The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1914
Stronghurst Graphic, October 22, 1914
CAMPAIGNING 1914 STYLE: The republican meeting held in the village last Saturday evening showed that people are taking an interest in things political this fall and will make their power felt at the polls in November. Previous to the hour set for the meeting, the crowd enjoyed a carnival of music by the Colusa, Ill. band, a fife and drum corps recruited in the county, and the Stronghurst band. The services of the latter were used to attract a crowd to the Lyric theater where a picture show was given. At eight o'clock a good audience gathered in the opera house and listened to several more selections by the Colusa band after which all the republican candidates for county offices were presented in turn and briefly stated their purposes concerning the administration of the offices for which they were candidates.
W.J.Graham of Aledo, candidate for state legislature, was then introduced and without abuse or ridicule of any other party presented the republican standpoint on the issues. The address was closely followed by the audience which included many democrats and progressives and none could help but feel when they went away that they had listened to a presentation of facts and real argument rather than to a mere partisan harangue. At the conclusion, Senator Frank Landee gave a short speech detailing his work in the senate. He cited his endorsement by the legislative voters league, the anti-saloon league, the W.C.T.U. and similar organizations as evidence of the high stand he had always taken on the great moral issues and offered his record as his best argument for re-election. The Stronghurst meeting closed the series of meeting held in the south end of the county and the candidates separated here to return to their respective homes before taking up the work in the north end...
A PRENUPTIAL SHOWER: About 20 of her intimate young lady friends gave a miscellaneous shower last Saturday at the home of Mrs. Douglas Prescott to Miss Laverna Dixson whose marriage to Mr. John H. Peasley is announced to take place this evening at 8 o'clock. The affair was arranged by Mrs. Prescott and Miss Clelia Beckett who had decorated the house of the hostess with yellow and pink flowers and served a dainty luncheon. Miss Dixson was the recipient of many handsome and useful gifts. The sewing of rags for a carpet for the bride-to-be occupied part of the time of the afternoon.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Mr. and Mrs. W.C.Regan are moving into their handsome and well appointed house which has just been completed. M.E.Beardsley, N.E.Curry, Homer Weddington and a gentleman by the name of Goodis, who is a traveling representative for the Kingsbury Hat Co., are enjoying a week's outing and duck shooting at Burlington Island in the Mississippi River a few miles below Carman. They left town with a complete camping outfit and plenty of artillery, ammunition and decoys and were anticipating a royal time.
The annual Thank Offering of the Stronghurst U.P.Church congregation was taken at the close of worship and amounted to something over $71. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Prescott moved from the Veech property in the east part of town to the house recently vacated by the Regan family across the street from the U.P. Church. J.Bert Watson of Fort Collins, Colo., is here visiting his son Harley of Peoria. John Rickles, 17 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rickles of Olena, had the misfortune to have an ankle broken while rolling a log at a saw mill where he was working. The Prairie Farmer in its Oct.15th issue had a good write up of the Henderson County Horse Show. Mr. K.E. Yoakam from Brimfield, Il., has opened a watch making and repair shop in the room of the Chant building formerly occupied by A. Waugh.
An advertising automobile of the Quaker Oats Co. attracted considerable attention on the streets yesterday. There was a large glass dome on the car, containing a device showing how the products are "shot from guns." A continuous shower of puffed rice was thrown upward several feet within the dome from the muzzle of what looked like a small brass cannon. Mr. and Mrs. John Crane of Lomax were almost victims of a dastardly deed; someone attempted to burn the residence occupied by the family. A gunny sack filled with inflammable material and saturated with kerosene was placed against a wooden porch attached to the house and kerosene had also been thrown over the enclosure of the porch and a match applied. The barking of a dog, which had been aroused by the incendiary, attracted the attention of Mrs. Crane, who happened to be up attending to Mr. Crane, who is an invalid. The fire was extinguished before any considerable damage had been done.
A tenement house on the J.C.Brook farm occupied by Leonard Polson and family was burned to the ground. The fire started about 3:30 and is supposed to have originated from sparks from a chimney. Mrs. Polson and a babe were the only persons at home when it started and help arrived too late to save more than about half of the household effects. Mr. Polson carried no insurance and the loss is a severe one to the family.
Lee Porter and Miss A. Cartwright were married at Galesburg and will go to housekeeping in his house north of Lomax. Walter Scott and Grace Nixon completed the bridal party and also partook of the wedding supper at the parental home. In Carman Wm. Crose sold his property and livery barn to Lou Bagles; Mr. Crose is moving to the Jas. Edmonds property. In Media Mrs. O.P.Colegrove lost about 50 quarts of fruit from her cellar. (Some thief stocked up.) Mr. Walter Hazen has purchased Joe Smith's blacksmith shop and is moving his household goods into the rooms above the shop.