The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1913
Stronghurst Graphic, August 7, 1913
STRONGHURST'S BIG DAY: Stronghurst's 9th Annual I.O.O.F. Picnic and Home Coming proved to be a very satisfactory event. On account of the extreme heat and dusty condition of the roads, the attendance was not up to that of some former occasions. The orators, Hon. Dean Franklin of Macomb and Hon. W.A. Hubbard of Carrollton made splendid speeches full of patriotic sentiment. They were at a great disadvantage, however, in being obliged to speak in the midst of a babel of confusing sounds arising from all sides and originating with the barkers for the side shows and refreshment stands and the shrill whistle of the merry go round. The acrobatic and gymnastic exhibitions which were given from the large platform in the center of the park were exceptionally good-all being high class.
The various drills given by a company of young girls under the direction of Mrs. Effie Gristy were especially pleasing to the crowds. The side shows ran largely to snakes, there being not less than three places on the grounds where these reptiles were loudly advertised. The doll and cane racks, striking machines, souvenir stands and "your picture while you wait" concerns all did a more or less thriving business and gathered in the usual harvest of shekels. All were appreciated but also the chance to meet and greet friends from a distance and to have social converse with old acquaintances was another draw.
A lively interest was centered around the "queen" voting contest and an immense throng gathered about the platform on Saturday afternoon to see the successful contestant crowned and the diamond and ruby rings presents. Past Grand Master W.A. Hubbard performed the crowning ceremony and placed the golden fillet upon the head of Miss Opal Stine, who had received the highest number of votes. The beautiful diamond ring was presented to her too. Mr. Hubbard then presented ruby rings to Miss Mary Hicks and Miss Helen Wheeler, who stood second and third respectively in the contest.
Mr. Hubbard was assisted by Addis Hicks, Maxine Mains, Alice Wax, Lucile Jones, and Agnes Kirby. The three recipients were attended by 50 young girls in beautiful costumes. After the ceremony which had been staged by Mrs. Gristy, the whole party was given a free ride about the town in autos.
A feature which added to the success of the two days picnic was the excellent music furnished by the Stronghurst band. The boys made their first appearance in their handsome and natty new uniforms of white with black braid trimmings. Taken altogether the picnic was one of the most successful held so far.
***OBITUARY***MRS. EMELINE THARP: Mrs. Emeline Tharp, the widow of William Tharp, who was one of the pioneer business men of Henderson County and who engaged for many years in the mercantile business at Raritan, died at the home of her daughter Mrs. Henry Wornam at Mayfield, Kan. Mrs. Tharp was upward of 82 years and is survived by her daughter Mrs. Wornam and two sons, Harvey and William. The remains were brought to Stronghurst on the train and taken to Raritan where after a short service were interred in the family lot in the cemetery.
***WILLIAM LOVITT*** Wm. Lovitt died at his home in Topeka, Kan. Saturday morning, July 26 after a brief illness. Mr. Lovitt was born July 17, 1825 in Licken County, Ohio and was 88 years old at the time of his death. He married Mary A. Cooksey in 1849 and in 1855 moved to Henderson County, Ill., and was one of the pioneer farmers of this section of the state. He moved to Kansas in 1891 and had lived in Topeka for 10 years. He is survived by his aged wife to whom he had been married for 64 years and by the following children: Mrs. C.A.White of Topeka, Kan.; L.S.Lovitt of Topeka; Mrs. W.A.Rogers of Omaha, Neb.; W.R.Lovitt, Hazard, Neb.; G.A.Lovitt, York, Neb.; F.S. Lovitt, Ravenna, Neb.; Mrs. S.E. McLimans, Hot Springs, S.D.; William Lovitt, New England, N.D.; P.T. Lovitt of Stronghurst, Ill. He is also survived by his aged brother O.P. Lovitt of Stronghurst.
P.T.Lovitt who left for Topeka upon receiving the news of his father's death writes: "We laid father away in Mt. Hope Cemetery, 3 1/2 miles from Topeka on Tuesday at 2 p.m. The funeral services were held at the house, 1022 Polk St. Mt. Hope contains about 500 graves and is a beautiful place. Father was sick only about eleven days but suffered considerably. He was conscious up to the last two days and after that only at intervals. The last words he ever uttered were when they took his cane from his bed when he said, "I guess my cane will get a good long rest." He soon afterwards fell asleep and never returned to consciousness. We were all here at the funeral. We had not been together for 36 years. Some did not know the others when they met. I have one sister who lives at Hot Springs, S. Dak., whom I had not seen for 32 years and we did not know each other at first. Father's funeral was postponed one day for brother William of North Dakota to reach here; he arrived the evening before the funeral.
The mercury has registered from 92 to 104 during my stay so far and the hot winds are something awful. The grass has all turned brown and will burn anywhere. I will not come home for a few days as I want to help my dear old mother some and visit my sister whom I had not seen for so many years."
***MRS. LUTHER OGDEN***Mrs. Luther Ogden died at the family residence in Stronghurst Aug.2 after an extended period of suffering from cancer of the stomach. Mary was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lynch and was born in Ireland something like 47 years ago. After coming to this country the family lived on a farm northeast of Raritan where the deceased spent her early womanhood. She was married to Luther Ogden about 31 years ago and they have made their home in Stronghurst for the last 21 years. She is survived by her husband, her son Charles of this place and her daughter Mrs. Ada Miller of Oskaloosa, Ia. There are also living two sisters, Mrs. Wm Sexton of Washington, Ia. and Mrs. Margaret Ingstrom of Nebraska. A half brother James Tierney, living near Media also survives her. Brief memorial services were conducted at the home Monday evening and the funeral was held at the same place the next day. Interment was in the village cemetery.
***MRS. ELIZABETH DEAN***Mrs. Elizabeth Gibson Dean was born on the old home place one mile east of Olena May 22, 1838. She passed away at her home in the village July 30, 1913, aged 75 years, 2 months and 8 days. She united in marriage to James H. Dean, Nov.6, 1856. To this union 5 children were born, 3 of whom with her husband have passed on before to the future life. Those left to mourn the blessed memory of a kind and loving mother are her son Allie Dean and Mrs. Mattie Hult of Olena...Her funeral was held at her home and the remains were taken to the north cemetery where they were laid to rest.
SOMETHING NEW: On Thursday evening, Aug.14th the Lyric Theater will be in charge of the Y.P.C.U. of the Stronghurst Besides the regular three reels of picture films, special features consisting of vocal and instrumental musical numbers, etc. will be provided. Everyone is invited to come out and help along a good cause. Admission is ten cents.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Oils for the auto, cream separator, gas engine and all farm machinery at Dixon's. Mary Montieth who suffered an attack of appendicitis was taken to a Galesburg hospital for an operation; the patient is reported to be recovering nicely. One of Fred Hamburg's teams with which Norton Marshall was hauling cobs created some excitement in town by running away throwing the driver out, wrecking the wagon, and while running free colliding with another rig tied to the hitching rack north of the Reynold's restaurant and piling up in a heap in the middle of the street. The damage done was not very extensive. Sheriff McDill, Frank Wilson and Roy Schlotzhauer are touring the county serving court summons.
The Macomb and Northern railroad project which recently exhibited some signs of convalescence, is again reported by the Macomb papers to be at the point of dissolution. Lack of finance is given as the cause of the present precarious condition of the project. Guy Roberts and wife of Kansas City visited at the J.F.Mains home. Mr. Roberts who has been special livestock agent for the A.T.&S.F. railroad there for the past 20 years has resigned his position with that company and accepted that of traveling solicitor for the Geo. E. Rice Commission Co. of Kansas City. Rev. L.P. Bear and Oscar Beckett left for Jonesboro, Ark. where they will investigate the Otwell's Farmer Boy colony. Friends have received word of the death at Horace, Kans. of Mrs. Henry Wever, a former resident of the Olena neighborhood.
A young man by the name of Ed Kelcher, whose home was in Plainville, Kan., was drowned at Oquawka Saturday evening. The unfortunate young man was returning to Oquawka from Burlington on the steamer Blair and fell from the lower deck of the boat into the river about 400 yards from the landing. Mr. E.A.Davis and wife of Decorra vicinity have gone to Rochester Minn. to investigate the growth in his throat which he hopes to have removed.
A special train will leave Carman Aug.15 for Barnum & Bailey circus at Burlington. The regular train with 4 extra coaches will leave at the usual time 10:13 and return leaving Burlington in the morning in time to witness the Grand Street Parade.