Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.
Stronghurst Graphic, Nov 21, 1912
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Norwood at the J.N. Salter home where Mrs. Norwood has been visiting for a number of weeks. C.E. Peterson has sold his residence consisting of a house and 10 lots situated on Elizabeth St., north of the railroad, to Adam Cook of the Hopper neighborhood. A box social will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Carlson, south of town next Saturday at 7:30 p.m. The proceeds will fall to the Lutheran Church treasury. The Mr. Henry Wheatley family from Southern Missouri moved to Gladstone to make their home. Dr. W.J. Emerson, formerly of Carman, has moved to the New City at Lomax. The new hotel there opened for business last week and the new bank is expected to do so soon.
GOLDEN CALIFORNIA: Letter from W.M. Lant, Tulare, Calif.Ñ We are enjoying pleasant autumn weather with a dry season during the past year. Had no rain of any amount last winter and unirrigated crops were very poor except on moist land, and snowfall in the mountains was light, making irrigation water scarce. Notwithstanding this, there has been lots of hay cut and business is good. The creameries are paying out $100,000 per month in Tulare and that is just one item, there being many others things sold... Land is increasing in price and rapid development is taking place in the southwest part of the county where, five or six years ago, land was selling at $7 to $10 per acre. It had no water rights then, but now the same land is selling at $50 to $75, improved pumping plants are being put in and the land sown to alfalfa and renting from $10 to $15 per acre. There is an unlimited supply of water, the surface veins being only 8 to 12 feet underground... Land that was selling at $60 per acre in our neighborhood six year ago is selling now at $200... We had very few days when the mercury registered 100 degrees, and that is not as bad as 80 degrees in Illinois. Sunstrokes are very rare here. The whole of the San Joaquin and Sacramento Valleys are developing very rapidly and anyone wanting a home in California had better not delay as land will soon go beyond an ordinary man's price... ÑW.M.Lant
EAT WITH THE CEMETERY AID ASSOCIATION: The first annual Thanksgiving dinner given by the Stronghurst Cemetery Aid Association will be served in Harter's Hall on Nov. 28th. Dinner will be served anytime after 11:30 a.m. at the price of 35 cents to all. In the evening, oysters and other refreshments will be served at a charge of 25 cents. A program will be prepared for the entertainment of the evening diners.
HIT THE TRAIN RUNNING: A team of horses belonging to Fred Hamburg started to run away with a wagon loaded with coal near the depot and collided with a passing freight train with rather disastrous results, the horses being knocked down and dragged for some distance and the wagon and coal distributed along the track for several rods. No one was in the wagon as the driver, Harve Smith, Jr., was standing on the car from which the coal was being taken when the team became frightened and started to run. As they ran head on into the freight, which was moving pretty fast, their escape from death was rather remarkable. As it was, one of the horses was cut and bruised pretty badly but will probably survived the experience.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Postmaster J.F. Mains has been suffering with what the doctor diagnosed as a case of ptomaine poisoning. Mr. O.E. Burg of Dallas City has disposed of his residence and gone to the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas where he will engage in truck farming on an extensive scale. Ed Parrish is working in a tonsorial parlor at Dallas City (barber shop). Roy Roberts, the nephew of A.C. and H.M. Allison, is a reporter on the staff of the Kansas City, Mo., Star. The Lomax Herald reports that Dr. W.J. Emerson of Carman and Dr. J.W. Medley of Disco have decided to move their respective offices to the New City and erect a two story building in which they will open up an up-to-date drug store. J.M. Davier of Stronghurst has invented a bolt lock nut, which experts have declared to be one of the best inventions of the kind ever brought to their notice. Mr. Davier is considering a proposition to locate at Lomax and erect a factory for the manufacture of his invention.
Ralph Marshall is a little sore in spots. While driving along the road at a pretty lively clip, Mr. Marshall saw the tongue of the wagon in which he was riding dropped down and run into the ground making a catapult of the vehicle, which sent Ralph up into the air. He came down in the wagon and managed to retain his hold on the lines and stop the team. He considers himself lucky in escaping with only a few bruises.