The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1913 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.

Stronghurst Graphic, January 9, 1913

SOIL EXPERT FOR THE COUNTY: Scientific methods in soil treatment to secure better crops and business management in farming, to eliminate waste and insure larger returns on capital invested are questions which are just now claiming the attention of thinking people throughout the country... Illinois is taking her place in the front ranks in the new movement, and a number of counties in the state have already perfected plans looking toward the establishment of an improved system of agriculture within their borders. Soil experts have been employed at regular salaries to give advice to the farmers in regard to handling the soil, rotation of crops, fertilizing, and the many other matters which enter into the farming problem.

Preliminary action looking to the adoption of similar plans for this county were taken when the officers of the Henderson County Farmers' Institute met at Media and decided to start a campaign to stimulate concerted action in this matter. It was decided to bring into the county someone familiar with the methods and plans being adopted in other places and who would also be able to explain the benefits which would accrue by having in their midst an agricultural and soil expert who would devote his whole time to the county's interest, giving advice, conducting soil tests, pointing out effective methods of dealing with insects and other pestsÑin short acting in the capacity of soil doctor for the community...

DRAINAGE DISTRICT SETTLES WITH CRYSTAL LAKE CLUB: An amicable settlement of differences between both parties had held up the beginning of work on drainage District No. 1 lying between the C.B.&Q. R.R. and Henderson Creek. The project will now be speedily pushed to completion. The main objectors seems to have been the members of the Crystal Lake Club, which is composed mainly of Burlington sportsmen who own about 2900 acres of swamp land in the proposed drainage district. They concluded that they would rather retain this as hunting and fishing ground than have it reclaimed for farming purposes. They further objected to being assessed at the rate per acre agreed upon by the commissioners as necessary to carry out the project. The terms of the settlement are that 1500 acres of the club grounds are to be a part of the assessed lands in the district and 1400 are to be exempted and used as a hunting and fishing preserve. The Burlington nimrods and disciples of Isaac Walton will thus be able to indulge themselves in their favorite past times and at the same time Burlington merchants be made happy by the sight of a vast tract of contiguous territory which has hitherto been uninhabited and unproductive, being transformed into a beautiful farming section.

The plans provide for a new channel for Henderson Creek and for a levee from the south shore of this creek to the railroad bridge at Burlington. There are some 9000 acres in the district and the estimated cost of the drainage work in $221,000. The commissioners are B.L. Ditto, J.Y. Whiteman, and Samuel Stevenson.

OLENA CEMETERY ASSOCIATION: The old North Cemetery at Olena has been taken over by an association organized under the laws of the state and at a recent meeting the following officers and trustees were elected: Pres., J.W. Brook; Treas., Richard Marshall; Trustees, J.W. Brook, John Marshall, Thomas White, S.W. Black, C.H. Curry, Marcellus Galibraith. An endowment fund has been started, and it is hoped that this will be gradually increased by those who have loved ones buried there. (This cemetery along with all those in Stronghurst Township is maintained by a tax base today.)

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Grady Fort and Will Marshall returned from a 10-day trip through Western Iowa and Eastern Nebraska. The Stronghurst Cigar Co. reports that the demand for their cigars is growing, which justifies their claim for putting out strictly high grade goods at reasonable prices. The orders which they have booked will make it necessary to increase the working force of the plant. Frank Kessler is calling on friends in preparatory to starting on a voyage to New Zealand where he will be in the employ of a telephone company for a period of two years. He has had a position with the automatic Electric Co. of Chicago. Mrs. A.E. Kessler has returned to Stronghurst to become a village resident once again since Frank is leaving.

The Drover's Journal reported the following sales of cattle by Stronghurst feeders: William Hartquist was here Wednesday with five loads of cattle of his own feeding and sold 48 Angus steers at $9.15, averaging 1354 lbs., and 60 Shorthorn steers at $8.80, averaging 1366 lbs. I.H. Brokaw was on Wednesday's market with one load of cattle which sold at $8.90, averaging 1363 lbs.

Earl Abbey of Biggsville died at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.E. Abbey, Friday morning. He had been a sufferer from diabetes for the past two years, but his condition was not considered serious until a few hours before he passed away. Interment was made at the Kirkwood Cemetery.

The best bobsled is the Oscillator; Dixson has them in stock. The residence of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wright at Smithshire burned to the ground early yesterday morning. The family was absent at the time, and it is supposed the fire was caused by a defective flue. The building was owned by Joe Staley and was insured for $400. The Home Milling Co. of Lomax is now placing their products on the market. Their specialty is a whole wheat breakfast food which they claim to be especially nutritious and healthful. The Raritan Reporter states that there is a rumor abroad that E.L. Tobie, the promoter of the proposed St. Louis, Macomb, and Northern Railroad which was to have Stronghurst as a terminal point and for which bonds were subscribed last summer, has sold out to the Milwaukee Road and that the latter will build the new line with their own money and return the bond subscriptions. Perhaps, the rumor is true; you cannot generally, sometimes always, and pretty nearly never tell about those railroad propositions. (Railroad proposal were always popping up soliciting money from locals and then not materializing.)

Dixson has three horse wagon eveners in stock. (Can anyone explain this device?) Miss Martha Brokaw, who is engaged in mission work in California, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Gertrude Brokaw. California has been having the coldest weather experienced there for many years and the damage to the fruit crop by frost will be in the millions. $5 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the parties shooting down the road notice on the hill west of Stronghurst, C.R.A. Marshall, Com. (Times change, but do they really?)

W.H. Allison and wife, W.J. McKeown and wife, Miss Ora Burner, A.C. Yaley, G.M. McGaw, Allen Annegers, Walter Dobbin, John Porter and J.F. Main formed a party of excursionists who left for a trip in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas. The party boarded a special train of Pullman coaches, which was made up at Galesburg and stopped here to take them on. It will convey them to Kansas City, where they expected to board the special train of the Star Land Co., which will carry them to the famous winter garden district of the U.S. and back. They will enjoy all the comforts and conveniences of a modern hotel.

NEWS OF THE COUNTY: Homer Stevenson of Gladstone was burned pretty badly by the stopper of the washing machine getting out while the machine was full of hot water. Miss Essie Ditto is spending her vacation at Keithsburg and Seaton. Virgil Davis', of Olena, youngest son is quite sick. Mr. George Fort is erecting a new house on his farm which when completed will be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Will Hicks. Will Marshall has entered Elliot's Business College at Burlington and his sister, Miss Lura, has gone to Normal where she will take a course in Domestic Science. Silas Dowell is quite sick with pneumonia at the home of his son, Clarence, who lives northwest of Hopper.