The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1915
Stronghurst Graphic, Feb. 11, 1915
COUNTY CONCERNS: States Attorney Hill of Burlington was in town trying to purchase land. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wisbey have been to Wetonka, S.Dakota where they visited their daughter Mrs. Ruby Marsden. The Arthur McIntyre family of Media vicinity are leaving for Iowa and the Guy Shaffer family left for parts unknown. From Gladstone area we hear that the little creek over by the Lyons place came up the highest ever known and one family had to move out of their home, the ice and water being very high.
BOND ISSUE PASSES: The desire for an adequate water supply system and better fire protection is growing stronger amongst the citizens of Stronghurst. This fact was clearly demonstrated by the vote upon the question of a bond issue, which was submitted for the second time to the legal voters of the village last Saturday. At the election held last October the bond issue proposition carried by a vote of 149 to 90. Last Saturday's election on the same proposition carried by a vote of 149 to 62.
The work on the well has progressed ; plans and specifications for the pumping plant and an elevated tank of 50,000 gal. capacity have been prepared and bids for construction of same advertised. The bonds will in all probability be sold within a week...
TRACK MEET DATE SET: The principals of the high schools composing the Warren-Henderson Secondary League, which includes Alexis, Biggsville, Kirkwood, Roseville and Stronghurst met at Monmouth and fixed the date for this year's meet as May 21st at Biggsville. It seems to have been mutually agreed by those who represent the other schools in the league that while it is desirable to have Stronghurst remain in the league because of the added interest it gives to the meets and because of the increase in gate receipts afforded, we are at the same time to be denied the privilege of having any meets held here.
The considerations of fair play which are usually supposed to have weight in the school contests themselves apparently are of little value to those who decide the question of the meeting places for the contests.
FINISHES INSPECTION: Dr.F O. Augsperger, the U.S.Veterinary inspector who has been working in this vicinity for the past two weeks, completed his inspection of all stock within a radius of 3 miles of the H.N.Vaughn place, where the foot and mouth disease gained a foothold last fall. He reports that he has inspected 117 premises, 2380 head of swine, 1740 head of cattle and 57 sheep and found nothing to indicate that the disease has not be stamped out in this territory. It may be of interest to some that the inspection revealed that are a total of 80 head of cattle and 206 hogs within the corporate limits of this village.
OBITUARY***ELIJA BEALL: Mr. Beall was born in Union County, Ohio, Jan.12, 1844 and died in Long Beach, Cal., Feb. 1, 1915. He came to Terre Haute, Ill., with his parents in 1853. In October of '67 he married Miss Albina Thayer and they moved to Clarinda, Ia., in 1881, the wife dying there in 1889.
He was a member of Company A 65th Ill. Inf. And was mustered out in Aug. 1865. The greater part of his life was spent in the mercantile business which he began as a clerk in a store at Terre Haute in 1858. He was a member of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Clarinda. Funeral services were held in Long Beach. He had lived in California for about 12 years. The remains where brought to Terre Haute by his brother, A. F. Beal of Long Beach and sister, Mrs. B. F. Woodruff of Greeley, Colo.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Charles Beckett is located in Carrollton, Mo. Floyd Clark who is employed in the Frans livery barn is carrying his left hand in a sling as the result of being kicked by a yearling colt which he attempted to lead out of a stall. The colt had never been handled before and became frightened when Floyd entered the stall and began kicking. Floyd grabbed a pole which was in the stall and attempted to use it to ward off the blows from the colt's hooves. He received a kick on the left hand which broke two or three of the small bones and will prevent use of the hand for some time.
Miss Bessie Dobbs has taken a position as a clerk in a Lomax store. Frank Barney has been lying almost completely paralyzed at his home for almost a week with but slight hope of recovery; the attending physician states that the end may come at any moment.
James Pendry and daughter Fern arranged for the Graphic to follow them to their new home near Dolliver, northern Iowa. Newt Hardin and family who have lived for several years in Loveland, Colo. have come to Stronghurst to make their residence. At present they are occupying rooms above the Jones grocery store, but intend to invest in property soon.
A spark from the chimney started a blaze on the roof of the house on North Mary Str. occupied by Oliver Woolford, but before the department could arrive, it had been extinguished by a small bucket brigade. Miss Genevieve Hicks is teaching school in Stark County. The Oquawka Journal says that a bill has been filed in the office of the circuit clerk to set aside the will of the late J. B. Lant.
The First National Bank people have been building a solid concrete base reaching from the basement floor to the floor level of their banking rooms to serve as a foundation for a new massive safe which they are soon to install. S.S.Rankin is lying at the point of death at the home of his daughter, Mrs. L.E. Pogue. Mr. Rankin's son, C.E. of Des Moines, Ia., and his daughter, Mrs. Jennie McArthur of Newton, Kan., are at their father's bedside.
GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: A bunch from town went to Oquawka Saturday evening on a hand car as the creek was up so they couldn't drive. Mr. C. I. Forward and son Frank were given the first degree in masonry. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gray gave a party at their country home featuring music, games, and an oyster supper.
Rev. French closed a week of meetings at South Henderson. Covert Bigger has bought a new driving horse. Old South Henderson Creek has been booming. Si and George Bigger of Carman are visiting the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Curtis, their sister.