a long time been endeavoring to get the C.B.& Q. Railroad to build a new depot at that point...At a conference between the town officials and the road the latter promised to remodel and enlarge the present structure and furnish electric lighting and furnace heating. The proposition was accepted by the city council by a vote of 5 to l. O.H.Akin, who for a year and a half has been publishing the Kirkwood Leader, announced that he has sold the plant to Elmer G. Hull of Kahoka, Mo. who for the past six months has been connected with the Alexis Argus.
LOMAX LINGERINGS: Mr. Ayers invested in some of the Lomax soil lately. The Opheum Concert Co. of Burlington gave their entertainment here to a large crowd. A number of strangers are coming and going all the time from far and near and going away with praises and best wishes for our New City and most of them are leaving behind an investment which they expect to improve and occupy soon. The new photographer is putting up his building. Chas. Smith, Jr. of Dallas City will open up a meat market in the New City. The new bakery is doing a big business. The New City ball team played Carman and were defeated but are not in the least discouraged, for they think their time will come soon.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Mrs. Albert Caldwell from Aledo gave two readings each evening of entertainment given by local talent. When Albert Pearsons' returned from the play, two suits of Mr. Pearson's clothes and two gold watches and some money were missing. Also, their hired hand was gone so they supposed they both went together. The Cemetery Association gave a drama in four acts, six sharps and one flat. The principal characters were six girls, viz: Alma Pearson, Mrs. A.E.Robinson, Jane Gibb, Mabel Pearson, Ethel Ingstrum and Ida Glenn; they all did their part well.
MEDIA MEANDERINGS: Bert Gibson had the misfortune to have the end of one of his fingers cut off by having it caught in a cement mixer. Mr. Terry has started with his grocery wagon through the country. Seymore Curtis painted M. M. Peak's dwelling house; he is painting a barn for Tobe French this week. A new gasoline street light is being tried, which seems to be very successful. Mr. J.J.Smith and Zach Hathaway found a wolf den with seven cubs.